====== Configuration Setting: fnencode ====== DokuWiki stores the content of a page in a .txt file named after the page's name. To avoid problems when the pagename contains special characters or non-ASCII letters and the underlying file system doesn't support them, DokuWiki uses an encoding mechanism. Which mechanism is used can be configured with this setting. * Type: String * Default: ''url'' * Possible values: * ''url'' -- use URL encoding, can produce very long filenames * ''safe'' -- use more compact encoding (recommended) * ''utf-8'' -- use no encoding at all and store filenames in UTF-8 {{:config:warning.png }} **Warning**: Changing this option could cause unintended behaviour. By changing it you can make pages created under a previous setting inaccessible. Please also note that storing UTF-8 filenames might not be possible with all file systems. Windows systems have been reported to not work with this setting. (See [[#discussion]] below). ''url'' encoding for non-latin languages makes filenames too long and this can cause a problem for systems that are limited to 255 characters per filename. That is why it is better to use ''safe'' encoding for non-latin languages, which is approximately 60% shorter than ''url'' encoding. ===== See also ===== * [[:config:|Configuring DokuWiki]] * [[:UTF-8]] * [[deaccent|Encoding of page names in URL]] ===== Discussion ===== ==== On migrating in Windows to PHP 7.1 ==== * PHP has UTF-8 support for Windows since PHP 7.1. To convert "gibberish" utf-8 file names in Windows, created by previous versions of PHP, see this tool: https://github.com/chang-zhao/encoding * To enable UTF-8 on windows servers, **PHP 7.1 or higher is required**. Notice that [[install:dokuwiki_on_a_stick|DokuWiki on a stick]] comes with MicroApache and PHP 5, which should be updated manually from [[ https://github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki-stickbuilder/issues/2|the official repo]] or [[https://usbwebserver.yura.mk.ua|other WAMP distributions]].