====== Which License is DokuWiki Under? ======= :?: I'm a little bit confused about the license of [[:DokuWiki]]. Can I use it on a commercial website? The short answer is yes. But let's explain it a little bit: in fact there are two licenses. One for the //software// called DokuWiki and one for the //content// in the DokuWiki installation at [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/|www.dokuwiki.org]]. ===== DokuWiki Software ===== :!: The one that is probably the one you are interested in, is the one for the //software//. It's the **GNU General Public License** (or shorter: GPL). This means (simply spoken): You get some rights: - You get the software and the sourcecode - You are allowed to use the software in any way you like - You are allowed to change the sources to your needs But you have to accept these terms: - There are __no guarantees__ of any kind - if it breaks anything for you then it's your problem. ((Of course you can kindly ask for help. ;-))) - If you want to redistribute the software you need to do this under the terms of the GPL, which means you have to redistribute the full sourcecode (including your modifications) too. - You may __not__ redistribute the software and say you wrote it all yourself - but that is pretty obvious anyway isn't it? ===== Contents of dokuwiki.org ===== :!: The second license applies to all the //content// which is created here in the DokuWiki at www.dokuwiki.org. It is licensed under the **Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike license** (abbreviation: CC-BY-SA). Again a simple explanation: Again you get some rights: - You may of course read the content - You may change the content - You may redistribute the content in its original or changed form If you agree to the terms: - If you redistribute you have to do it under the same terms - If you redistribute the content you have to say who the original author is - In the case of this wiki it's enough to give the originating URL and name the author as //DokuWiki Community// ===== More Info ===== For further information about the licenses see * [[http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html|Frequently Asked Questions about the GNU GPL]] * [[http://creativecommons.org/learn/|Creative Commons — learn more]]