====== Old Changelogs ====== This page contains changes on older [[DokuWiki]] releases. The complete changelog for the current [[development|Development Version]] is available through the [[devel:git|git]] [[https://github.com/dokuwiki/dokuwiki|Repository Browser]]. A [[changes|changelog of recent releases]] is on a different page. ===== Release 2014-09-29d “Hrun” ===== * It's now possible to customize single strings of the [[localization#changing_some_localized_texts_and_strings_in_your_installation|localization]] * New history function to see how a wiki looked at a certain time (no user interface yet, details at [[date at]]) * Security fix for AD/LDAP auth plugin related problem ([[http://www.freelists.org/post/dokuwiki/Fwd-Dokuwiki-maybe-security-issue-Null-byte-poisoning-in-LDAP-authentication|Details here]]) * Some caching in the database auth plugins * Improved CLI interface for better command line tools * Support for external Audio/Video sources * Various improvements and bug fixes Note: When you had disabled the [[config:compress|'compress' config setting]], you would enable it again since this release. === Hotfix === * Hotfix 2014-09-29a: fixes for login problems caused by certain PCRE versions and changes in the recent Chrome release * Security Hotfix 2014-09-29b: prevents XSS attack via SWF uploads * Security Hotfix 2014-09-29c: fixes privilege escalation in RPC API * Security Hotfix 2014-09-29d: fixes a XSS vulnerability in the user manager ===== Release 2014-05-05e “Ponder Stibbons” ===== * [[plugin:Extension]] Manager * [[wiki:syntax#supported_media_formats|Audio & video]] support * New and more file icons (as e.g. seen on [[:mime]]) * Show login form at denied access * Show a domain dropdown when [[plugin:authad#other_options|multiple AD domains]] are configured * Added user page linking by adding the [[config:showuseras]] config option: "Full name as interwiki user link". Configurable via the [[interwiki]] configuration * Added a more versatile Revision selection to the diff page of articles * :!: Fallback of old date format removed: early wikis need to update their [[config:dformat]] config setting :!: When the layout seems broken, you may be affected by an [[issue>683|issue in the CSS compressor]]. Please try disabling the [[config:compress|'compress' config setting]]. === Hotfix === * Security Hotfix 2014-05-05a for [[issue>765|Issue 765]]. * Security Hotfix 2014-05-05b for AD/LDAP auth plugin related problem ([[http://www.freelists.org/post/dokuwiki/Fwd-Dokuwiki-maybe-security-issue-Null-byte-poisoning-in-LDAP-authentication|Details here]]) * Security Hotfix 2014-05-05c: prevents XSS attack via SWF uploads * Security Hotfix 2014-05-05d: fixes privilege escalation in RPC API * Security Hotfix 2014-05-05e: fixes a XSS vulnerability in the user manager ===== Release 2013-12-08 “Binky” ===== * improved random generator for more secure passwords * Added capability to import and export users in [[plugin:usermanager|User Manager]] via CSV files * Implemented [[devel:less|LESS]] compiler for CSS * The old [[template:default|'default' template]] was removed :!: * Users can delete their own account now * Improvements for RTL languages/scripts, accessibility (WAI-ARIA) and [[:farms]] * Many, many translation updates and smaller bugfixes ===== Release 2013-05-10a “Weatherwax” ===== * Introduction of [[devel:Auth Plugins]] :!: If you used an authentication backend, you will need to adjust your [[config:authtype]] configuration by prefixing it with ''auth''. Eg ''mysql'' becomes ''authmysql'' and ''plain'' becomes ''authplain''. A compatibility mechanism will smooth upgrade, but care should be given to update your settings and test your wiki after the upgrade. * This release finalizes our jQuery migration and the deprecated compatibility functions were removed. :!: this might break plugins that have not been updated for the last year * Various updates and fixes to the new template introduced in Adora Belle, especially to mobile mode * Refactored email subscriptions * Upgrade to jQuery 1.9.0 and jQuery-UI 1.9.2 * Refactored tar file library * A security enhancement for fetch to reduce its susceptibility to DDOS attacks. :!: Plugins which use fetch to display images and construct their own urls maybe be incompatible with the change - [[devel:weatherwax_fetchchange_plugins|list of affected plugins]] * removal of [[plugin:info#infoversion|~~INFO:version~~]] * The hotfix released 2013-06-16 contains the following fixes * Several fixes related to the new Auth-Plugins (especially LDAP, AD and MySQL) * Improvements to the random password generator and introduction of [[devel:event:auth_password_generate|AUTH_PASSWORD_GENERATE]] * Better password reset tokens * A fix for image rescaling (Precondition failed problem) * A fix related to Internet Explorer's compatibility mode ===== Release 2012-10-13 “Adora Belle” ===== **Usage enhancements** * A [[template:dokuwiki|new default dokuwiki template]] is distributed with this release. This new template is HTML5 compliant and comes with sidebar and mobile support. The old template is still available with this release, but will be deprecated. :!: The new template is activated by default. Special thanks to Clarence Lee for the initial design. * The TOC and the search results have been rewritten and improved. This impacts templates: :!: all templates need to be adjusted to work properly. See [[github>d5acc30d]] and [[github>91b05b6b]] for details of the changes and what needs to be done in each template. * Several fixes and enhancements have been made to the media manager * RTL has been given some particular attention * Several fixes of the subscription mechanism have been integrated **Setup & Administration** * Multiple LDAP servers is now available * Wiki farms is in the core of DokuWiki: all the farm code is grouped in a farm.php file which can be included through the preload.php to activate farming * ACL now support a %GROUP% wildcard. This works like the %USER% wildcard, but for groups. :!: %USER% and %GROUP% cannot be mixed on an ACL line * Notification mail are now sent as HTML formatted mails. :!: This feature is enabled by default. * Resending password has been reworked. :!: Now DokuWiki honors the autopasswd setting: passwords are resent if $conf['autopasswd'] is enabled. If $conf['autopasswd'] is disabled a token is sent allowing password reset. Theses tokens are valid only during a limited time. * XMLRPC settings in the config file are renamed: xmlrpc and xmlrpcuser become remote and remoteuser. :!: You *must* rename these settings in your local.php config file if you were using them. * Added support for local [[devel:css#style.ini]]s **Integration & Development** * Several fixes when using Active Directory as backend * DokuWiki now uses PHPUnit as its test framework * Sidebar inclusion is now provided in the new default template. (The Release Candidate included a ''tpl_sidebar()'' which was removed again to avoid conflicts with many popular templates.) * The DOKU_TPL* constants are deprecating: :!: template authors are encouraged to integrate that change. * [[devel:releases|More details about changes]] related to programmers. **And also** * Over 20 language updates * Over 60 issues were fixed ===== Release 2012-01-25c “Angua” ===== **Usage enhancements** * Version handling of media files, just like pages. Old versions are saved and change history available in "recent changes" list as well as in RSS. This and the new media manager are the result of the Google Summer of Code project of Kate Arzamastseva. :!: Be careful when upgrading, some directories need be created (see [[:install:upgrade]]) * Drag & drop support in media manager to speed up adding new files (only works in Firefox and Chrome). And improved multiple file upload (only works in Firefox, Chrome and Safari). This was made possible by replacing the old flash uploader with [[http://valums.com/ajax-upload/|valums Ajax Upload]]. * A powerful, AJAX-enhanced [[fullscreen_mediamanager|fullscreen media manager]] is introduced in addition to the standard pop-up manager. :!: All templates must be updated to support the new manager. :!: Template authors need to [[template:starter:changes|add a media manager button and CSS]]. **Setup & Administration** * Better farming with cascading configuration for plugin enabling/disabling, this was developed as part of the new extension manager Google Summer of Code project of Piyush Mishra. (see [[tips:farm|farm]] & [[config]]) * Performance enhancement by using data uris. This will transfer small images together with the CSS, thus reducing the number of needed HTTP requests and avoiding the HTTP header overhead. Turn on [[:config:cssdatauri]] for a more efficient install. **Integration & Development** * The core code now uses the [[http://jquery.com/|jQuery]] JavaScript framework offering powerful features to plugin & template developers. The old, now deprecated JavaScript API is kept for plugin compatibility. Plugin and template authors are encouraged to migrate their JavaScript code to use jQuery instead of the old API ([[devel:jqueryfaq|jQuery FAQ]]). * XML-RPC has been polished fixing some auth & login issues. * [[devel:releases|More details about changes]] related to programmers. **Finally** * 25 reported issues were fixed. * Various smaller bug fixes and enhancements. * Thank you Kate and Piyush for their GSoC work and to Google for sponsoring it! **Hotfixes** * XSS security issue [[bug>2561]] * XSS security issue [[bug>2487]] ===== Release 2011-05-25c “Rincewind” ===== * :!: The safe method for [[config:fnencode]] [[bug>2197|changed]]; be careful when upgrading a wiki with this setting (especially on windows) * IPv6 support * Inline diff displaying * More password hash formats (WordPress, Django) * Custom prefixes for [[config:mailprefix|mail subjects]] * Support for [[localization#changing_localized_texts_in_your_installation|custom language strings and translations]] * Security enhancements for cookie handling * Introduced a [[metadata]] index * Improvements for handling Asian languages * various smaller bug fixes and enhancements * :!: A bug in "Rincewind RC1" and recent development versions might have corrupted your [[search#some_background_on_the_searchindex|search index]].\\ It is recommended to check if everything is okay by adding ''?do=check'' to your DokuWiki URL. The index can be rebuilt by using the command line script [[cli#indexerphp|bin/indexer.php]] or the [[plugin:searchindex|Search Index Plugin]]. * Hotfix releases include * XSS security issue [[bug>2487]] * Another XSS security issue * Search/indexer problem with upper or mixed case words on some PHP versions * Encoding of non-ASCII mail subjects * To allow local links (like ''%%file://c:\docs\myfile.txt%%'') you need to add “file” into your [[urlschemes|conf/scheme.local.conf]] ===== Release 2010-11-07a “Anteater” ===== * improved quick search algorithm * improved email [[subscriptions]] * :!: Template authors need to check if they implement the correct button * permalinks for diff views * license clarification on various 3rd party libs * prefilled section names in summary when editing a section * license chooser in the installer * several IE7, IE8, Chrome fixes * Parameters can now be passed in internal links (useful for plugins) * some XMLRPC improvements * configurable filename encoding * support for custom [[devel:section_editor|section editors]] (plugins), for example the [[plugin:edittable|table editor plugin]] * centralized library loading * lots of bug fixes and minor improvements ===== Release 2009-12-25c “Lemming” ===== * :!: This release needs PHP 5.1.2 or later! * many Editor improvements * automatic list indention * better headline system * link wizard :!: template authors need to provide CSS * compatibility fixes for IE8 and Chrome * PHP 5.3 compatibility fixes * row span support in tables * downloadable code blocks * fulltext search improvements * added filename search in media manager * new [[xref>dformat]] function :!: plugin and template authors should replace strftime calls with this function * one click revert button for managers :!: template authors need to add this button * nicer admin screen :!: template authors need to provide CSS * XMLRPC improvements * many smaller feature enhancements * more plugin events * some performance optimizations * minor security enhancements * many, many, many bug fixes ===== Release 2009-02-14b ===== * Flash Multiuploader * license selector :!: template authors need to make use of [[xref>tpl_license()]] * compatibility fixes with Flash Player 10 * internal changes to make [[devel:farm|farming]] easier * removed old upgrade plugins((if you're upgrading from an older version upgrade to intermediate releases first)) :!: * better support for non-default auth backends in ACL manager * jump to edited section after saving * much improved Japanese [[romanization]] * improved [[devel:XMLRPC]] interface * improved search result display * many smaller feature enhancements * more plugin events * some performance optimizations * minor security enhancements * security fix for a local file inclusion issue [[bug>1700]] ([[http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2009-1960|CVE-2009-1960]]) * many, many bug fixes ===== Release 2008-05-05 ===== * Improved RSS [[syndication]], now supports diff views and full HTML, search results are available as RSS * Added AJAX to the [[index]] view * Show [[diff|diffs]] between arbitrary page revisions * Improved search and result highlighting * Better plugin support for modifying DokuWiki forms :!: removes *FORM_INJECTION events * Separation of [[TOC]] from content for more template flexibility * Security measurements against [[wp>CSRF]] attacks * X-Sendfile support for supporting Webservers * [[XMLRPC]] API * Use of [[http://www.aboutus.org/UniversalWikiEditButton|UniversalWikiEditButton]] in default template * Complete rewrite of the [[ACL]] manager * Moved spell checker from core to plugin * Support for deep [[namespace templates]] * [[plugin:Popularity]] plugin added by default -- please help us to improve DokuWiki with your data * Using locale aware [[phpfn>strftime]] instead of [[phpfn>date]] :!: Plugin authors may need to fix their plugins * Use fulltext index for media file usage scan for better scalability * Introduction of a temp folder :!: upgraders should make sure ''data/tmp'' exists and is writable * Many bugfixes, smaller features and performance improvements. ===== Release 2007-06-26 ===== * Revert Manager added to mass revert spam attacks * OpenSearch Support * DOMlib removed (smaller JavaScript footprint) :!: * Improved index method for the search :!: Upgraders make sure to have ''data/index'' directory * Improved page meta data support * Added a manager option to open certain admin functions to a given group * Pluggable renderers * TOC now can be separated from the content * MIME type heuristics to work around IE security flaws * include and include_once support for JavaScript files * A bucket load of smaller and bigger bugfixes and improvements * Some more bugfixes since RC1 ===== Release 2006-11-06 ===== * automatic background [[draft]] saving * improved caching behavior for CSS, JavaScript and RSS, with correct IMS handling * various performance improvements including the [[devel:changelog]] mechanism redesign * support for storing page metadata * improvements on the UTF-8 handling when no mb_string extension is available * improvements on the default management plugins * URL [[rewrite]] support for export formats * ATOM 1.0 support for [[syndication]] * better feed aggregation with [[http://www.simplepie.org|SimplePie]] * [[devel:Action Plugins]] * optional gzip output compression if browsers support it * namespace restricted [[searchs]] added * completely rewritten [[media manager]] :!: template designer need to update their templates * [[namespace]] links * possibility to disable certain DokuWiki actions, when using it in a CMS-like environment * made password resetting a two-stage process with confirmation emails * webbased install wizard for first time setup * many many bug fixes, smaller improvements and language updates ===== Release 2006-03-09 ===== * Hotfix Release * Fixes various bugs ([[bug>736]] [[bug>732]] [[bug>731]] and others) * some language updates ===== Release 2006-03-05 ===== * JavaScript made unobtrusive * JavaScript and CSS compression, CSS variable replacements * New [[Toolbar]] * Fixes for the search indexer [[bug>563]] [[bug>575]], commandline index updater added * [[search]] for word parts and other search fixes[[bug>552]] [[bug>632]] [[bug>653]] * Completely reworked auth backend system :!: backend config may need to be adjusted * stricter XHTML compliance :!: Templates need to be adjusted * fixes for the HTTP library [[bug>626]] * Google [[sitemap]] generation * Admin plugins for managing users, configuration and plugins added * Pagelockrefresh through background AJAX * simple [[romanization]] support * optional hierarchical breadcrumbs added (aka. "You are here") * simplified permission setting of files * ACL now works with user and groupnames which are not valid pagenames (for some auth backends) * XSS security fix for handling EXIF data in the media manager ===== Release 2005-09-22 ===== * various bugs fixed [[bug>550]], [[bug>548]], [[bug>529]], "basedir" problem * GeSHi and language updates ===== Release 2005-09-19 ===== * page template support [[bug>104]] * added support for local configuration files [[bug>349]] * [[Image]] metadata support (EXIF/IPTC) and detailpage added * insitu footnotes * removed 2MB limit in fetch.php [[bug>506]] * personal wordlist for spellchecker [[bug>488]] * [[syndication|feed]] caching * email subscription for pagechanges * commandline utilities for scripting * a new index based [[search]] * :!: Template editors need to add the [[xref>tpl_indexerwebbug|tpl_indexerWebBug()]] function to their main template * Upgraders should read [[search#Some Background on the searchindex]] * URL rewriting for media files * :!: Users of rewrite mode 1 need to adjust their .htaccess * experimental [[plugin:plugin|Plugin Manager]] * Support for admin plugins added * Proxy support added * Optional ImageMagick support added * New options for [[image]] inclusion ===== Release 2005-07-13 ===== * Security fix for [[ACL]] handling [[bug>456]] * some fixes for the [[:config:safemodehack]] option [[bug>179]] * some spellchecker fixes [[bug>448]] ===== Release 2005-07-01 ===== * Style fixes * TOC Translation Problem fixed [[bug>309]] * Various fixes for the getBaseURL autodetection * ACL: The password crypting method is configurable through [[config:passcrypt]], defaults to salted MD5 * ACL: The admin can create new users if openregister is disabled * ACL: Users can set their own password ([[config:autopasswd]]) * ACL: Added DELETE permission for media files :!: * fixed problems with footnote numbering * Various [[auth:mysql]] changes, support for adding Users :!: * Hide IP for logged in users * Various [[auth:ldap]] changes :!: * Fixed logout [[bug>319]] * AJAX pagename [[search]] added * Experimental syntax [[Plugin]] support added * Fix for mode syntax * [[devel:dirlayout|Directory layout]] was changed :!: * Experimental Spell Checker added * Fix for Sessionlocking [[bug>364]] * Removed short_opentag requirement * Fixed problem with ZendOptimizer [[bug>377]] [[bug>378]] ===== Release 2005-05-07 ===== * **2005-03-31... and ongoing** * Integrating the new Parser * **2005-05-30** * fix for uploaded media permissions * **2005-04-29** * Added new PHP only [[config:userewrite]] option * [[auth:ldap]] support for nonanonymous bind [[bug>234]] * Problems with wrong PHP_SELF fixed, [[config:basedir]] option added [[bug>292]] * **2005-04-23** * links to [[diff]] and [[attic|old revisions]] on recent changes page [[bug>255]] * linkto param to [[syndication|RSS feed]] added * **2005-04-22** * [[backlinks]] for camelcase * **2005-04-17** * back to top button fixed [[bug>229]] [[bug>162]] * **2005-04-16** * alphachannel saving for PNG resizing * **2005-04-11** * [[auth:pgsql]] by [[mad@madness.at|Alexander Marx]] added * **2005-04-09** * New [[logo]] by [[esther@kaffehaus.ch|Esther Brunner]] added * **2005-04-06** * [[auth:plain]] cleans userid on login [[bug>239]] * **2005-04-04** * Patch by [[tretkowski@teamix.net|Norbert Tretkowski]] to reject empty [[auth:ldap|LDAP]] passwords * **2005-04-03** * Fix for lock files (thanks to [[jorda@ettin.org]] * **2005-03-31** * surpress warning when ini_set not allowed [[bug>228]] * new [[devel:parser]] added (still needs lot of fixing) * removed cachedir from index [[bug>230]] * **2005-03-30** * fixed error reporting [[bug>216]] * fix for ACL admin [[bug>225]] * Replaced dotfiles with underscore (thanks to [[jan@jandecaluwe.com|Jan]]) [[bug>224]] * **2005-03-29** * More RTL support [[bug>89]] * **2005-03-28** * Right-to-left (RTL) support added [[bug>89]] * Fix for auth_aclcheck [[bug>218]] * **2005-03-26** * Hopefully fixed a problem with pathnames in Windows [[bug>213]] * Added a patch by [[jan@jandecaluwe.com|Jan Decaluwe]] to optionally use the first heading instead of the pagename in links without explicit title * **2005-03-21** * Fixed two small bugs introduced in devel with authcheck and the cancel action (thanks to [[eric.ter.haar@altium.nl|Eric ter Haar]]) * Another bug in devel with buggy image handling fixed (thanks to [[eric.ter.haar@altium.nl|Eric ter Haar]] and [[gb@isis.u-strasbg.fr|Guy Brand]]) * **2005-03-20** * empty namespaces are now deleted when the last page in it is removed [[bug>201]] * The filename displayed in the footer now always shows the name in UTF-8 instead URL-encoded - this is not really correct, but filenames with a lot of Unicode (e.g. Russian) get annoyingly big * **2005-03-18** * Fixed RSS link when useslash is enabled [[bug>184]] * [[:Template|Template support]] finished [[bug>107]] [[bug>7]] * **2005-03-16** * [[ACL]] admin interface added [[bug>3]] (thanks to [[frank@schokilade.de|Frank Schubert]]) * **2005-03-09** * TLS support for [[auth:ldap]] [[bug>191]] * **2005-03-04** * rel=nofollow and delayed indexing [[bug>181]] * **2005-03-03** * safemode hack added [[bug>179]] * **2005-02-28** * fix for [[UTF-8]] in [[namespaces]] [[bug>170]] * **2005-02-27** * handling of of mailheader encoding was tweaked to prefer ASCII when possible (also forceable with a define) [[bug>168]] * **2005-02-26** * The feed now includes the favicon as image object * **2005-02-25** * The Magpie [[RSS]] parser was updated * A problem with the polish char ł in links was fixed [[bug>164]] * Using defines for important strings [[bug>153]] ===== Release 2005-02-18 ===== * **2005-02-18** * check for existing and readable/writable changes.log [[bug>136]] * **2005-02-17** * some getBaseURL changes (maybe fixes [[bug>123]]) * **2005-02-16** * transparency added to interwiki.png [[bug>150]] (thanks to [[lists@softpres.org|Kieron Wilkinson]]) * added a better function for removing specialchars from pagenames [[bug>152]] * **2005-02-15** * fixed slash in pagenames [[bug>144]] * **2005-02-14** * added visual feedback on searching * added connection to ldap_error in [[:auth:ldap]] (thanks to [[justin@jalcorn.net|Justin Alcorn]]) [[bug>143]] * XHTML fix for TOC [[bug>133]] * proper ACL handling on empty search [[bug>139]] * **2005-02-09** * fix for hex mailencoding [[bug>131]] * fix for IE pngbehavior with useslashes option [[bug>129]] * **2005-02-08** * fix for a bug in [[auth:ldap]] when using debug option (thanks to "trouble") [[bug>126]] * fix for a problem in the message function (thanks to [[winscp@prikryl.cz|Martin Prikryl]]) [[bug>124]] * **2005-02-07** * fixed a clash in the [[accesskeys]] [[bug>122]] * added a workaround for PCRE limitations in old PHP versions [[bug>119]] ===== Release 2005-02-06 ===== * **2005-02-05** * removed XML declaration header for better compatibility with MSIE :-/ [[bug>114]] * the summary now turns red if missing to remind you to fill it * **2005-02-04** * fixes for media links [[bug>103]] [[bug>112]] * support for much bigger [[blacklists]] like the one from [[http://www.chongqed.org/|chongqed.org]] which now is included by default [[bug>99]] * **2005-02-03** * editor names for all revisions [[bug>85]] * **2005-02-01** * removed possibly sensitive data from the debug output [[bug>108]] :!: * Config option to force a special libGD [[bug>106]] * **2005-01-30** * extended the available placeholders in [[interwiki]] links to be able to add a [[http://wiki.coralcdn.org/wiki.php|Coral Cache]] shortcut * **2005-01-29** * renamed the Taiwanese language folder to be ISO compatible * fix for non-cached external images [[bug>95]] * InsertTag selection patch (thanks to [[mailto:jim_raynor@web.de|Jim Raynor]]) [[bug>48]] * workaround for [[http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=28401|PHP umask bug]] [[bug>97]] * groupfilter patch for [[auth:ldap]] by [[dan.j.allen@gmail.com|Dan Allen]] added [[bug>93]] * LDAP debugging added [[bug>#98]] * Added alignment syntax for [[wiki:syntax#tables|Tables]] (patch by [[aarone@klamathsystems.com|Aaron Evans]]) [[bug>64]] and added a linebreak after tables [[bug>83]] * **2005-01-27** * Emails are now sent in [[UTF-8]] with quoted-printable encoding [[bug>82]] * **2005-01-26** * a patch for a silly error in cleanID introduced yesterday (thanks to [[jeff.krause@jda.com|Jeff Krause]]) * correct notify page URLs [[bug>72]] * [[UTF-8]] fix for GeSHi [[bug>80]] * **2005-01-25** * usernames in notifymails [[bug>66]] * **2005-01-24** * another fix for the backslash problem on Windows/Apache2 systems [[bug>74]] -- thanks to [[jose.monteiro@dowedo-it.com|straider]] * some language fixes [[bug>55]] [[bug>74]] * the versionstring is now read from a ''VERSION'' file or [[devel:darcs]] inventory * **2005-01-23** * [[UTF-8]] support added :!: Upgraders need to utf8update their data ===== Release 2005-01-16a ===== * **2005-01-28** * Security Bugfix for [[ACL]] [[bug>96]] :!: ===== Release 2005-01-16 ===== * **2005-01-16** * again a fix for htmlencode with GeSHi [[bug>52]] * added missing image file [[bug>50]] * added nicer graphics for namespaces in index * fixed problem with [[auth:plain]] [[bug>53]] * spelling error fixed [[bug>54]] ===== Release 2005-01-15 ===== * **2005-01-15** * possible problem with GeSHi encodings fixed (see [[bug>47]]) * added two missing pages to the release tar ball (fixes [[bug>49]]) ===== Release 2005-01-14 ===== * **14.01.2005** * Proper PHPdoc comments added * wrapper divs for simpler styling added * final fix for [[bug>4]] * **13.01.2005** * Revamp of the cookie system (fixes [[bug>13]]) * fixed a problem with magpie * **12.01.2005** * doku.php now includes a version string (currently only used in META tag) * & is replaced by & in URLs now - should fix [[bug>8]] * added [[config:useslash|useslash]] option for even cooler URLs when rewriting (thanks to [[http://home.wanadoo.nl/meilof/2004/12/|Meilof Veeningen]]) * **11.01.2005** * some additions to the [[auth:ldap]] backend (thanks to [[ppb@usc.edu|Philip Brown]]) * [[bug>12]] fixed * The ''do'' parameter can be given as ''X-DOKUWIKI-DO'' HTTP header as well (useful for [[http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/wget.html|wget]] based export scripts) * **09.01.2005** * fixed bug [[bug>4]] (View Source locks page) * **07.01.2005** * fix for media namespace permissions by [[marg@rz.tu-clausthal.de|Christian]] * **06.01.2005** * [[auth:mysql]] added * **05.01.2005** * The feed now uses the correct character set * [[http://qbnz.com/highlighter/|GeSHi]] updated to 1.0.4 * workaround for weird basepath behaviour on Windows/Apache2/VirtualHost/Whatever * Fix for highlighting on multiple word searches (thanks to Martin Prikryl) * **27.11.2004** * [[Breadcrumbs]] are shown without [[namespace]] - the full name is shown as title * Added title tags to most links * **24.11.2004** * overall div added for simpler [[CSS]] changes * **23.11.2004** * Links in the RSS feed now contain the revision * Patch by [[gwenn@demisel.net|Gwenn Gueguen]] to set the ''From:'' address for outgoing emails added * CSS fix for aligned images * **12.11.2004** * Fix for image resizing when the GD extension was compiled with libGD <2.0 * Added %%~~NOCACHE~~%% syntax to disable [[caching]] of single pages (thanks to [[farap@army.cz|Premysl Fara]]) * automatically added SESSIONID now uses XHTML compliant & separator ===== Release 2004-11-10 ===== * **10.11.2004** * CSS bugfix for mixed type lists * configurable [[config:signature|signature]] string * workaround for PHP [[http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=21531|bug #21531]]: file_exists() displays warning * some .htaccess changes (hopefully fixing some Apache2 problems) * change in [[ACL]] behaviour :!: * resorted locales in language files to avoid PHP/Windows bug on Win98 (thanks to J. Siekmeyer) * characters now are deaccented only when encoding is iso-8859-15 * **08.11.2004** * small IE CSS bugfix by [[henke@cosmocode.de|Anika Henke]] added * **07.11.2004** * fixed JavaScript bug for mediaselection * fixed realpathproblem with attic (again) * fixed PNG problem with IE * **06.11.2004** * [[auth:ldap]] backend added * 1st version of UTF8 converter * **05.11.2004** * fixed print.css -- thanks to [[rb@openartifact.org|Randy Brown]] * added charset header to media.php -- thanks to Vlad * style fixes for the login form * **04.11.2004** * [[security]] issue with ACL fixed :!: * **02.11.2004** * slash is converted to underscore in cleanID() again * added deletion [[wiki:syntax#basic_text_formatting]] ===== Release 2004-11-02 ===== * **02.11.2004** * two bugfixes for the [[ACL]] feature * no need to upgrade if you don't use it ===== Release 2004-11-01 ===== * **31.10.2004** * mixed type lists now work * metainfo is in it's own function now * CSS fixes by [[henke@cosmocode.de|Anika Henke]] * current [[namespace]] shortcut by [[inful@luguber.info|Jone Marius Vignes]] added * more feedback is given * new users can [[acl#user_signup|register]] online * fixed cursor positioning on sig button * **27.10.2004** * Syntax Highlighting updated to [[http://qbnz.com/highlighter/index.php|GeSHi]] 1.0.2 * **26.10.2004** * The TOC is now tableless * minor fixes for media embedding * **24.10.2004** * changed authentication from HTTP auth to a session/cookie based solution * added signature button for logged in users * fixed index view to display basenames only * **22.10.2004** * language updates * **21.10.2004** * edit summary field is hidden on readonly pages when viewing the source * changed namespace separator to '';'' for windows systems * some CSS fixes * [[breadcrumbs]] trace is disabled when [[config:breadcrumbs]] is set to 0 (thanks to [[reddirt@reddirt.net|James Cook]]) * [[config:autoplural|Automatic plural linking]] added * Edit summary is prepended to the newsfeed item description * **20.10.2004** * Added headers for [[export]] (thanks to [[targon@iki.fi|Tero Ykspetäjä]]) ===== Release 2004-10-19 ===== * **19.10.2004** * fix for leading/trailing spaces in search query (thanks to [[dand@level7.ro|Dan]] for submitting this one) * fix for [[config:fullpath|fullpath]] config option on Windows and when displaying an old revision (thanks to all who submitted solutions - I did it my way anyway ;-)) * CSS fixes for Konqueror * **18.10.2004** * HTML and plaintext [[export]] added (add ''?do=export_html'' or ''?do=export_raw'' to the URL) * empty search bugfix * **17.10.2004** * Type of uploadable files can be restricted (extension matching) * **14.10.2004** * Edit summary added * [[locking]] now uses the username if available * **13.10.2004** * [[ACL]] check for Recent changes, feed and search (everything should be covered now?) * fixed bug with ''this'' [[interwiki]] shortcut * fixed preparser bug when highlighting on a single line was used * **10.10.2004** * Mediaselectiondialog completely redone (uses [[ACL]] now) * **07.10.2004** * When a page is emptied it is deleted on the file system now. The [[attic]] remains intact so it's always possible to restore the page. (thanks to JET) * **05.10.2004** * The Auto-TOC links now use speaking names * [[wiki:syntax#internal|linking to sections]] now is possible using the # separator as known from HTML * **03.10.2004** * local characters (e.g. äüö) are now optionally supported in [[pagename]]s (See [[Localization]]) * login backend (reading flatfiles) * [[ACL]] checks (again flatfiles) not complete yet * **01.10.2004** * slash is used as [[namespaces|namespace]] separator on Windows systems ===== Release 2004-09-30 ===== * **30.09.2004** * fixed style issues for mediaselection dialog * **28.09.2004** * bugfix for wl() function * **27.09.2004** * [[locking]] now additionally uses the ''X-Forwarded-For'' header set by some proxies * added debug page * fixes for call time reference stuff ===== Release 2004-09-25 ===== * **24.09.2004** * Added tableless headers and footers submitted by [[moraes@tipos.com.br|moraes]] * more [[devel:templates#include hooks]] added * [[abbreviations]] added * **23.09.2004** * Titlelink shows [[backlinks]] as known from other Wikis ([[go>usemod]]) * Edit button changes according to mode * list of documents in a given namespace can be exported (see [[syndication]]) * **22.09.2004** * CSS problem with large aligned images fixed * table parser is less picky about trailing spaces * **21.09.2004** * [[Backlinks]] added * **20.09.2004** * Internal code cleanup * Fixed a problem with caching and the RSS feed * **19.09.2004** * PHP only [[search]] added * [[Section Editing]] links with formbuttons replaced (search engines did lock the pages) * **18.09.2004** * On saving a blank line is added to a section when needed. * [[CSS]] are now included with full path * Two minor URL matching bugs were fixed * Links are now created relative to the serverroot by default (thanks to [[kai.poggensee@hamburg.de|Kai]]) * Experimental RSS Aggregation added * **16.09.2004** * [[devel:JavaScript]] warning when leaving the edit page without saving * **14.09.2004** * Added correct paragraph markup * Search queries are now highlighted in the found page (DokuWiki search and Google search) ===== Release 2004-09-12 ===== * **12.09.2004** * [[locking|Pagelocking]] added * All buttons are now buttons for two reasons: - Searchengine bots shouldn't follow Forms so no locking by them - all buttons finally look the same * fixed a really nasty bug introduced yesterday which killed + chars in section editing * **11.09.2004** * fixed problem with //underscores_in_italics// * fixed problem with namespaces starting with the same word on index * IE media select fixed (thanks to jet) * IE conflict corruption bug fixed (thanks to sb) * Dependency on GNU diff or zdiff removed * Cleaned up JavaScript for [[toolbar|Quickbuttons]] * [[Section editing]] now is disabled when parsing language files. * [[namespaces]] are included when displaying search results and recent changes again * **26.08.2004** * Added french translation by [[sebastien.bauer@advalvas.be|Sébastien Bauer]] * **25.08.2004** * Cache names are now created with servername and port, too. This ensures links are correct when running DokuWiki with multiple servernames or ports * now using [[phpfn>popen]] instead of backticks for running external commands as suggested by [[harry_b@eml.cc|Harry Brueckner]] * **24.08.2004** * Optional [[wp>CamelCase]] links * cleanID() now converts accented chars to unaccented ones -- sorry if this breaks some links for you :-( * **23.08.2004** * some nicer smileys added (hmmm... eye candy ;-)) * fixed broken umask config (thanks to [[hfranzke@tee.toshiba.de|Helmut Franzke]]) * (c) (tm) and (r) added to typography support ===== Release 2004-08-22 ===== * **22.08.2004** * definable level for Section Editing * fixes and updates for German language * [[InterWiki]] links linking to the same Wiki (e.g. ''this'') use the target defined for Wiki links * **20.08.2004** * simpler nowiki syntax by using double percent signs * much smaller stylesheet for GeSHi * GeSHi higlight files for Perl and Bash added (sent to upstream author) * finally lineendings are preserved correctly (this whole lineending stuff is just completely braindead :-|) * added ''>'' quoting ( quoting removed) * **19.08.2004** * Section editing added * attic mkdir bug fixed * config option for maximum TOC level * [[http://qbnz.com/highlighter/|GeSHi]] Syntax highlighter added * **18.08.2004** * Changed ''author'' in RSS and ATOM [[syndication|feeds]] to pseudo email address to satisfy requirements * ErrorReporting is set to sane values * gzip is disabled if not available even if enabled in the config * [[wiki:syntax]] for forced newlines added * [[breadcrumbs]] don't have duplicates anymore ===== Release 2004-08-15a ===== * **16.08.2004** * Fixed two typos with io_makeFileDir * **15.08.2004** * dropped [[:foocache]] and completely rewrote the page [[caching]] system from the scratch * now only existing documents are saved to the [[breadcrumbs]] * placeholders can now be used in the [[interwiki]] configuration file * vertical tableheaders added * title support for images * **14.08.2004** * saves with no changes are silently ignored * **13.08.2004** * emails are now optionally obfuscated against address harvesting spammers * **12.08.2004** * [[DokuWiki]] now prints a warning and a [[diff]] if you try to overwrite a never version of a document * added simple table syntax submitted by [[z@amused.net|Patrick Cole]] * **10.08.2004** * gzip compression for the attic added (thanks to sb) -- to convert your old attic use this command: ''find attic/ -name '*.txt' -exec gzip -9 {} \;'' * some fixes and additions to the [[syndication|XML Feed]] ===== Release 2004-08-08 ===== * **07.08.2004** * some linkformating fixes * autogenerated Table of contents can be disabled with ''~~NOTOC~~'' * some more typography (see [[wiki:syntax]]) * **05.08.2004** * fixed another XHTML bug in listparsing (i hope) * another small typography fix: 640x480 * added subscript and superscript * added custom textreplacement * pagecaching using [[foocache]] * **04.08.2004** * favicon added * Editbox size is now stored in a persistent cookie * **03.08.2004** * Bug on image resizing to new aspect ratio fixed (Delete ''media/.cache/*'') * Replaced the logo image by the title configured in the config file * **01.08.2004** * [[images|Imagecaching]] can be disabled with ''nocache'' parameter * Sessionname now uses ''title'' -- multiple installations on the same server are now possible * added ''this'' as special case for [[interwiki]] ===== Release 2004-07-25 ===== * **25.07.2004** * [[images|Imagecaching and Resizing]] * **24.07.2004** * Index added * Parser bugfixes * Footnotes added * **23.07.2004** * added IP and remote user to recent changes and [[syndication|feed]] ===== Release 2004-07-21 ===== * **20.07.2004** * fixed https support * **19.07.2004** * Added a stylesheet for print * Always clean the id before it is displayed anywhere * **18.07.2004** * Anti [[meatball>WikiSpam]] changes * Renamed Sandbox to [[playground:PlayGround]] * added an optional [[blacklist]] for known spam * Fixed problem with nested lists like this one * **17.07.2004** * correct META headers for search engine robots * only index existing pages, ignore old revisions and edit pages * set date META header * **16.07.2004** * Typographically correct characters * Logging is done with clean ID * **15.07.2004** * Better handling of codeblocks marked by indention * two spaces of indention are required now * indention is removed on show * **13.07.2004** * Fixed problem with smileys in lists ===== Release 2004-07-12 ===== * **11.07.2004** * Deleted pages are not shown in ''Recent changes'' anymore * fixed some IE display problems * **10.07.2004** * disable full document path in footer * configurable start pagename (thanks to Alexander Pärsch) * images in link possible * some internal code cleanup * title tags for [[AccessKeys]] * translation of [[toolbar|QuickButtons]] ===== Release 2004-07-07 ===== * **07.07.2004** * added [[breadcrumbs]] * **05.07.2004** * added preview function * **04.07.2004** * fixed list markup to be XHTML compliant again * fixed missing charset definition * optional email notify added * fixed links on webservers running on ports other than 80 ===== Release 2004-07-04 ===== * Initial DokuWiki release