* * 2009/06/08 : Creation * 2009/06/09 : Drop of the multi-value tests / creation of tester class system * 2009/06/10 : Added tester class override to allow user to define custom tests * 2009/09/15 : Added better renderer handling with respect of conditions for TOC generation */ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/'); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'syntax.php'); /** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism * need to inherit from this class */ class syntax_plugin_condition extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { // To be used by _processblocks to mix the test results together var $allowedoperators = array('\&\&', '\|\|', '\^', 'and', 'or', 'xor'); // plus '!' specific operator // Allowed test operators, their behavior is defined in the tester class, they are just defined here for recognition during parsing var $allowedtests = array(); // Allowed test keys var $allowedkeys = array(); // To store the tester object private $tester = null; // return some info function getInfo() { return confToHash(dirname(__FILE__).'/INFO'); } /*function accepts($mode) { return true; } function getAllowedTypes() { return array('container', 'baseonly', 'formatting', 'substition', 'protected', 'disabled', 'paragraphs'); // quick hack }*/ function getType() { return 'container';} function getPType() { return 'normal';} function getSort() { return 5; } // condition is top priority // Connect pattern to lexer function connectTo($mode){ $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern(')', $mode, 'plugin_condition'); } function postConnect() { $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('', 'plugin_condition'); } // Handle the match function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) { if($state != DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED) return false; // Get allowed test operators $this->_loadtester(); if(!$this->tester) return array(array(), ''); $this->allowedtests = $this->tester->getops(); $this->allowedkeys = $this->tester->getkeys(); $blocks = array(); $content = ''; $this->_parse($match, $blocks, $content); return array($blocks, $content); } // extracts condition / content function _parse(&$match, &$b, &$ctn) { $match = preg_replace('`^\s+`', '', $match); // trim heading whitespaces $b = $this->_fetch_block($match, 0); if($match != '') $ctn = preg_replace('`\n+$`', '', preg_replace('`^\n+`', '', preg_replace('`^>`', '', $match))); return true; } // fetch a condition block from buffer function _fetch_block(&$match, $lvl=0) { $match = preg_replace('`^\s+`', '', $match); // trim heading whitespaces $instrs = array(); $continue = true; while(($match{0} != '>') && ($match != '') && (($lvl == 0) || ($match{0} != ')')) && $continue) { $i = array('type' => null, 'key' => '', 'test' => '', 'value' => '', 'next' => ''); if($this->_fetch_op($match, true)) { // ! heading equals block descending for first token $i['type'] = 'nblock'; $match = substr($match, 1); // remove heading ! $i['value'] = $this->_fetch_block($match, $lvl+1); }else if($this->_is_block($match)) { $i['type'] = 'block'; $match = substr($match, 1); // remove heading ( $i['value'] = $this->_fetch_block($match, $lvl+1); }else if($this->_is_key($match, $key)) { $i['type'] = 'test'; $i['key'] = $key; $match = substr($match, strlen($key)); // remove heading key if($this->_is_test($match, $test)) { $i['test'] = $test; $match = substr($match, strlen($test)); // remove heading test if(($v = $this->_fetch_value($match)) !== null) $i['value'] = $v; } }else $match = preg_replace('`^[^>\s\(]+`', '', $match); // here dummy stuff remains if($i['type']) { if(($op = $this->_fetch_op($match, false)) !== null) { $match = substr($match, strlen($op)); // remove heading op $i['next'] = $op; }else $continue = false; $instrs[] = $i; } } return $instrs; } // test if buffer starts with new sub-block function _is_block(&$match) { $match = preg_replace('`^\s+`', '', $match); // trim heading whitespaces return preg_match('`^\(`', $match); } // test if buffer starts with a key ref function _is_key(&$match, &$key) { $match = preg_replace('`^\s+`', '', $match); // trim heading whitespaces if(preg_match('`^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)`', $match, $r)) { if(preg_match('`^'.$this->_preg_build_alternative($this->allowedkeys).'$`', $r[1])) { $key = $r[1]; return true; } } return false; } // build a pcre alternative escaped test from array function _preg_build_alternative($choices) { //$choices = array_map(create_function('$e', 'return preg_replace(\'`([^a-zA-Z0-9])`\', \'\\\\\\\\$1\', $e);'), $choices); return '('.implode('|', $choices).')'; } // tells if buffer starts with a test operator function _is_test(&$match, &$test) { $match = preg_replace('`^\s+`', '', $match); // trim heading whitespaces if(preg_match('`^'.$this->_preg_build_alternative($this->allowedtests).'`', $match, $r)) { $test = $r[1]; return true; } return false; } // fetch value from buffer, handles value quoting function _fetch_value(&$match) { $match = preg_replace('`^\s+`', '', $match); // trim heading whitespaces if($match{0} == '"') { $match = substr($match, 1); $value = substr($match, 0, strpos($match, '"')); $match = substr($match, strlen($value) + 1); }else{ $psp = strpos($match, ')'); $wsp = strpos($match, ' '); $esp = strpos($match, '>'); $sp = 0; $bug = false; if(($wsp === false) && ($esp === false) && ($psp === false)) { return null; // BUG }else if(($wsp === false) && ($esp === false)) { $sp = $psp; }else if(($wsp === false) && ($psp === false)) { $sp = $esp; }else if(($psp === false) && ($esp === false)) { $sp = $wsp; }else if($wsp === false) { $sp = min($esp, $psp); }else if($esp === false) { $sp = min($wsp, $psp); }else if($psp === false) { $sp = min($esp, $wsp); }else $sp = min($wsp, $esp, $psp); $value = substr($match, 0, $sp); $match = substr($match, strlen($value)); } return $value; } // fetch a logic operator from buffer function _fetch_op(&$match, $head=false) { $match = preg_replace('`^\s+`', '', $match); // trim heading whitespaces $ops = $this->allowedoperators; if($head) $ops = array('!'); if(preg_match('`^'.$this->_preg_build_alternative($ops).'`', $match, $r)) return $r[1]; return null; } /** * Create output */ function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) { global $INFO; if(count($data) != 2) return false; if($mode == 'xhtml') { global $ID; // prevent caching to ensure good user data detection for tests $renderer->info['cache'] = false; $blocks = $data[0]; $content = $data[1]; // parsing content for a statement $else = ''; if(strpos($content, '') !== false) { $i = explode('', $content); $content = $i[0]; $else = implode('', array_slice($i, 1)); } // Process condition blocks $bug = false; $this->_loadtester(); $ok = $this->_processblocks($blocks, $bug); // Render content if all went well $toc = $renderer->toc; if(!$bug) { $instr = p_get_instructions($ok ? $content : $else); foreach($instr as $instruction) { call_user_func_array(array(&$renderer, $instruction[0]), $instruction[1]); } } $renderer->toc = array_merge($toc, $renderer->toc); return true; } if($mode == 'metadata') { global $ID; // prevent caching to ensure good user data detection for tests $renderer->info['cache'] = false; $blocks = $data[0]; $content = $data[1]; // parsing content for a statement $else = ''; if(strpos($content, '') !== false) { $i = explode('', $content); $content = $i[0]; $else = implode('', array_slice($i, 1)); } // Process condition blocks $bug = false; $this->_loadtester(); $ok = $this->_processblocks($blocks, $bug); // Render content if all went well $metatoc = $renderer->meta['description']['tableofcontents']; if(!$bug) { $instr = p_get_instructions($ok ? $content : $else); foreach($instr as $instruction) { call_user_func_array(array(&$renderer, $instruction[0]), $instruction[1]); } } $renderer->meta['description']['tableofcontents'] = array_merge($metatoc, $renderer->meta['description']['tableofcontents']); return true; } return false; } // Strips the heading

and trailing

added by p_render xhtml to acheive inline behavior function _stripp($data) { $data = preg_replace('`^\s*]*>\s*`', '', $data); $data = preg_replace('`\s*]*>\s*$`', '', $data); return $data; } // evaluates the logical result from a set of blocks function _processblocks($b, &$bug) { for($i=0; $i_processblocks($b[$i]['value'], $bug); if($b[$i]['type'] == 'nblock') $b[$i]['r'] = !$b[$i]['r']; }else{ $b[$i]['r'] = $this->_evaluate($b[$i], $bug); } } if(!count($b)) $bug = true; // no condition in block if($bug) return false; // assemble conditions /* CUSTOMISATION : * You can add custom mixing operators here, don't forget to add them to * the "allowedoperators" list at the top of this file */ $r = $b[0]['r']; for($i=1; $itester) { $bug = true; return false; } return $this->tester->run($b, $bug); } // tries to load user defined tester, then base tester if previous failed function _loadtester() { global $conf; $this->tester = null; include_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'condition/base_tester.php'); if(@file_exists(DOKU_INC.'lib/tpl/'.$conf['template'].'/condition_plugin_custom_tester.php')) { include_once(DOKU_INC.'lib/tpl/'.$conf['template'].'/condition_plugin_custom_tester.php'); if(class_exists('condition_plugin_custom_tester')) { $this->tester = new condition_plugin_custom_tester(); } } if(!$this->tester) { if(class_exists('condition_plugin_base_tester')) { $this->tester = new condition_plugin_base_tester(); } } } } //class ?>