#! /bin/sh # Mediawiki2Dokuwiki Converter # originally by Johannes Buchner # changes by Frederik Tilkin: - uses sed instead of perl # - resolved some bugs ('''''IMPORTANT!!!''''' becomes //**IMPORTANT!!!**//, // becomes // if it is not in a CODE block) # - added functionality (multiple lines starting with a space become CODE blocks) # # Licence: GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) # First escape things that are already DokuWiki but not MediaWiki syntax # // => // (only when it is NOT in a PREFORMATTED line, and when it is NOT in a LINK [] !) # ** => ** so that it's correctly converted to DokuWiki blocks later on cat mediawiki \ | sed -r -n ' #starts with a SPACE, so it is part of a code block, just print and do nothing /^[ ]/ { p; d } #else: replace ALL **... strings (not at beginning of line) s/([^^][^\*]*)(\*\*+)/\1\2<\/nowiki>/g # also replace ALL //... strings s/([^\/]*)(\/\/+)/\1\2<\/nowiki>/g # change the ones that have been replaced in a link [] BACK to normal (do it twice in case [http://addres.com http://address.com] ) [quick and dirty] s/([\[][^\[]*)()(\/\/+)(<\/nowiki>)([^\]]*)/\1\3\5/g ; s/([\[][^\[]*)()(\/\/+)(<\/nowiki>)([^\]]*)/\1\3\5/g p ' \ | sed -r -n ' # See also: http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html#uh-40 # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression # This is pretty advanced sed syntax, so I ll try to explain as much as possible ################################################################################ # if line starts with a space, add it to the hold buffer # we do this by 'branching' to :addtopre /^ [ ]*[^ ][^ ]*/ b addtopre # if line has only whitespace or is empty, the preformatted block is over, so we surround that with
		# we do this by 'branching' to :outputpre
		/^[ ]*$/ b outputpre
		# if line starts with NO whitespace, the preformatted block is over, so we surround that with 
		/^[^ ].*$/ b outputpre
		#else this is a normal line
				#s/(.*)/NORMAL LINE: \1/g; p
			# print the line
			#delete the current pattern space (so new cycle is started -> jumps to top)
		# this is a line that should be part of a CODE block
			#add it to the hold buffer
				#s/(.*)/ADDED LINE: \1/g; p
			# if this is the last line of the file (end-of-file), empty this line and then output this last preformatted block
			$ { s/.*//g
				b outputpre
			#delete the current pattern space (so new cycle is started -> jumps to top)
		# this is where a paragraph is surrounded by 

				#s/(.*)/END OF CODE LINE: \1/g; p
			# HOLD buffer is exchanged with the pattern space

			# IF not empty, surround with 
 and PRINT the pattern space
			/(.+)/ {
				# surround it with 
			# exchange pattern space and hold buffer again, pattern is now the current line (not part of the preformatted block) and PRINT this line
			#delete the current pattern space			
			#and exchange this again with the hold buffer, so that the hold buffer is empty again			
			#delete the current pattern space (so new cycle is started -> jumps to top)
	' \
    > mediawiki0

# Headings
cat mediawiki0 \
   | sed -r 's/^[ ]*=([^=])/

\1/g' \ | sed -r 's/([^=])=[ ]*$/\1 <\/h1>/g' \ | sed -r 's/^[ ]*==([^=])/

\1/g' \ | sed -r 's/([^=])==[ ]*$/\1 <\/h2>/g' \ | sed -r 's/^[ ]*===([^=])/

\1/g' \ | sed -r 's/([^=])===[ ]*$/\1 <\/h3>/g' \ | sed -r 's/^[ ]*====([^=])/

\1/g' \ | sed -r 's/([^=])====[ ]*$/\1 <\/h4>/g' \ | sed -r 's/^[ ]*=====([^=])/

\1/g' \ | sed -r 's/([^=])=====[ ]*$/\1 <\/h5>/g' \ | sed -r 's/^[ ]*======([^=])/
\1/g' \ | sed -r 's/([^=])======[ ]*$/\1 <\/h6>/g' \ > mediawiki1 cat mediawiki1 \ | sed -r 's/<\/?h1>/======/g' \ | sed -r 's/<\/?h2>/=====/g' \ | sed -r 's/<\/?h3>/====/g' \ | sed -r 's/<\/?h4>/===/g' \ | sed -r 's/<\/?h5>/==/g' \ | sed -r 's/<\/?h6>/=/g' \ > mediawiki2 # lists cat mediawiki2 \ | sed -r 's/^[*#][*#][*#][*#]\*/ * /g' \ | sed -r 's/^[*#][*#][*#]\*/ * /g' \ | sed -r 's/^[*#][*#]\*/ * /g' \ | sed -r 's/^[*#]\*/ * /g' \ | sed -r 's/^\*/ * /g' \ | sed -r 's/^[*#][*#][*#][*#]#/ - /g' \ | sed -r 's/^[*#][*#][*#]#/ - /g' \ | sed -r 's/^[*#][*#]#/ - /g' \ | sed -r 's/^[*#]#/ - /g' \ | sed -r 's/^#/ - /g' \ > mediawiki3 #[url text] => [url|text] cat mediawiki3 \ | sed -r 's/([^[]|^)(\[[^] ]*) ([^]]*\])([^]]|$)/\1\2|\3\4/g' \ > mediawiki4 #[link] => [[link]] cat mediawiki4 \ | sed -r 's/([^[]|^)(\[[^]]*\])([^]]|$)/\1[\2]\3/g' \ > mediawiki5 # bold, italic cat mediawiki5 \ | sed -r "s/'''''(.*)'''''/\/\/**\1**\/\//g" \ | sed -r "s/'''/**/g" \ | sed -r "s/''/\/\//g" \ > mediawiki6 # talks cat mediawiki6 \ | sed -r "s/^[ ]*:/>/g" \ | sed -r "s/>:/>>/g" \ | sed -r "s/>>:/>>>/g" \ | sed -r "s/>>>:/>>>>/g" \ | sed -r "s/>>>>:/>>>>>/g" \ | sed -r "s/>>>>>:/>>>>>>/g" \ | sed -r "s/>>>>>>:/>>>>>>>/g" \ > mediawiki7 cat mediawiki7 \ | sed -r "s//\'\'/g" \ | sed -r "s/<\/code>/\'\'/g" \ > mediawiki8 cat mediawiki8 \ | sed -r "s/
//g" \
   | sed -r "s/<\/pre>/<\/code>/g" \
  > mediawiki9

#100720-MSe: remove "<\code>\n \n"
cat mediawiki9 \
   | sed 'N;N;s/<\/code>\n[ \t]*\n//;P;D;D;' \
  > mediawiki10

#cat mediawiki10 > dokuwiki

# font (color, ...)
cat mediawiki10 \
  | sed 's///g' \
  | sed 's/<\/span>/<\/font>/g' \
  | sed 's///g' \
 > mediawiki11

cat mediawiki11 > dokuwiki