====== Tipps und Tricks ====== FIXME: Bitte übersetzt und verbessert einfach etwas, wenn ihr Fehler etc. findet. Ich habe das Ganze nur schnell grob übersetzt, damit Leute, die nur Deutsch können, sich hier auch beteiligen können. Hier werden alle Eure Tipps und Tricks für [[DokuWiki]] gesammelt. ===== Brauchbare Tipps ===== ^ Link ^ Kurze Beschreibung ^ | [[de:tips:TailorWikiRules]] | Vorgehen nach der Installation, Vorbereiten des Betriebs | | [[http://www.robmeerman.co.uk/unix:unison|Syncen mit Unison]] | Zwei Wikis mit Unison synchronisieren | | [[tips:timezone]] | Die Zeitzone des Servers setzen | | [[tips:mailconfig]] | Tipps, damit Mail funktioniert | | [[tips:uploadcodedir]] | Ein Verzeichnis mit Code in das DokuWiki hochladen | | [[tips:commonlogin]] | Login-Daten zwischen mehreren Wikis teilen, die auf demselben Server laufen | | [[http://lehrerfortbildung-bw.de/werkstatt/cms/wiki/dokuwiki/index.html|Einsatz an Schulen]] | Anleitung zur Verwendung von DokuWiki für Schulprojekte | ===== Browser Probleme ===== ^ Link ^ Kurze Beschreibung ^ | [[de:tips:scrollposition]] | Warum sich Dokuwiki die Scroll-Position beim Firefox nicht merkt | | [[tips:preventing-postdata-has-expired]] | Verhindern von 'POSTDATA has expired' Meldungen | ===== Syntax erweitern ===== **Die meisten** dieser Tipps müssen für den neuen [[Parser]] angepasst werden und werden nicht einfach so funktionieren. Am Besten implementiert man sie mit Hilfe des neuen [[plugin]] Systems. Eine Liste der Plugins, die das neue Plugin-Interface benutzen, gibt es auf der [[plugin]]-Seite. ^ Link ^ Kurze Beschreibung ^ | [[http://setiwiki.cybertux.de/latexrender|LatexRender]] | Rendert LaTeX-Fragmente als Bilder, mögliche Alternative zu MathML | | [[tips:reverseheadertags|Invert Headers]] | Kehrt die Syntax für Überschriften um (z.B.: '=' = H1, '==' = H2, etc) | | [[tips:tableswithrowspans|Tables with Rowspans]] | Unterstützung für Spalten, die Zeilen überbrücken ( rowspans ) in Tabellen mit neuer Syntax. \\ Innerhalb einer Spalte erstreckt sich eine Zelle über mehrere Zeilen. | | [[tips:tableswithrowspans2|Tables with Rowspans (Lexer version)]] | Unterstützung für rowspans in Tabellen, die die Syntac existierender Tabellen nicht beschädigen. | | [[tips:tables_with_rowspan|Tables with Rowspan (Lexer version too)]] | Ein weiterer (einfacherer?) Weg um rowspan in Tabellen zu ermöglichen. | | [[tips:Echo PHP variables securely]] | Zeigt vordefinierte Variablen auf Seiten an | | [[http://mikezornek.com/archives/2005/02/12/how_i_added_markdown_to_dokuwiki.php|Markdown]] FIXME | Fügt Markdown zu DokuWiki hinzu | | [[tips:SVG Support]] | Collaborate on vector images using the SVG format | | [[http://wiki.ioslo.net/dokuwiki/graphviz|GraphViz Support]] | Collaborate on graphs; Use Java and Umlgraph | | [[tips:Base links]] | Make normal (non-wiki) Base links to your wiki hierarchy | | [[tips:magnet links]] | Show DC%%++%% magnet links as external | ===== Layout und Styling erweitern ===== Einige dieser Tipps sind möglicherweise besser mit dem neuen [[Template]]-Mechanismus zu implementieren. Schreibt sie ruhig dementsprechend um. ^ Link ^ Kurze Beschreibung ^ | [[tips:navigation]] | Add a navigation bar on top of the page-internal table of contents, and add a link to next and previous page. | | [[tips:CustomQuoting]] | Den Zitier-Stil ändern | | [[http://ktyp.com/dev/doku/dokuwiki/hacks/hidephp|Hide php Code]] | Hide code in %%...%% tags when the user doesn't have permission to edit the page. | | [[tips:format_user]] | Using CN from client certificate when displaying username | | [[tips:fold_support|Folding Sections]] | Allows sections of text to be folded (shown or hidden by user interaction) | | [[tips:Folding Sections Revisited]] | Eine andere Variante des obigen Tips| | [[http://ktyp.com/dev/doku/dokuwiki/hacks/prettyrecent|Pretty Recent]] | Changes the recently updated page to include day headers [[tips:prettyrecentfix|Fix for July 1 Revision]]| | [[tips:Titles in Any Case]] | Remove the restriction that page identifiers must be lowercase | | [[tips:prewithwrap|'pre' section with wrap]] | %%
%% section with wrapping                           |
| [[tips:namespace toolbar extension]] | Create internal links via toolbar with current namespace included |
| [[tips:automatic sidebar]] | Eine sich automatisch aktualisierende Sidebar |
| [[tips:include wiki-page in template]] | Include one of your wiki-pages in your template (e.g. an editable part of your template) |
| [[tips:Disabling link icons]] | Schaltet Interwiki und Nicht-Wiki Link Icons ab |
| [[tips:rss_description|Descriptions in RSS aggregator]] | Add the beginning of every RSS article in the list |
| [[tips:code_css|Code CSS]] | CSS for use with Syntax Highlighting |
| [[tips:notfound-search|notfound->search]] | small jscript redirects a 404 to the search engine |
| [[tips:XHTML Strict]] | Wie man auf XHTML 1.0 Strict gehen kann |
| [[tips:two_columns]] | Viel Content in zwei Spalten aufteilen|
| [[tips:HierarchicalBreadcrumbs]]       | :!: **DEPRECATED**\\ Another aproach on breadcrumbs navigation                                  |
| [[tips:smiley toolbar]]                | :!: **DEPRECATED**\\ Add a smiley toolbar                                                       |
| [[tips:sorttable]] | Tabellen mittels JavaScript sortierfähig machen |
| [[tips:image_nolink]] | Make inserted images default to no link |
| [[tips:authlink]] | A way to show user which internal link can be visited by the permissions defined in ACL. |
| [[tips:Toc use position fixed]] | When the user scrolls the page, the Toc does not scroll with it, the Toc is fixed. |
| [[tips:numbered headings]] | Numbered headings per CSS only |
| [[tips:back to top]] | back to top before every header |

===== Hinzufügen neuer Funktionen =====

^ Link ^ Kurze Beschreibung ^
| [[tips:betteremailnotifications|Better Email Notifications]] | HTML-formatierte email-Benachrichtigung über Seitenänderungen |
| [[tips:getGoogleQuery]]              | Configurable Version of the inbuilt search string hilighter |
| [[tips:Wikiwyg|Use Wikiwyg]]         | Use Wikiwyg fullscreen editor [[experimental]] |
| [[tips:IPACL|IP-based ACLs]]         | Assign access rights based on IP or network of the connecting client. |
| [[tips:editformtips|Edit Form Mods]] | Extend the Editform                       |
| [[tips:BrowserLanguageDetection]]    | Change the UI language automatically      |
| [[tips:transliteration]]    | Transliterate Cyrillic texts to Latin       |
| [[tips:namespaceindex]]              | Show the index of a namespace when browsing to a namespace |
| [[http://www.akehrer.com/wiki/doku.php?id=code:dokuwiki_calendar|Calendar]]| Add a Calendar to Dokuwiki - should be fixed now for v2005-09-22 |
| [[tips:pdfexport|PDF Export]]        | PDF export using html2ps and pstopdf       |
| [[http://wiki.erazor-zone.de/doku.php?id=wiki:projects:php:dokuwiki:counter|View Counter]] | Count Page Views |
| [[http://wiki.erazor-zone.de/doku.php?id=wiki:projects:php:dokuwiki:print_view|Print View Button]] | make use of ?do=export_html |
| [[tips:printview|tpl_button for print view]] | Adds an tpl_button for print_view |
| [[http://wiki.erazor-zone.de/doku.php?id=wiki:projects:php:dokuwiki:user_link|User Link]] | use an extra wiki-page for users |
| [[tips:HtaccessAuth|.htaccess authentication]]    | Use .htaccess authentication instead of the login form   |
| [[tips:HtaccessAuth2|.htaccess authentication 2]] | As above with support for UserManager  |
| [[tips:httpauth-passthru|HTTP-Auth Passthru]] | Adding http-auth-functionality to your existing acl-setup |
| [[tips:chainedAuth|Chained Authentication]] | Use a sequence of authentication backends (eg ldap then plain ) |
| [[tips:authbymail|mail server authentification]] | Use a mail server for authentification (auth_plain enabled at the same time) |
| [[tips:HtmlOnly|Html only view]] |     |
| [[tips:StickyExportHtml]] | Make do=export_html "sticky" for html-only browsing |
| [[tips:discussion]]                  | Creates a link or button in your template that leads to a separate discussion-page (like e.g. Wikipedia does provide)                |
| [[tips:safely include php code]]     | Allow PHP code to be included in pages created by superuser only |
| [[tips:Manage User Groups]] | Function to allow a user to grant or remove group membership.  Not a complete solution [yet]. |
| [[tips:logging|Page Statistics]] | Add page and media file logging to Dokuwiki |
| [[tips:nls|NLS]]                 | Adding unofficial National Language Support (NLS) for DokuWiki |
| [[tips:Pagetemplate Selector]] | **:!: DEPRECATED**\\ Select a pagetemplate via dropdown |
| [[tips:ResetPassword]]               | **:!: DEPRECATED**\\ Reset password for a user in auth_plain   |
| [[tips:AllowUserToSetPassword]]      | **:!: DEPRECATED**\\ Allows the user to define the password to use for login, instead of receiving it by e-mail. |
| [[discussion:manageprofile|Manage User Profiles]] | **:!: DEPRECATED**\\ Allow logged in users to change their realname, email, and password. |
| [[tips:JSCalendar]]                  | **:!: DEPRECATED**\\ Create a DokuWiki-Calendar                 |
| [[tips:css_jss_cache_backport]]      | Backport of the css and js cache feature. It saves 66kbyte of download in each page for version 2006-03-09      |
| [[tips:Summary Enforcement]]           | Require the user to enter a summary (or check minor edit) |
| [[tips:homepages]] | Autocreate user homepages when add/modify user accounts |
| [[tips:wordcounter]] | Add a wordcounter to the edit form and character counter |
| [[tips:redirectconfig|Redirect by Config]]| Redirects on sites and namespaces by a conf-file |
| [[tips:mediamanager_filesize|mediamanager and filesize]]| Append the size of the mediamanager selected file to the wikilink |
| [[tips:media_attached]]| media upload is attached to each page |
| [[tips:template_chooser]]| A simple dropdown box in editmode allows you to paste content from a template into the current document |
| [[tips:login_instead_of_forbidden]] | Show the login form when accessing a restricted page |
| [[tips:display_acls]] | Display ACLs in page footer |
| [[tips:censure]] | Censure act like a validator for each edition |
| [[tips:action_menu]] | Action menu like in MoinMoin Wiki|

===== Integration in andere Software =====

==== Content Management Systeme und Foren ====

^ Link ^ Kurze Beschreibung ^
| [[http://cruesl.um.es/wiki/doku.php?id=wiki_crue:auth_mysql_mambo|Mambo CMS]] |How to integrate DokuWiki with Mambo CMS (Spanish) |
| [[http://xoopsforge.com/modules/dokuwiki/|XOOPS CMS]] | A complete integration of DokuWiki with XOOPS for XOOPS 2.2.x and 2.0.x only| 
| [[http://projects.j-prosolution.com/projects/os-projects/project-openwiki.html|Joomla! CMS]] | A complete integration of DokuWiki with Joomla! CMS. (doesn't exist anymore)| 
| [[http://projects.j-prosolution.com/projects/os-projects/project-openwiki.html|OpenWiki]] | DokuWiki as a Joomla Module (doesn't exist anymore) |
| [[http://ruflin.com/en/hints/101-dokuwiki-mit-joomla-g-1013-verwenden|Joomla Bridge]] |  Verbindung zu Joomla Benutzer mit DokuWiki  (doesn't exist anymore) |
| [[http://www.jfusion.org|Joomla!]] | JFusion - Dual-Login Komponente mit etlichen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten (doesn't exist anymore) |
| [[http://www.foolab.org/node/785|Drupal]] | Authentication backend will enable your DokuWiki to authenticate using the Drupal database. |
| [[http://www.coalface.net/node/22|Drupal]] | Integrate a Dokuwiki installation into a Drupal front-end. (doesn't exist anymore)|
| [[http://blogcms.com|BLOG:CMS]] | BLOG:CMS integrates DokuWiki with Weblog, Forum and Gallery in one package |
| [[http://www.nucleuscms.org/|NucleusCMS]]| NucleusCMS integrates DokuWiki |
| [[http://www.web-bureau.com/php-fusion-infusions-dc4.htm|PHP Fusion CMS]] | The TWB DokuWiki Infusion integrates Dokuwiki into the PHP Fusion CMS. View the demo: http://www.web-bureau.com/infusions/dokuwiki/. |
| [[http://anon:anon@macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Bundles/DokuWiki.tmbundle/|TextMate Bundle]] | Edit pages inside [[http://macromates.com|Textmate]] |
| [[http://www.absolutengine.com/|Absolut Engine]] | DokuWiki bridging module has been created to allow seamless integration of DokuWiki into Absolut Engine CMS. |
| [[http://www.digist.co.kr/bbs/101036|Zeroboard XE]] | Authentication backend for Zeroboard XE, one of the famous Korean forum/CMS code.(in Korean) Based on Mohammed Sameer's Drupal authentication backend source code |

==== nur Foren ====

^ Link ^ Kurze Beschreibung ^
| [[tips:Integrate with vBulletin 3.5.X|vBulletin 3.5.X]] | How to integrate DokuWiki with vBulletin 3.5.X  authentication |
| [[tips:Integrate with phpBB|phpBB]]        | How to integrate DokuWiki with phpBBs authentication |
| [[tips:integrate_with_phpbb3|phpBB 3.0.X]]        | How to integrate DokuWiki with phpBB3s authentication |
| [[http://www.qwik.ch/wikisyntax_in_phpbb-forum_verwenden|Use DokuWiki Syntax in phpBB]] |Use DokuWiki Syntax in phpBB (in German) |
| [[tips:Integration with IPB 2.x|Invision Power Board IPB 2.x]] | How to integrate Dokuwiki with IPB 2.x authentification |
| [[http://noc.postnuke.com/projects/dokuwiki/|PostNuke]] | A "bridge" to integrate the look and the user management of PostNuke and DokuWiki. Runs without modifications to DokuWiki files! |
| [[http://docs.xennobb.com/xennobb/integration/dokuwiki|XennoBB]] **mysql_authentication** | XennoBB MySQL Authentication | 
| [[http://www.punres.org/viewtopic.php?id=319|PunBB ]]**(mod)** | A mod to integrate DokuWiki to PunBB forum (you can see an example at [[http://www.punres.org/]]) | 
| [[http://www.punbb.fr/aide/doku.php/integration_site?s=dokuwiki|PunBB]] **(mysql_auth)** | PunBB MySQL Authentification **[fr]** | 
| [[http://www.web-threads.com/forum/index.php?topic=5.0|SMF (Simple Machines Forum)]]| Authentication backend using SMF database. |
| [[http://lussumo.com/docs/doku.php?id=vanilla:integration:dokuwiki|Vanilla]] | Lets Vanilla take care of all the user management, including sessions |

==== Blogs ====

^ Link ^ Kurze Beschreibung ^
| [[http://floatingsun.net/blog/code/wp-dokuwiki|DokuWiki Wordpress Plugin]]| How to add DokuWiki syntax to the Wordpress blogging software |
| [[http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/dw2wp/|dw2wp]] | A wordpress plugin to integrate content from DokuWiki |
| [[http://www.ezpdo.net/blog/?p=26|dwBliki]] | A Wordpress plugin. [[http://www.ezpdo.net/download.php?file=dwbliki.0.5.tar.gz|Downloadlink to the latest stable version (May 2005)]] | 
| [[https://granny.homelinux.org/CryForHelp/?page_id=199|DokuWiki Markup Plugin]] | Another Plugin for Wordpress |
| [[http://thedeadone.net/software/getting-dokuwiki-to-use-wordpress-authentication/|Wordpress]] **(mysql_auth)** | Wordpress MySQL Authentication Integration |
| [[http://www.gllabs.org/article.php?story=dwintegration120|Geeklog]] | Integrate DokuWiki in Geeklog |

==== Bug Tracker ====

^ Link ^ Kurze Beschreibung ^
| [[http://gforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=855&group_id=1&atid=106|GForge]] | ein Plugin, um DokuWiki in GForge zu benutzen|
| [[http://www.mantisbt.org/wiki/doku.php/mantisbt:issue:7075:integration_with_dokuwiki|Mantis Integration]] | Wie man DokuWiki in Mantis Bugtracker integriert |
| [[http://discerning.com/hacks/flyspray/|Flyspray]] | Flyspray Authentication Integration |

==== Sonstige ====

^ Link ^ Kurze Beschreibung ^
| [[tips:Synchronise with Tomboy]] | Wie man Tomboy mit DokuWiki synchronisiert |
| [[http://maestric.com/wiki/doku.php?id=php:integrate-dokuwiki-to-your-website|Integriere DokuWiki in deine Webseite]] | Mit chmod 444 (nur lesen) |

===== Interacting scripts and tools =====

^ Link ^ Kurze Beschreibung ^
| [[tips:DokuWiki Setup]]                      | Easy/automatic installation/upgrade - also fixing safe-mode issues|
| [[tips:Maintenance]]                         | Cronjobs to keep your wiki clean             |
| [[http://www.suttree.com/code/wikemail/|Wikemail]] | a script to import email into DokuWiki       |
| [[:sys2wiki.sh]]                                   | Dumps some hardware info in DokuWiki format  |
| [[http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/hillview/OOo/|OpenOffice Macro]] | converts an OpenOffice document to DokuWiki format |
| [[http://www.plattsalat.de/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:openofficemacro|OpenOffice v2 Macro]] | converts an OpenOffice document to DokuWiki format, adapted for OOo v2|
| [[http://www.lucsorel.com/index.php?page=downloads#calc2dokuwiki|Calc2Dokuwiki]] | Exports selected ranges of cells from OpenOffice.org Calc into tables formated in DokuWiki code. Tool available as an extension (OOo 2.1.x) and a macro (OOo 1.x-2.0.x) |
| [[http://www.wakatara.com/blog/2005/01/17/on-collaborative-simplicity-and-the-word2dokuwiki-macro/|Word Macro]] | converts an MS Word document to DokuWiki format |
| [[http://www.plattsalat.de/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:msofficemacro|Word Macro adaptation]] | converts an MS Word document to DokuWiki format - improved conversion (for English Word) plus adaptation for German Word |
| [[tips:Excel Macro]]                          | An Excel macro to convert the selected cells into DokuWiki table syntax. |
| [[tips:Backup Script]]                        | A small shellscript to backup your wiki data and media, including rotation. |
| [[tips:BackupToS3]]                        | A small ruby script to backup your wiki to Amazon's data storage system S3. |
| [[tips:UpgradeScript]]                        | A small script to make DokuWiki updates simpler |
| [[tips:HTMLtoWiki]]                           | How to convert HTML to Dokuwiki [[syntax]] |
| [[tips:Shorttags]]                            | :!: **DEPRECATED** A script to convert short tags to long forms in Dokuwikis source code |
| [[tips:Weblog bookmarklet]]                   | A javascript/php combination to post in Dokuwiki like regular weblogs |
| [[tips:adduser.php]]                          | A small php script to easily add/update users accounts in the wiki from the command line|
| [[tips:imap2wiki]]                          | A small php script to give users the opportunity to post by email|
| [[http://www.chimeric.de/projects:dokuwiki:dokuvimki|DokuVimKi]] | VIM Plugin that allows editing of wiki pages over XML-RPC + Syntax highlighting for DokuWiki syntax |
| [[tips:vimkeys]]                            | Key Bindings for [G]Vim                                  |
| [[.tips:fixperms.php]]                                  | make webserver created files writable by everyone |
| [[tips:csv2dwt]]                              | A script that converts Comma Separated Values (CSV) to DokuWiki's Table format (DWT) |
| [[tips:xls2wiki]]                              | A script that converts XLS copied data to DokuWiki's Table format (DWT) and vice versa |
| [[tips:mail2page]]                            | create pages and upload media by email |
| [[tips:romanize]]                            | romanize files in datadir |
| [[http://rules-of-thumb.com/downloads#Misc|DokuWiki2HtmlHelp]] | Converts a DokuWiki website into a Compiled Html Help file (.chm) complete with table of contents and index |
| [[tips:jEdit]]                                | An edit mode for jEdit that does syntax highlighting for headlines, character formats, lists and links |
| [[tips:tofromdoku]] | A Dokuwiki command line utility |
| [[tips:recreate wiki change log]] | How to recreate your wiki change log from individual page change logs |

===== Importieren aus anderen Wikis =====

^ Quell-Wiki ^ Beschreibung ^
| [[tips:TWiki to DokuWiki Conversion]] | ein TWiki zu DokuWiki Konvertierungs-Script |
| [[tips:perspective|Perspective]]  | ein Python-Script, muss unter Windows ausgeführt werden |
| [[tips:moinmoin2doku|Moin Moin]]  | ein PHP-Script für Moin Moin  | 
| [[tips:wakka2doku|Wakka Wiki]]    | ein Perl-Script für Wakka Wiki|
| [[tips:Mediawiki to Dokuwiki Converter|Mediawiki to Dokuwiki Converter]] |Konvertiert MediaWiki zu DokuWiki|
| [[tips:zwiki2dokuwiki|Zwiki]]     | ein Perl-Script für Zwiki     |
| [[tips:Chu2doku|chuwiki]]         | ein Python-Script für chuwiki |
====== Migrated pages ======

FIXME: bitte kategorisiert und beschreibt diese Tabelle!

^ Quell-Wiki ^ Beschreibung ^
| [[:wiki:tips:adding-absolute-links| Adding absolute links]] | Adding absolute links |
| [[:wiki:tips:adding-absolute-media|Adding absolute media]] | Adding absolute media | 
| [[:wiki:tips:all-pages-visible-by-acl]] | |
| [[:wiki:tips:displaying-blank-rows-in-tables|Displaying blank rows in tables]] | Displaying blank rows in tables |
| [[:wiki:tips:editable-namespace-templates]] | |
| [[:wiki:tips:hide-inaccessible-items-in-indexes]] | |
| [[:wiki:tips:howto-rename-pages|Howto rename pages]] | Wie man Seiten umbenennt |
| [[:wiki:tips:image-in-the-upper-right-corner]] | |
| [[:wiki:tips:links-to-dokuwiki-commands]] | |
| [[:wiki:tips:local-links-with-icons|Local links with icons]] | Lokale Links mit Icons |
| [[:wiki:tips:make-a-dokuwiki-index| Make a dokuwiki index]] | einen DokuWiki Index erstellen |
| [[:wiki:tips:namespaces|Namespaces]] | namespaces |
| [[:wiki:tips:pam-authentification-backend]] | |
| [[:wiki:tips:prevent-caching-of-a-page]] | |
| [[:wiki:tips:relative-links| Relative links]] | Relative Links | 
| [[:wiki:tips:tight-code-boxes|Tight code boxes ]] | Tight code boxes  |
| [[:wiki:tips:user-auth-setting-password|User Auth: setting password]] | User Auth: setting password |
| [[:wiki:tips:who-is-contributing-most|Who is contributing most]] | Wer hat die meisten Beiträge |