====== DokuWiki Installations ====== ~~NOTRANS~~ Welcome to the new and improved DokuWiki installation directory, we moved the [[users_old|old users page]]. Here you can find some of all DokuWiki installations around the world, [[google>driven by dokuwiki|Google]] to find more. You can also find individual users through our [[usermap|DokuWiki User Map]]. If you use DokuWiki, please add yourself to the list of DokuWiki installations by adding a new page in the ''dokuinstall'' namespace. Write a description of how you use it and what you like the best. ---- datatable ---- cols : %title%, screenshot_img90, purpose_lbls, org_lbls, country, installed_dt headers : Install, Screenshot, Purpose, Organisation, Country, Installdate filter : %class%=dwinstallation sort : ^installed dynfilters : 1 ----