====== Emoji Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Emoji substitution plugin using graphics from EmojiOne author : Patrick Brown email : ptbrown@whoopdedo.org type : syntax, action lastupdate : 2019-05-14 compatible : Greebo, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky similar : tags : smileys, emoji, unicode downloadurl: https://github.com/ptbrown/dokuwiki-plugin-emoji/archive/master.zip bugtracker : https://github.com/ptbrown/dokuwiki-plugin-emoji/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/ptbrown/dokuwiki-plugin-emoji ---- The [[http://www.whoopdedo.org/doku/wiki/emoji|emoji plugin]] lets you insert emoji in wiki pages. Graphics are from [[http://www.emojione.com|EmojiOne]] and are licensed with a [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/|Creative Commons license]]. ===== Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. This plugin was released on **2018-10-18**. Download that release from [[https://github.com/ptbrown/dokuwiki-plugin-emoji/archive/r20181018.zip|GitHub]] and install manually. :!: PHP 5.3 or later is required. ===== Configuration ===== The source for downloading emoji graphics can be configured. The options are to use the plugin's built-in graphics, use a public CDN (currently jsdelivr.net), or use an external CDN of your choosing. The last option requires you to set the base URI to download from. The ''assets'' folder from this plugin, or from [[https://github.com/Ranks/emojione|EmojiOne]], needs to be copied to the download location. Please note that EmojiOne 2.2.7 was the last version to be available under the Creative Commons license. ===== Examples/Usage ===== - Copy the Unicode character, ''%%😄%%'' - Type a [[http://emoji.codes|shortname]], ''%%:smile:%%'' - Type an emoticon, ''%%:-)%%'' While editing a wiki page, when you begin to type a shortname you will see a popup with suggested emoji. Use the up and down arrow keys or mouse to select an emoji, continue typing a name to see other suggestions, and press ''Tab'' or ''Enter'' to insert the selected emoji in the page. Type ''Space'' or any other punctuation to dismiss the popup. It will also go away if there are no more suggestions. ===== Development ===== Possible future options are configurable alternate graphics and a helper plugin. === Change Log === {{rss>https://github.com/ptbrown/dokuwiki-plugin-emoji/commits/master.atom 5 date description 1d }} === Known Bugs and Issues === Suggestion data for the autocomplete popup is not loaded from a CDN. Why on my wiki, when seeing with Android mobile, emojis are shown much larger than text? [[https://didedoust.ir/playground/100|My wiki]] ===== Discussion ===== The emoji shortcode website has moved to https://www.emojicopy.com/, but it no longer shows shortcodes. Does someone know an alternative reference? --- [[user>sleeping|sleeping]] //2020-04-19 20:16//