====== git Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: This plugin allows you to perform GIT actions from the administrator console. **Under Construction, don't download for now!** author : Stephan Dekker email : Stephan@SparklingSoftware.com.au type : Admin lastupdate : 2013-11-06 compatible : 2012-01-25 "Angua" depends : conflicts : similar : tags : GIT, Source Control downloadurl: https://github.com/SparklingSoftware/DokuWiki-Plugin-GIT/archive/master.zip bugtracker : https://github.com/SparklingSoftware/DokuWiki-Plugin-GIT/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/SparklingSoftware/DokuWiki-Plugin-GIT donationurl: screenshot_img : ---- ===== Installation ===== **Under Construction, don't download for now! Contact me if you want to help speed up development** Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. ==== Setup GIT repos ==== - Make sure your "data" folder is outside of the wiki and that its a git repository. You can download the "Wikipedia for IT standards" for instance (as shown here: http://www.instantalm.org) content here: https://github.com/SparklingSoftware/InstantALM/archive/master.zip - You can use this as .gitignore attic/ cache/ index/ locks/ meta/ media_attic/ media_meta/ tmp/ *.php .htaccess.dist COPYING README VERSION .htaccess _dummy deleted.files security.png security.xcf - Manually commit to the master to make sure it works. - Make sure the ''PATH'' environment variable (Windows) contains the git.exe path. ===== Examples/Usage ===== Go into the admin windows, click on "GIT Actions". You will see that current status, an option to commit (and to enter a message) and to push to the master. ===== Configuration and Settings ===== It is assumed that the git repo that sits in the root of your DokuWiki installation points to the origin : master. === Change Log === * **2012-03-14** * Initial release === Known Bugs and Issues === * Tested on Win7, running IIS. * Not tested on Linux yet. * Make sure the app pool and the "Physical Path Credentials" specify an account that has the correct SSH setting. === ToDo/Wish List === Plenty of improvements possible... ===== FAQ ===== No questions asked yet. ===== Discussion =====