====== HEAT Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Highlights HEAT numbers in wiki markup author : Jo Booth email : jo-heat_plugin@mesh.net.nz type : syntax lastupdate : 2014-09-17 compatible : 2011-11-10 "Angua RC1" depends : conflicts : similar : tags : HEAT, highlight, formatting downloadurl: https://github.com/downloads/JoMangee/wiki_plugins/heat.zip bugtracker : https://github.com/JoMangee/wiki_plugins/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/JoMangee/wiki_plugins/tree/master/heat donationurl: ---- ===== Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. Plugin should go into the folder under ''lib\plugins\heat''. ===== Examples/Usage ===== Very simply the plugin highlights the terms **heat #**01234567, **HEAT #**1234567 and **Heat #**01234567 etc in your wiki. ===== Syntax ===== Basic syntax: Heat #[number] ===== Configuration and Settings ===== None ===== Development ===== === Change Log === {{rss>https://github.com/JoMangee/wiki_plugins/commits/master.atom date}} * **2014-09-17** * Update of base and some trimming of redundant code. Not re-tested * **2012-26-11** * Initial release, very simple plugin === Known Bugs and Issues === [[https://github.com/JoMangee/wiki_plugins/issues|Issues on Github]] === ToDo/Wish List === * Add end block to highlight the number as well, not just the **heat #** part * Add link to heat instances * Pull in heat details ===== FAQ ===== ===What is HEAT?=== [[wp>HEAT_(software)|HEAT]] is is a commercial help desk issue_management software suite produced by [[wp>FrontRange_Solutions|FrontRange Solutions]]. According to FrontRange staff, **HEAT** stands for **H**elpdesk **E**xpert **A**utomation **T**ool. ===== Discussion ===== None yet