====== monthcal Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Monthly calendar author : Milosz Galazka email : milosz@sleeplessbeastie.eu type : Syntax lastupdate : 2019-04-14 compatible : 2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners", 2018-04-22 "Greebo", 2020-07-29 "Hogfather", IGor depends : conflicts : similar : wikicalendar, yearbox tags : calendar downloadurl: https://gitlab.com/milosz.galazka/monthcal/-/archive/master/monthcal-master.zip bugtracker : https://gitlab.com/milosz.galazka/monthcal/issues sourcerepo : https://gitlab.com/milosz.galazka/monthcal/ donationurl: https://fsfe.org/donate/donate.en.html screenshot_img : https://trello.com/1/cards/6368f2e76fe99203826dc136/attachments/6368f5517390180023d83a67/download/monthcal-plugin_preview.png ---- ===== About ===== Small and simple monthly calendar. ===== Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. ===== Example ===== {{https://imageshack.com/a/img924/4186/PnEazJ.png}} ===== Usage ===== Display calendar for current month. {{monthcal}} Display calendar for current month and align it to the right. {{monthcal:align=right}} Display calendar for current month, but do not mark current day. {{monthcal:mark_today=no}} Display calendar for specified month/year, but do not create links. {{monthcal:month=1,year=2018,create_links=no}} Display calendar for specified month/year and use table border. {{monthcal:month=12,year=2018,borders=table}} Display calendar for specified month/year and use borders. {{monthcal:month=12,year=2018,borders=all}} Display calendar for specified month/year and defined namespace. {{monthcal:month=12,year=2018,namespace=journal}} Display calendar for specified month/year and start week at Sunday. {{monthcal:month=12,year=2018,week_start_on=sunday}} Display calendar for specified month/year with week numbers. {{monthcal:month=12,year=2018,display_weeks=yes}} Display calendar for current month/year but do not create *new page* links for dates in the past. {{monthcal:do_not_create_past_links=yes}} Display calendar for current month/year and additional prev/next month links. {{monthcal:create_prev_next_links=yes}} Display calendar for current month/year and create "local" links (e.g. #section03). {{monthcal:create_links=local}} ===== Change Log ===== {{rss>https://gitlab.com/milosz.galazka/monthcal/commits/master?format=atom date}} ===== Future development ===== * PL translations * CSS could be improved, but in what direction? ===== Discussion ===== Please go to [[plugin:monthcal:discussion]] page Have a nice day!