====== mp3play2 Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: The Mp3Play plugin let you add an flash mp3 player to your Webpage and Stream Mp3 files author : Zahno Silvan email : zaswiki@gmail.com type : syntax lastupdate : 2014-10-02 compatible : Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle depends : conflicts : similar : tags : !obsolete, mp3, play, music, internet radio, stream, flash, embed screenshot_img: #http://zawiki.dyndns.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/tschinz:programming:dw:mp3play:mp3play_1.png #FIXME downloadurl: https://github.com/tschinz/dokuwiki_mp3play_plugin/zipball/master bugtracker: https://github.com/tschinz/dokuwiki_mp3play_plugin/issues sourcerepo: https://github.com/tschinz/dokuwiki_mp3play_plugin donationurl: https://www.paypal.com/ch/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=-NSXfGE9ibV605du5x-XY0T3UrOotHWgwxkRHN2lQ8d9u-HIOxhoEvM0Rg0&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f8e263663d3faee8d0b7e678a25d883d0fa72c947f193f8fd ---- Flash is not available anymore in browsers. Simple including single mp3s is included in DokuWiki, see the [[wiki:syntax#media_files|media syntax description]]. FIXME {{http://zawiki.dyndns.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/tschinz:programming:dw:mp3play:mp3play_1.png}} {{http://zawiki.dyndns.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/tschinz:programming:dw:mp3play:mp3play_2.png}} {{http://zawiki.dyndns.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/tschinz:programming:dw:mp3play:mp3play_3.png}} ===== Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. * Download "MP3 Play plugin" and unzip file locally * Transfer to server holding Dokuwiki * Copy subfolder "mp3play" to: ..your..dokuwiki.../lib/plugins ===== Syntax/Usage ===== The Plugin can be seen in action [[http://zawiki.zapto.org/doku.php/tschinz:dw_mp3play|here]] FIXME The plugin takes an xml file as input, inside as many mp3 files or streams can be defined. {{mp3play>path-to-playlist.xml}} "Path to the Playlist" should look something like this: namespace:folder:subfolder:....:playlist.xml e.g. {{mp3play>http://zawiki.zapto.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/tschinz:music:mp3play:playlist.xml}} or {{mp3play>tschinz:music:mp3play:playlist.xml}} ===== Settings ===== ^Admin setting ^Default value ^Description ^ |Showplaylist |1 |0 or 1 | |Showeq |1 |0 or 1 | |Firsttrack |1 |First track to play 1-x | |Initvol |50 |Start volume | |Width |100% |Width size in pixel or %| |Height |320 |Height in pixel or % | ===== Playlist example ===== ===== Change Log ===== * **2011-02-17** * Initial release * **2012-10-22** * Moved repo to github ===== Known Bugs and Issues ===== === Incompatibility with original mp3play plugin === By the time I wrote this plugin I didn't realized that there is already a plugin called mp3play. Therefore both plugins can't coexist, choose one. === Problems with some mp3 streams === First be sure that your Internetradio station is a mp3 stream (not ogg or something else). Second there is still some incompatibility with some browsers. === Address rewriting === Plugin cut ''doku.php'' from URL, so if you use [[config:userewrite|userewrite = 1]], comment ''$url = substr($url,0,-9);'' in plugin's syntax.php And for playlist xml file, ''$data = $url.'/lib/exe/fetch.php/'.$data;'' changes to ''$data = $url.'/lib/exe/fetch.php?media='.$data;''. ===== ToDo/Wish List ===== Let me know ===== FAQ ===== None ===== Discussion ===== Discuss [[https://github.com/tschinz/dokuwiki_mp3play_plugin/issues|here]]