====== Note Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: This plugin allows you to create nice “notes” like this in your DokuWiki pages author : Anael Mobilia email : contrib@anael.eu type : syntax lastupdate : 2024-04-15 compatible : Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos depends : conflicts : similar : bootswrapper, box, wrap, admnote tags : boxes, icons, toolbar downloadurl: https://github.com/AnaelMobilia/dokuwiki-plugin-note/zipball/master bugtracker : https://github.com/AnaelMobilia/dokuwiki-plugin-note/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/AnaelMobilia/dokuwiki-plugin-note donationurl : screenshot_img : https://trello.com/1/cards/659ed9c093bc8f60bf5251a9/attachments/659eda3333beaab793b64a14/download/note-plugin-screenshot.png ---- ===== Usage ===== When you have it installed, use this: This is my note! Remember it!! Warning! You're about to lose your mind ;-) The clues are in the images. Beware of the cat when you open the door!! You can use the note keywords ''important'', ''warning'' and ''tip''. Or some French synonyms: ''importante''(important), ''bloquante'', ''critique'' (warning), ''tuyau'', ''idée'' (tip), ''classique'' (classic). It is quite easy to add new types of notes if you know a bit of PHP and CSS. ===== Limitations ===== Plugin won't work inside numbered list It also doesn't appear to work within a folded section using the "[[plugin:folded|Folded]]" plugin. Correction: The syntax is as follows: === Note === ++++Note dans un Folded| Ça fonctionne seulement avec le //div// pas le //span//. ++++ ===== Download / Installation ===== **General instructions** - Download [[https://github.com/LarsGit223/dokuwiki_note/archive/2019-04-18.zip|the latest version]] or [[http://gauret.free.fr/fichiers/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-note-20080217.tgz|the original version]] (Mirror: The tar.gz package of the original release can be found at [[http://www.mediafire.com/evildev]].) - Installing the plugin * Go via the Admin page to the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]] and search and install this plugin. Or enter the URL for the plugin under ''Manual Install''. * Or you can either extract the archive into the ''lib/plugins'' directory **and** update the timestamp on the extracted files. (probably because of ssme Dokuwiki caching feature) **Notes** * With the 'usable' template there is excessive spacing above the note, I was able to remedy this problem by commenting out 'clear: both;' in 'style.css'. Your mileage may vary. * With the [[template:dokucms|'DokuCMS']] template and with the 'clear: both;' in 'style.css', notes are "pushed down" by the TOC box instead of overlapping with it [frank] ===== Credits ===== **Many thanks to the DokuWiki developers and this plugin mainteners ! Thanks to (in any order) : * Stephane Chamberland (Side Notes plugin) * Carl-Christian Salvesen (Graphviz plugins) * [[alien@slackware.com|Eric Hameleers]] * [[chris@jalakai.co.uk|Christopher Smith]] * [[chrislale@untrammelled.co.uk|Chris Lale]] * [[pisote@mixmail.com|Pixote]] * [[yves.bergeron@shq.gouv.qc.ca|Yves Bergeron]] * [[trjones@calpoly.edu|Taylor Jones]] * Luke * [[gizmo3845@free.fr|Frédéric]] * [[endsoft@post.cz|Kmosak]] * [[http://foosel.net|foosel]] * [[zerohalo@gmail.com|zerohalo]] * [[olivier.cortes@ryxeo.com|Olivier Cortes]] * [[aurelien@bompard.org|Aurélien Bompard]] ==== Had to end the line ==== Guys, how to make end of line marker into note?
didn't work, for example > Use an empty line. This works for me in greebo. --- [[user>KaiMartin|KaiMartin]] //2019-11-20 01:10//