====== PHP Wikify ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Allows one the possibility of having output of PHP scripts parsed author : Trailjeep email : trailjeep@gmail.com type : syntax lastupdate : 2020-06-05 compatible : Frusterick, Lemming, Anteater, rincewind, angua, hogfather, Jack Jackrum depends : conflicts : similar : textinsert securitywarning: allowsscript tags : php downloadurl: https://github.com/trailjeep/dokuwiki-plugin-phpwikify/archive/master.zip bugtracker : sourcerepo : https://github.com/trailjeep/dokuwiki-plugin-phpwikify donationurl: https://www.dokuwiki.org/donatemfid=1590343662543_e13f11f8ccf29#/checkout/openButton screenshot_img: ---- This plugin enables you to use PHP scripts in the wiki pages in the same way as by using the tag. The difference is that the PHP script output is fed through the DokuWiki parser/renderer. Security wise it is the same as having the [[config:phpok|Configuration Setting: phpok]] enabled. Even if the script output is parsed, any other actions taken by the script is NOT checked. ===== Previous Authors ===== * Kasper Sandberg * Schplurtz le Déboulonné ===== Changes ===== {{rss>https://github.com/trailjeep/dokuwiki-plugin-phpwikify/commits/master.atom date 5}} ===== Syntax/Usage ===== The following example $tt = 'help'; echo " * first bullet\n"; echo " * $tt me\n"; will display * first bullet * help me ===== Old Source Code ===== Moved to [[plugin:phpwikify:source]] ===== Discussion ===== Moved to [[plugin:phpwikify:discussion]]