====== publistx Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: A simple branch of the Publist Plugin. Mainly added here to support automatic updating author : Raphael Reitzig, Jorge Juan, Karl Moritz Hermann email : mail@karlmoritz.com type : syntax lastupdate : 2014-09-26 compatible : Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Angua depends : conflicts : similar : tags : bibtex, publications downloadurl: https://github.com/karlmoritz/publistx/archive/master.tar.gz bugtracker : https://github.com/karlmoritz/publistx/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/karlmoritz/publistx/ donationurl: ---- ===== Download and Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. ===== Issues Management ===== For issues, use the bugtracker link above. Note that publist is pretty much only a wrapper of [[http://lmazy.verrech.net/bib2tpl/|bib2tpl]] and uses a slightly modified version of bib2tpl v2.0. If you have an issue regarding the core functionality of publist you may consider reporting at [[http://bugs.verrech.net/thebuggenie/bib2tpl|bib2tpl's bugtracker]] as well. ===== Syntax and Usage ===== Put the following on a page: [publist|$sourceB:$nameB|$targetT:$sourceT:$nameT] with * ''$sourceB''\\ Can be ''file'' or ''page'' * ''$nameB''\\ Name of a BibTeX file in plugin subfolder ''bibtex'' or ID of a wiki page that contains (only) BibTeX code * ''$targetT''\\ Can be ''html'' or ''wiki'' * ''$sourceT''\\ Can be ''file'' or ''page'' * ''$nameT''\\ Name of a template file in plugin subfolder ''template'' or ID of a wiki page that contains (only) template code Note: * Relative page IDs work * If you choose wiki target, DokuWiki's markup renderer is used on the conversion result. Otherwise, the code is inserted as is. Additionally, publist can relate all options that bib2tpl understands. Just append the options you want to specify to the other stuff in any order you want; syntax for one options is as follows: |$name:$value For possible names and values, please check the [[http://lmazy.verrech.net/bib2tpl/api/|bib2tpl documentation]]. The only special thing is filter specification. Learn by example: * ''|only:author=doe'' * ''|only:author=doe,sue'' * ''|only:entrytype=book'' * ''|only:author=doe,sue;entrytype=book'' Note that comma-separation implies an ''or'' while semicolon-separation implies ''and''. That is, the last example only allows only books written by Doe or Sue. Note also that the individual values are used inside a case-insensitive regexp (''/$value/i''). You can use the power that gives you, but be careful. Have a look at those more complete examples: * ''[publist|page::internal:bibtex|wiki:file:simple.tpl]'' * ''[publist|page:bibtex|html:file:easy.tpl|group:firstauthor|order:asc]'' * ''[publist|file:lib.bib|wiki:page:template|only:author=doe|group:year|lang:de]'' Stuff bib2tpl cannot understand is silently ignored as long as you provide the necessary core stated above. ===== Templates ===== For explanation of the syntax and examples, see [[http://lmazy.verrech.net/bib2tpl/templates/|here]].