====== RTM Checklist Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: This plugin enables to send a predefined list of tasks to Remember The Milk author : fabienli email : fabien.lisiecki+dokuwiki@gmail.com type : action syntax lastupdate : 2014-02-08 compatible : Binky depends : conflicts : similar : mailto tags : email downloadurl: https://github.com/fabienli/dokuwiki-plugin-rtmchecklist/zipball/master bugtracker : https://github.com/fabienli/dokuwiki-plugin-rtmchecklist/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/fabienli/dokuwiki-plugin-rtmchecklist donationurl: screenshot_img : ---- ===== Description ===== This plugin enables to send a predefined list of tasks to Remember The Milk, using the import email address. You can then manage several checklists (list of items to pack before going on Week End, list of tasks to achieve a procedure, ...) and when any registerd user of the wiki needs it, clicking on the "Send to RTM" button imports the tasks into her/his Remember The Milk inbox. ===== Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. Each wiki's user that wants to take profit of the plugin needs to setup her/his Remember the Milk import email address in her/his profile page. ===== Examples/Usage ===== Here if the //profit// sample checklist: {{https://i.imgur.com/FeuNVXC.jpeg?recache |Sample of rendering of the profit checklist.}} Step one Step two ???? PROFIT!!! A simple list: one item to remember Some more complex checklist: one item to remember| a second one separated by pipe one item to remember a second item, one item per line will produce the following checklists: {{https://i.imgur.com/TAVuMMS.jpeg?recache |Sample of rendering of the one line checklist}} {{https://i.imgur.com/zxkM2Kw.jpeg?recache|Sample of rendering of the several lines checklist}} ===== Syntax ===== Basic syntax: ''%%items list%%'' * **items list** is a list of items separated either by: * //return line// * //pipe char// ===== Configuration and Settings ===== In the //profile// page, you need to setup the Remember the milk import email address. Format should be something like: ''%%rmilkuser+xxxxx+import@rmilk.com%%''. You can find this email address at https://www.rememberthemilk.com/#section.settings under the "info" tab. ===== Development ===== === Change Log === {{rss>https://github.com/fabienli/dokuwiki-plugin-rtmchecklist/commits/master.atom date}} * **2014-01-27** * Initial release === ToDo/Wish List === * localization ===== FAQ ===== * Do I need to update the wiki template to add the "Send" button ? No, the button is added by the plugin at the bottom of each checklists. The plugin should then be compatible with any template, zithout modification