====== ShowSamples Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: carousel to show samples from a website author : François Merciol email : dokuplugin@merciol.fr type : syntax lastupdate : 2021-03-31 compatible : Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Hogfather depends : conflicts : similar : tags : carousel downloadurl: https://admin.parlenet.org/files/plugins/showsamples.tgz bugtracker : sourcerepo : donationurl: screenshot_img : ---- ===== Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. :!: **External requirements:** This plugin requires the following included components: * jquery.scrollTo.min.js A conflict can be found by the embedded jquery.scrollTo.min.js. ===== Examples/Usage ===== See the plugin in action [[http://fsl56.org/|here]] on the right sidebar. Samples can be take from [[tile]], [[tiledblog]] or [[glossary]]. * Item 1 * Item 2 * Item 3 \\ {{tiledBlog> sample}} * Item 4 \\ {{glossary> sample}} ===== Syntax ===== * items Each item of the list will be shown according a fixed period of time. ===== Configuration and Settings ===== * carouselDelai : period of time to show one item (before the next appear).