====== svnmod Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: A plugin that allows access to a Subversion repository type : syntax lastupdate : 2012-10-24 compatible : Adora Belle, Angua, Rincewind, Anteater, Weatherwax depends : conflicts : similar : tags : !obsolete, subversion svn bugtracker : # eg. https://github.com//dokuwiki-plugin-svnmod/issues sourcerepo : # eg. https://github.com//dokuwiki-plugin-svnmod/ donationurl: ---- ===== Installation ===== :!: **External requirements:** This plugin requires the following additional components that must be installed separately: * [[http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.svn.php|PHP: SVN - Manual]] Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. ===== Examples/Usage ===== You have to include the NOCACHE tag at the top of the page. By caching otherwise downloading new versions from SVN is prevented. ~~NOCACHE~~ svnmod use code tags to support syntax highlighting. Example usage {(svnmod>https://example.com/svn/repo1/file.php,username,password,php)} {(svnmod>https://example.com/svn/repo1/file.java,username,password,java)} ===== Syntax ===== Basic syntax: ''%%{(svnmod>url,username,password,syntax)}%%'' * **url** url of your file in repository * **username** your svn username * **password** your svn password * **language** the language syntax to be highlighted ===== Configuration and Settings ===== ToDo ===== Development ===== ToDo === Change Log === * **2012-10-24** * Initial release === Known Bugs and Issues === ToDo === ToDo/Wish List === ToDo ===== FAQ ===== ToDo ===== Discussion ===== ToDo