====== tindexmenu Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Show a customizable and sortable index for a namespace. author : Rene Hadler email : rene.hadler@iteas.at type : syntax,action lastupdate : 2012-08-07 compatible : rincewind, angua depends : conflicts : indexmenu, indexmenu2 similar : indexmenu, indexmenu2, alphaindex tags : !obsolete downloadurl: https://github.com/theinvisible/tindexmenu/zipball/master bugtracker : https://github.com/theinvisible/tindexmenu/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/theinvisible/tindexmenu donationurl: ---- ^ This is a fork of the old version of indexmenu plugin. The code improvements of this plugin are feeded back to the origin [[indexmenu]] plugin. \\ \\ See [[Indexmenu]] plugin page for its last version ^ For a detailed description of installation and usage please read [[plugin:indexmenu|indexmenu plugin site]] === Change Log === * **2012-08-07** * First release, should fix some bugs of indexmenu which appears in new versions of dokuwiki like: * Doesnt select and show up the current namespace in tree * Usage of old dokuwiki functions replaced with new jQuery functions (still more work to do) === Known Bugs and Issues === * More rework needed for plugin, especially to use the new jQuery syntax commands * on https://github.com/theinvisible/tindexmenu/issues/4 you see a patch for the only relict of old javascript times I found ;-) (and which crashed the [[doku>plugin:folded|folded plugin]] by not allowing unfolding). --- [[user>werner.flamme|Werner Flamme]] //2013/02/22 12:40 CET// == PHP Notice in file tindexmenu/admin.php == [phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file ''/home/.../lib/plugins/tindexmenu/admin.php'' on line 13: require_once(''/home/.../lib/plugins/indexmenu/inc/pclzip.lib.php'') [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory --- [[user>Aleksandr|Aleksandr Selivanov]] //2013/01/08 16:54// > I posted a solution (or workaround) for this and other issues in https://github.com/theinvisible/tindexmenu/issues --- [[user>werner.flamme|Werner Flamme]] //2013/02/22 14:55 CET//. Another way would be to install the indexmenu plugin additionally. But have care to deactivate it, they do not run together!