====== Tools Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Insert toolbar with tools on pages author : Luigi Micco email : l.micco@tiscali.it type : syntax, action lastupdate : 2013-04-11 compatible : Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, !Hogfather, !Igor, !Jack Jackrum, !Kaos depends : conflicts : similar : tags : export, pdf, tools, odt, timeline, csv downloadurl: https://github.com/TomCafferty/plugin-tools/archive/master.zip bugtracker : https://github.com/TomCafferty/plugin-tools/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/TomCafferty/plugin-tools/ donationurl: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=KHHGCTLSQPGEJ screenshot_img: https://trello.com/1/cards/644ac7573ac2970ff4442d24/attachments/644ac78d8aee664c295ff49a/download/dokuwiki-plugin-tools.png ---- This plugin shows a toolbar with more tools, without need to change your template: * Printable version (where available) * Export to OpenOffice ([[plugin:odt|ODT plugin]] required) * Export to PDF ([[plugin:dw2pdf|Dw2pdf plugin]] required) * Add/Remove selection for export to PDF ([[plugin:bookcreator|BookCreator]] plugin required) * Export timeline data page to an xml timeline file ([[plugin:eventline|Eventline plugin]] required) * Export a table to csv ([[plugin:table2csv|Table2csv plugin]] required) {{ https://trello.com/1/cards/644ac7573ac2970ff4442d24/attachments/644ac78d8aee664c295ff49a/download/dokuwiki-plugin-tools.png?recache |Screenshot}} ===== Syntax ===== Tools support simple syntax to force enable or disable the toolbar on single page. ~~TOOLS:off|top|bottom|both~~ ===== Configuration ===== Plugin allows to configure the following: - list of available tools - list of pages/namespaces, where plugin should be disabled - define toolbar position - define type of tools to show (icon, text, both) All these options are available at the Configuration Manager ===== Download and Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. If you do install manually the directory must be named ''tools''. ===== Version history ===== * **2012-28-07** (//current//) * Add support for [[plugin:eventline|Eventline]] and [[plugin:table2csv|Table2csv]] plugins * **2010-30-03** * Add support for [[plugin:bookcreator|BookCreator]] plugin. * **2010-30-03** * First public release. ====== Discussion ====== There's always room for improvement. If you're able to add any contributions to make this plugin better, please [[l.micco@tiscali.it|let me know]] or discuss your thoughts right here (please use ''===== Level 3 Headlines ====='' to open a new "thread"/issue and ''----'' (five dashes, horizontal rule) to structure it when needed). ===== tellafriend [solved] ===== You can download the tellafriend-plugin [[http://www.cmsimplewiki.com/doku.php/plugins/tell_a_friend|here]] (2013-05-27). But it doesn´t work out of the box. As it isn´t further developed try [[.infomail|Infomail]]. To get it work change following line: tools-folder -> action.php: search for "tellafriend" and replace it with "infomail" Do further adoptions in the css of infomail to make it fit your needs. ===== Printable version dont' work ===== A very useful plugin, well done! However, I can't seem to get printing to work, no error message though. PDF works fine. --- //[[helpdesk@hivos.nl|hivos]] 2010/04/08 17:47// > The printable version command is available only on some template (e.g. see [[template:monobook|moonobook template]]) > --- //[[l.micco@tiscali.it|mluigi]] 2010/04/08 19:02// ===== Support for the BookCreator plugin ===== > **2010-30-03** (//current//): Add support for [[plugin:bookcreator|BookCreator]] plugin. Sorry, but for me this feature isn't working. Is it really implemented? --- [[user>nlights]] //2010/10/02 00:26// ===== German language ===== I will insert this language in the next release, but at this moment, create a folder called //de// into //tools/lang// and save this files in (thanks to [[http://vehtoh.de|Tobias]]) : ===== Added print.css and Dutch language ===== To avoid having the toolbar on printed pages I added the following print.css .dokuwiki ul.tools { display: none } And the lang.php And the settings.php: --- //Theo 2010/04/09 11:41// ===== Adicionar Português Brasil ===== lang.php */ // custom language strings for the plugin $lang['tools'] = 'Ferramentas:'; $lang['tools_print'] = 'Versão Impressa'; $lang['tools_odt'] = 'Exportar para OpenOffice'; $lang['tools_pdf'] = 'Exportar para PDF'; $lang['tools_bookcreator'] = 'Adicionar Página aoLivro'; $lang['tools_email'] = 'Envie por E-mail'; $lang['tools_csv'] = 'Exportar para csv'; $lang['tools_timeline'] = 'Exportar para Linha do tempo'; //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 : settings.php: */ // for the configuration manager $lang['show_tools'] = 'Posição'; $lang['show_tools_o_0'] = 'Escondido'; $lang['show_tools_o_1'] = 'Rodapé da Página'; $lang['show_tools_o_2'] = 'Topo da Página'; $lang['show_tools_o_3'] = 'Topo e Rodapé'; $lang['show_link'] = 'Mostrar Ferramentas'; $lang['show_link_o_0'] = 'Icones'; $lang['show_link_o_1'] = 'Texto'; $lang['show_link_o_2'] = 'Icones and Texto'; $lang['show_header'] = 'Exibir o cabeçalho do plugin'; $lang['tools'] = 'Ativar ferramentas para'; $lang['skip_ids'] = 'Não mostrar as Ferramentas quando não houver ID'; //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 : --- //Gabriel Coelho 2013/04/15 17:14//