====== Toucher Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: touching configuration files without changing DokuWiki settings author : Andriy Nych email : nych.andriy@gmail.com type : admin lastupdate : 2012-09-16 compatible : Rincewind, angua, adora belle, weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners depends : conflicts : similar : tags : admin, config, touch downloadurl: https://github.com/anandr/dokuwiki-plugin-toucher/zipball/master bugtracker : https://github.com/anandr/dokuwiki-plugin-toucher/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/anandr/dokuwiki-plugin-toucher donationurl: ---- > This plugin [[https://github.com/anandr/dokuwiki-plugin-toucher/pull/2#issuecomment-809981442|is dead]], see the new substitute: [[plugin:stale]] ===== Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. ===== Examples/Usage ===== The only purpose of this plugin is to [[wp>Touch_(Unix)|touch]] ''conf/local.php'' configuration file. This procedure invalidates DokuWiki cache files as described here: [[doku>caching]]. This is useful, for example, to reload CSS, JavaScript files after update, plugin/template installation, tweaking editor toolbar, etc. ===== Configuration and Settings ===== The plugin has only one setting: it can be set available only to [[doku>config:superuser|superusers]] (the default) or to anyone who has access to admin page (usually superusers and [[doku>config:manager|managers]]). === Change Log === Plugin was lying around here and there, even as a simple downloadable code block on this page. On 2012/09/16 it was moved to github so this date is its official birthday ((actually by moving it to GitHub I learned how to use git, but he is not aware of that so do not tell him)). {{rss>https://github.com/anandr/dokuwiki-plugin-toucher/commits/master.atom 10 author date 1d }} === Known Bugs and Issues === It seems to have a problem under PHP 7.2.19 on Ubuntu. I get the message ''Warning: Use of undefined constant isadmin - assumed 'isadmin' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in .../lib/plugins/toucher/admin.php on line 36''. If I change the line if (!$INFO[isadmin]) { to read if (!$INFO['isadmin']) { everything works okay. === ToDo/Wish List === Any ideas? ===== Discussion ===== > Is it worth to include this functionality into core dokuwiki admin/config plugin? \\ //Andriy//, 2012/09/16 >> After 10 years of intense use of Toucher plugin, my answer is: a strong **YES** for thousands of reasons! --- [[user>florious|florious]] //2022-01-17 15:04//