====== Uparrow Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: This simple plugin shows an arrow-image which links to the top of the current page author : Michael Klier email : chi@chimeric.de type : syntax, action lastupdate : 2009-02-21 compatible : > 2009-02-14, 2008-05-05, !Hogfather depends : conflicts : similar : tags : !obsolete, !discontinued, navigation, links, section downloadurl: https://github.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-uparrow/archive/master.zip bugtracker : https://github.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-uparrow/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-uparrow screenshot_img : ---- ===== Installation ===== Download the tarball and unpack it into lib/plugins. You can install the plugin via git. % cd /lib/plugins % git clone git://github.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-uparrow.git uparrow ===== Configuration ===== You can choose which image to use by putting it into lib/plugins/uparrow/images and changing the image name in the configuration manager. The plugin comes with 3 default images. You can also configure the plugin to automatically add an up link after each section (NOTE: this could take a while on really large pages, but it only happens when the instructions of a page are regenerated and cached again, normally after an edit occurs or you use ''&purge''. If you activate this option you should invalidate the cache of the wiki to make the changes apply!). ^ Image ^ Name ^ | {{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-uparrow/master/images/tango-big.png?recache}} | tango-big.png | | {{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-uparrow/master/images/tango-medium.png?recache}} | tango-medium.png | | {{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-uparrow/master/images/tango-small.png?recache}} | tango-small.png | ===== Syntax ===== ~~UP~~ ===== Demo ===== You can see the plugin in action [[http://www.chimeric.de/_demo/plugin:uparrow|here]].FIXME ===== Changelog ===== A complete changelog is available [[https://github.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-uparrow/commits/|here]] {{rss>https://github.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-uparrow/commits/master.atom date}} ===== Discussion ===== This plugin is obsolete/deprecated because Dokuwiki as an "Up Arrow" in it's toolbar ; also the author does not maintain it any more. --- [[user>Cyrille37|Cyrille37]] //2019-01-06 12:59// ---- [[http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/~kssilveira|Kauê Silveira]]: for compatibility with s5 plugin: function render($mode, &$renderer, $data) { global $lang; if(preg_match("/do=export_s5/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) return false; if($mode == 'xhtml'){ ---- If you don't want uparrow to be print, just create a **print.css** file in //**yourdokuwiki/lib/plugins/uparrow**// with these lines : div.dokuwiki div.plugin_uparrow { display: none; } Thanks for this useful plugin. I have enabled uparrow globally via the configuration manager, but would like to disable it on certain page sections - [[http://ehs.wcape.school.za/wiki/doku.php/faq|here is what I mean (as at 30 July 2010)]]. Say you have quite short sections near the top of a page - the uparrow is pointless in that case. Is there a way to do that? --- //[[darryl.penny@gmail.com|Darryl Penny]] 2010/07/30 11:56// ---- If plugin»uparrow»auto is enabled, is there any way to exclude it from certain pages? Say if I have a sidebar? Thank you! ---- [[http://aptgetinstall.free.fr|kate]] : To fix incompatibility with farm plugin (uparrow picture is not correctly diplayed due to a path problem) : replace DOKU_URL variable with DOKU_BASE in action.php : replace $image = $this->getConf('image'); if(!@file_exists(DOKU_PLUGIN.'uparrow/images/' . $image)) { $image = DOKU_URL.'lib/plugins/uparrow/images/tango-big.png'; } else { $image = DOKU_URL.'lib/plugins/uparrow/images/' . $image; } with $image = $this->getConf('image'); if(!@file_exists(DOKU_PLUGIN.'uparrow/images/' . $image)) { $image = DOKU_BASE.'lib/plugins/uparrow/images/tango-big.png'; } else { $image = DOKU_BASE.'lib/plugins/uparrow/images/' . $image; }