====== Users Page Create Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Autocreate users pages after registration author : Vladimir Psyukalov email : pedagog@pisem.net type : action lastupdate : 2008-08-07 compatible : 2008-05-05 depends : conflicts : similar : tags : users, authentication, create, userpage downloadurl: https://trello.com/1/cards/5d4ed49bd5296d82f46046bb/attachments/5d4ed510681f496b179c1114/download/userspagecreate.zip bugtracker : sourcerepo : donationurl: screenshot_img: ---- ===== Download ===== * [[https://trello.com/1/cards/5d4ed49bd5296d82f46046bb/attachments/5d4ed510681f496b179c1114/download/userspagecreate.zip|userspagecreate.zip]] * [[http://wikiliki.ru/_media/media/userspagecreate-2008-08-07.tar|userspagecreate-2008-08-07.tar]] ===== Description ===== //Sorry for my English// :-) Autocreate users pages after registration. Use plugin parameters for set users namespace (default //users//). You can use in template page functions //mytpl_userinfo(), mytpl_pageinfo()// or change functions in file //inc/template.php// If you want see link to userpage to revisions and recent page then change file inc/html.php /* string 436 (replace string) */ /* print (empty($INFO['editor']))?('('.$lang['external_edit'].')'):htmlspecialchars($INFO['editor']); */ print (empty($INFO['editor']))?('('.$lang['external_edit'].')'):mytpl_userhtmllink($INFO['editor']); /* string 480 (replace string) */ /* print htmlspecialchars($info['user']); */ print mytpl_userhtmllink($info['user']); /* string 575 (replace string) */ /* print htmlspecialchars($recent['user']); */ print mytpl_userhtmllink($recent['user']); If you want see link in toolbar in signature change file //inc/toolbar.php// and use %%@USERPAGE@%% in parameter signature /* string 201 (insert new string) */ $sig = str_replace('@USERPAGE@',$INFO['usersnamespace'].':'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'],$sig); ===== Discuss ===== Is this working when I do not have user registration? I got LDAP auth - the users can't register they are simply coming in using LDAP. I had to change a line in the action.php: function action_act_preprocess_after: removing the '':'' before $INFO['usersnamespace'] What are the plugin's parameters that I use for configuration? * Hi, I had problems with [[acl|ACL]]. Group "users" on my wiki has set read permission for namespace users:. When there is a new registration, new ACL rule appears. It is supposed to give edit permission to new user for his page. There appears permission regarding page :users:new-user which doesn't work (don't ask me why). It is needful to edit /conf/acl.auth.php to give him permission to the page users:new-user (without ":" on the start). * !!! помогите это исправить. в строке 84 нужно убрать : /*$pageName=':'.$INFO['usersnamespace'].':'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];*/ $pageName= ''.$INFO['usersnamespace'].':'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; * Well I suppose it's gonna be much more useful in English than in Russian Азбука :-) \\ If you're experiencing the problem described above (with ''/conf/acl.auth.php'' and ':' on the start), here is the solution: \\ Change line 84 in file ''/lib/plugins/userspagecreate/action.php'' from \\ ''$pageName=':'.$INFO['usersnamespace'].':'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];'' \\ to \\ ''$pageName=''.$INFO['usersnamespace'].':'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];'' \\ That should do the job for you. \\ geckon \\ \\ * I've got a tip for you. If you want to show a link to logged user's page, just add following line to file ''/lib/tpl/default/main.php'' (where ''default'' can be replaced by name of template which is currently used). \\ '''' \\ the line must be added to place where you want the link to be shown (but this is clear, I hope).