====== WikiCalendar Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Implements a simple calendar where each day is represented by a wiki page author : Michael Klier email : chi@chimeric.de type : syntax, action lastupdate : 2010-09-02 compatible : 2013-05-10, 2012-10-13, 2012-01-25, 2011-05-25, !Hogfather, !Igor, !Jack Jackrum depends : conflicts : similar : minical, yearbox tags : calendar downloadurl: https://github.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-wikicalendar/zipball/master bugtracker : https://github.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-wikicalendar/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-wikicalendar screenshot_img: https://trello.com/1/cards/5e2c49619c4f5e6203a44384/attachments/5e2c498197b91a59effb252a/download/wikicalendar.png ---- ** Note: ** To prevent this from throwing a fatal error with Hogfather, you need to at least apply the patch from https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-wikicalendar/pull/28.patch but I don't know whether it works well after that. Github page feels abandoned... --- [[user>einhirn|einhirn]] //2020-08-10 09:56// ===== Installation ===== Download the tarball and unpack it into ''/lib/plugins''. The folder will contain: * [[https://github.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-wikicalendar/zipball/master|.zip]] Plugin Manager You can install the plugin via git. cd /lib/plugins git clone git://github.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-wikicalendar.git wikicalendar ===== Configuration ===== ^ weekstart | Determines the day the week starts (Monday/Sunday) | ===== Syntax ===== The syntax is as follows. {{cal>namespace}} New calendar events((pages)) are created inside the given namespace in the form of ''yyyy:mm:dd''. If you mouseover a day in the calendar view for which a corresponding page exists a small pop-up will show a short abstract of the whole page. ===== Demo ===== ===== Screenshot ===== {{https://trello.com/1/cards/5e2c49619c4f5e6203a44384/attachments/5e2c498197b91a59effb252a/download/wikicalendar.png?recache|Screenshot}} ===== Bugs ===== Please report bugs at the designated [[https://github.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-wikicalendar/issues|bug tracker]]. ===== Changelog ===== A complete changelog is available [[https://github.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-wikicalendar/commits/|here]] {{rss>https://github.com/chimeric/dokuwiki-plugin-wikicalendar/commits/master.atom date}} ===== Discussion ===== First, do **NOT** post bug reports here! Use the bug tracker instead. ==== About Feature Requests ==== I'd like to make clear that the intention of this plugin is to keep it as easy as possible, to me, that's its current state. I will not implement: * reoccurring events * any AJAX stuff * notification systems * or any other //advanced// calendar stuff * well ... unless you provide patches of course ;-) Why? Because working with dates is a bitch and hundreds of other smart people on this rock already turned their brains into pudding while developing real calendar applications ;-). If you need something advanced I recommend to use the [[plugin:google_cal|google cal]] plugin. --- //[[chi@chimeric.de|chi]] 2009/10/16 15:20// ---- Is it possible to make a RSS-feed to an external source? I would like to be able to show the calendar on my other website. Thanks, Nero ---- Is it posible to resize the calendar? Maybe any css file? Could you explain how I could make the calendar smaller? Thanks, Alex If choost start from Sunday, you should add this code to the /dokuwiki/lib/plugins/wikicalendar/Syntax.php to fix blank fields bug. example: August 2010 // create blank fields up to the first day of the month $offset = ($this->getConf('weekstart') == 'Sunday') ? 0 : 1; if(!$this->firstWeek) { if(($offset != 0) or ($this->MonthStart != 7)) //Add by Achilles 00248 行 while($wd < ($this->MonthStart - $offset)) { $out .= ' '; $wd++; } // ok - first week is printet $this->firstWeek = true; } resize the calendar. /dokuwiki/lib/plugins/wikicalendar/style.css /* Modifed by Achilles 2010.9.19 */ div.dokuwiki div.plugin_wikicalendar { width: 94%; } div.dokuwiki table.plugin_wikicalendar{ width: 100%; } div.dokuwiki table.plugin_wikicalendar td { width:14%; } div.dokuwiki table.plugin_wikicalendar div.noevent, div.dokuwiki table.plugin_wikicalendar div.isevent { width: 3em;/* 7em; */ } div.dokuwiki table.plugin_wikicalendar td.day:hover div.abstract, div.dokuwiki table.plugin_wikicalendar td.today:hover div.abstract { left: 10px;/* 70px; */ width: 8em;/* auto; */ } for dokuwiki-rc2010-10-07.tgz you should edit /dokuwiki/lib/plugins/wikicalendar/Syntax.php function _calendar_day($wp, $day) { global $lang; global $ID; if(file_exists(wikiFN($wp))) { $out .= '
'; if(auth_quickaclcheck($wp) >= AUTH_READ) { $out .= '' . $lang['edit_btn'] . '' . DOKU_LF; } $out .= ''; //Modifed by Achilles 00310 行 p_get_metadata(...ture) $out .= '
' . p_get_metadata($wp, 'description abstract', ture) . '
' . DOKU_LF; } else { $out .= '
'; if(auth_quickaclcheck($wp) >= AUTH_CREATE) { //$out .= $this->_btn_add_day($wp); $out .= '' . $lang['edit_btn'] . '' . DOKU_LF; } $out .= '
'; } $out .= '
'; return ($out); }
* Reason for empty configuration list: I am running PHP < 5.2 which means that ''timezone_identifiers_list'' (used in ''conf/metadata.php'') is not available. //akerbos 2010/10/25 15:05// ---- I was able to use this plugin with the new version of dokuwiki. I pasted the style.css of the plugin in to the design.css of the theam. Don't know that this is "difficult" but it would be really handy: Could the plugin have a simple config parm that tells it that, when a new page is created, to insert the related calendar date (from the page name) as an H1/H2/H3/H4/comment at the top of the new page? ---- How can you define the content of the abstract ? At the moment, the full page is displayed inside the day block in the calendar... Tried with description and meta plugin, but still no solution Thanks Antonio **solution**: in syntax.php edit the line: $out .= '
' . p_get_metadata($wp, 'title') . '
' . DOKU_LF;
- as you see I use the first header/title as shown content. The list of available stuff is found here: [[devel:metadata#data structure]] //tim 25.01.2014// === Spanish language for Wikicalendar === I tried sent you the files with Spanish language for Wikicalendar, but I received an error message about non exist email. Can you send them to anyone email? Thanks! === Unable to create new entries === Hi I have installed the plugin and can see the calendar on my page but I am unable to create an entry for a particular date? What syntax should I use? Thanks in advance for your help. Marcel. You're not seeing the create button because it references an image that doesn't exist. To fix edit button not showing - in syntax.php: * Edit _calendar_day function to replace image lib/images/edit.gif with another in the lib/images folder on lines 307 and 315. The example code below shows using lib/images/info.png. $out .= '' . $lang['edit_btn'] . '' . DOKU_LF; To fix namespace creation - in syntax.php: * Edit variable on line 126 to the following $this->calendar_ns = $INFO['namespace'];