====== Minimalism Template ====== ---- template ---- description : A minimal and clear looking theme for DokuWiki, focused on sharing your content author : Zinn email : mail@derzinn.de lastupdate : 2009-10-28 compatible : Anteater depends : conflicts : similar : screenshot_img: # http://wiki.tymnet.dyndns.org/_media/pub/minimalism_screenshot.png FIXME tags : minimal, simple downloadurl : # http://www.linux-france.org/~pgaetan/libre/dokuwiki/tpl/miroir/minimalism.zip FIXME bugtracker : # eg. https://github.com/example/dokuwiki-template-sample/issues sourcerepo : # eg. https://github.com/example/dokuwiki-template-sample/ donationurl : # eg. https://www.paypal.com/... ---- ===== Download and Install ====== Use the following URL to download this template: * [[http://wiki.tymnet.dyndns.org/pub/minimalism]] FIXME * :!: **Mirror**: [[http://derzinn.de/files/minimalism20091028.zip|minimalism20091028.zip]] FIXME * :!: **Mirror**: [[http://www.linux-france.org/~pgaetan/libre/dokuwiki/tpl/miroir/minimalism.zip|minimalism.zip]] FIXME Refer to [[:template]] on how to install and use templates in DokuWiki. ===== Features ===== This template comes with an easy to use link items builder for header and footer. It supports the syntax for internal and external links by following your global config:target rules. Additionally the following markers will be replaced: ^Input ^Output ^ |%%(c)%% |© | |%YEAR% |Current year (4 digits) | ===== Configuration ===== Available template options: * Breadcrumbs mode - trace or youarehere * Header line - %%[[about|About me]] · [[misc|Miscellaneous]]%% * Footer line - %%(c) %YEAR% · [[imprint|Imprint]] · [[http://dokuwiki.org|DokuWiki]]%% If you don´t need a feature, just leave that line blank. ===== Customizing ===== If you wish to customize some style parts, just create styles/additional.css((This file will not touched on updates)) and overwrite the style sheet elements you like. This template has already predefined styles for the popular tag, cloud, blog and discussion plugin. See styles/plugins.css for further details. ==== Search Box Problem in Wide Screens ==== I found that the Search box gets put in an awkward position in wide browser windows, due to the elastic template. I added the following CSS to my "additional.css" to make the template fixed-width, center it, and set the background off a bit: body { background-color: #CCCCCC; } .min-wrapper { background: #FFFFFF; margin: 0 auto; padding: 20px 40px 50px 40px; width: 720px; } Hope that helps someone. --[[http://marccarson.com|Marc Carson]] (Thanks for the great template! Love the search functionality) I had to create an styles/additonal.css and add the following to make the search look right. .min-search { clear:both; } -- Chris Brinker ===== Changelog ===== * 2009/09/24 - Initial version ===== Issue Reporting ===== * Setting "tpl»minimalism»header-line" cannot handle Chinese Characters, report by [[http://www.favorlinks.com/wiki|Ryan]] * Setting "tpl»minimalism»header-line" cannot handle dash character (ie : "test" works but not "test-a"), reported by Owen * Not compatible with current version of Dokuwiki, specifically wysisyg editor * Apparently is compatible with DokuwikFCK. See http://scottnesbitt.net/ubuntublog/?p=657 * I made it work on "Rincewind". Just append the below lines on ''layout.css''. The second line is to remove the breadcrumbs which doesn't seem to work well with the current version. .min-wrapper{ margin:5px 30px 10px 30px; width:auto; } .min-crumbs{ display:none; } * Also, append this to ''content.css'' to fix the code blocks, .min-content pre{ overflow-x:auto; white-space:pre-wrap; word-wrap:break-word; } * The main.php probably needs the following line since it seems it can't handle the favicon: