====== Pinkberry Night Template ====== ---- template ---- description : Simple dark themed template for Dokuwiki with a sticky table of contents and scrollable tables with fixed headers. author : Octavia Nichols email : octavia@octavianichols.com lastupdate_dt : 2022-02-21 compatible : 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" depends : conflicts : # prefix templates by template: similar : screenshot_img: https://pinkberry.octavianichols.com/img/PinkberryNight.png tags : responsive, sidebar, mobile, html5, css3, clean, dark, dark-mode, customizable, minimal, tables downloadurl : https://github.com/Lolabird/Pinkberry_Night/archive/refs/tags/v1.0.5.zip bugtracker : https://github.com/Lolabird/Pinkberry_Night/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/Lolabird/Pinkberry_Night donationurl : # eg. https://www.paypal.com/... ---- Pinkberry Night is a dark themed template for Dokuwiki and includes the following features: * Dark editor screens * Tables that are: * Scrollable * Have fixed headers * Uniform width * Never longer than the length of the browser window * Table of Contents that remains visible while scrolling through page content * Minor styling of the Cloud plugin, so that it always matches, even when you change the colors of the template * Responsive design ===== Download and Install ====== Use the following URL to download this template: * https://github.com/Lolabird/Pinkberry_Night/releases Refer to [[:template]] on how to install and use templates in Dokuwiki. ===== Sites using this Template ===== * https://pinkberry.octavianichols.com * https://percepress.com