====== Made a book with DokuWiki ====== :!: This page is a **WORK IN PROGRESS**! If you feel you can add to it please improve it wherever you see fit! :!: - //or not in progress - hasn't been updated for years - delete?// Although make a book isn't the main purpose of [[:DokuWiki]], there are some [[:plugins]] available, which can turn DokuWiki into a platform to create books. This page describes the steps necessary to get you started making books in DokuWiki. It also provides useful tips and hints about possible caveats. ===== Required Plugins ===== First of all you have to install a set of plugins. The basic setup consists of the [[plugin:bookcreator]] and the [[plugin:dw2pdf]] plugins, which represent the minimal install. ===== Guidelines and Use case study ===== I plan to use Dokuwiki to produce book from a multilingual wiki. Any insight, case study or advice from the community is welcomed. I am already looking to plugins like [[plugin:bookcreator]], [[plugin:dw2pdf]] and [[plugin:epub]] but I am more interested in implementation details on a real use case. Thanks. --- [[user>typometre|typometre]] //2019-04-03 00:42//