====== Vim Key Bindings ====== To use the power of Vim with DokuWiki I'll get you started with a few simple key mapping sequences. To use these, save them to a text file, then use //:source dokukeys.vim// from within Vim to install them. vmap "zdi**z** imap ** **2hi vmap "zdi//z// imap // //2hi vmap "zdi__z__ imap __ __2hi vmap "zdi''z'' imap '' ''2hi vmap "zdiz imap 5hi vmap "zdi[[z]] imap [[]]2ha vmap "zdi======= z ======= imap ======= =======7hi vmap "zdi====== z ====== imap ====== ======6hi vmap "zdi===== z ===== imap ===== =====5hi vmap "zdi==== z ==== imap ==== ====4hi vmap "zdi=== z === imap === ===3hi vmap "zdi== z == imap == ==3hi nmap :s/.*/ * &/ imap * nmap :s/.*/ - &/ imap - I Dave Earls (wassupdave.com) authored these. Feel free to add or improve. > I use the following key bindings to increase / decrease headings. That way, one can easily restructure a page: " Increase heading by one level imap == == " Decrease heading by one level imap =- > --- //[[unixprog@gmail.com|konstantin baierer]] 2007-05-20 02:19// vmap w[ maxi[[]]hP'a|" |"wrap selected in double square bracket for dokuwiki.' -- // [[pekcheey@gmail.com|Chee Yong]]_2015-08-08_020956