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Facebook Like-Button Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

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plugin Facebook Like-Button Plugin for DokuWiki

Last updated on
Syntax, Action

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to facebook, fbcomments, fbsp, socialshareprivacy

Tagged with facebook, fbml, like, social

I looked for a realy good Facebook like-button plugin for DokuWiki but there were only Facebook Plugin and fbsp Plugin. The first one only creates a big fat like-box and the second one is too simple. So I created a plugin on my own.


  1. You can fully customize the appearance.
  2. Easy usage.
  3. Text-Editor button.

Plugin configuration is available in following languages: German, English.

Icon of the text editor button by Yusuke Kamiyamane.


To use this Plugin you need the following system:


In Admin → Configuration settings you can change various settings. You can modify and redistribute it under the terms of the GPL Version 3.


Adding the following code will insert a default Facebook like-button (with the default settings) on the current page. You can modify the default settings on the wiki configuration page (Admin → Configuration settings).


If you want you can modify the default settings by adding one or more parameters.


Supported parameters:

Parameter Value Description
url String Page that should be liked. Must be a valid address (e.g.
layout String Determines the size and amount of social context next to the button:
  • standard
  • button_count
  • box_count
show_faces Boolean Display faces of friends who likes the specified url. Effects layout “standard” only!
width Integer Width of the “reserved” area.
action String The verb to display in the button:
  • like
  • recommend
font String The font of the button:
  • Arial
  • Verdana
  • Segoe UI
  • Tahoma
  • Lucida Grande
  • Trebuchet MS
colorscheme String Colors of the buttons:
  • light
  • dark


You can try out different combinations on the official Facebook developer page.