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fortune Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

No compatibility info given!

plugin Show QOTD (Fortune cookie)

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to jquotes, tuxquote, xfortune

Tagged with quotes, random


This plugin Show a Quote of the Day on your page. It should change every time the page is rendered again.

The plugin uses code written by Henrik Aasted Sorensen, Read more at

Fortune files can be found e.g. from freshmeat FIXME Dead link (404) — patric 2022-01-29 13:44
and one nice from here


After installation (below) you can insert the code


in your page to display a random quote.


Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

Download: here

Create a new folder lib/plugin/fortune/dat/ and set it to be writable for the web server.

From the cookie file, put the file containing the text (not the .dat file) to the created fortune/dat/ directory. The dat file will be generated automatically.



 * Include Plugin: displays a wiki page within another
 * Usage:
 * {{fortune}}
 * @license    GPL 2 (
 * @author     Otto Vainio <>
 * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism
 * need to inherit from this class
class syntax_plugin_fortune extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin {
     * return some info
    function getInfo(){
        return array(
            'author' => 'Otto Vainio',
            'email'  => '',
            'date'   => '2005-10-14',
            'name'   => 'Fortune Plugin',
            'desc'   => 'Displays qotd (Quote Of The Day)',
            'url'    => '',
     * What kind of syntax are we?
    function getType(){
        return 'substition';
     * Where to sort in?
    function getSort(){
        return 56;
     * Paragraph Type
    function getPType(){
        return 'block';
     * Connect pattern to lexer
    function connectTo($mode) {
     * Handle the match
    function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler){
        return $match;
     * Create output
    function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) {
        if($mode == 'xhtml'){
//           include_once "fortuneclass.php";
            $f = new Fortune;
            $fortunecookie = $f->quoteFromDir(DOKU_PLUGIN . "fortune/dat/");
            $renderer->doc .= "<div class=\"fortune\">";
            $renderer->doc .= nl2br(htmlspecialchars($fortunecookie));
            $renderer->doc .= "</div>";
            return true;
        return false;
Main methods to use:
   Quotes from any of the fortune-files in the dir.
   Quotes from the specific file.
 Written by Henrik Aasted Sorensen,
 Edited by Otto Vainio
class Fortune {
  function quoteFromDir($dir) {
    $amount = 0;
    $index = 0;
    if ( $handle = opendir($dir) ) {
      while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
        if (strlen($file)>2 && $file!="_dummy") {
          if (substr($file,-4) == ".dat"){
            if (@filemtime(substr($file,0,-4))>@filemtime($dir.$file)) {
            $number = $this->getNumberOfQuotes($dir . $file);
            $amount += $number;
            $quotes[$index] = $amount;
            $files[$index] = $file;
          } else {
            if (!is_file($dir.$file.".dat") || (@filemtime($dir.$file)>@filemtime($dir.$file.".dat"))) {
                $number = $this->getNumberOfQuotes($dir . $file . ".dat");
                $amount += $number;
                $quotes[$index] = $amount;
                $files[$index] = $file.".dat";
      $index = rand(0, $amount);
      $i = 0;
      while ($quotes[$i] < $index)  {
      return $this->getRandomQuote($dir .$files[$i]);
    return "";
   Reads the number of quotes in the file.
  function getNumberOfQuotes($file) {
    if ($fd = @fopen($file, "rb")) {
      $this->readLong($fd); // Just move over the first long. Might as well be fseek.
      $len =  $this->readLong($fd);
    return $len;
   Picks quote number $index from the dat-file in $file.
  function getExactQuote($file, $index) {
    if (is_file($file) == FALSE) {
    if ( ($fd = fopen($file, "rb")) == FALSE ) {
    fseek($fd, 24 + 4 * $index);
    $phys_index = $this->readLong($fd);
    $quotefile = substr($file, 0, strlen($file) - 4);
    if ( ($fd = fopen($quotefile, "rb")) == FALSE ) {
    $res = $this->getQuote($fd, $phys_index);
    return $res;
   Returns a random quote from $file.
  function getRandomQuote($file) {
    $number = $this->getNumberOfQuotes($file);
    $index = rand(0, $number - 1);
    return $this->getExactQuote($file, $index);
   Reads a quote from the specified index.
  function getQuote($fd, $index) {
   fseek($fd, $index);
   $line=""; $res = "";
   do {
    $res = $res . $line;
    $line = fgets($fd, 1024);
   } while ( ($line[0] != "%") && (!feof($fd)) );
   return $res;
   Gets indexes from the file pointed to by the filedescriptor $fd.
  function getIndices($fd) {
    fseek($fd, 24, SEEK_SET);
    $i = 0;
    while ( feof($fd) == FALSE ) {
      $res[$i] = readLong($fd);
    return $res;
  function readLong($fd) {
    $res = fread($fd, 4);
    $l = ord($res[3]);
    $l += ord($res[2]) << 8;
    $l += ord($res[1]) << 16;
    $l += ord($res[0]) << 24;
    return $l;
  function createIndexFile($file) {
    $fd = fopen($file, "r");
    if ($fd == false) {
//                  echo "File error!";
    $i = 1;
    $length = 0;
    $longest = 0;
    $shortest = 100000;
    $indices[0] = 0;
    while (!feof($fd)) {
      $line = fgets($fd);
      if ($line == "%\n") {
        $indices[$i] = ftell($fd);
        if ($length > $longest)
           $longest = $length;
        if ($length < $shortest)
           $shortest = $length;
        $length = 0;
      } else {
        $length = $length + strlen($line);
    $fd = @fopen($file . ".dat", "w");
    if ($fd == false) {
//                  echo "<!-- createIndexFile: Could not write to file....-->";
    // Write header.
    $this->writeLong($fd, 2);
    $this->writeLong($fd, count($indices));
    $this->writeLong($fd, $longest);
    $this->writeLong($fd, $shortest);
    $this->writeLong($fd, 0);
    $this->writeLong($fd, 37 << 24);
    for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($indices) ; $i++) {
      $this->writeLong($fd, $indices[$i]);
  function writeLong($fd, $l) {
    fwrite($fd, chr ( ($l >> 24) & 255));
    fwrite($fd, chr ( ($l >> 16) & 255));
    fwrite($fd, chr ( ($l >> 8) & 255));
    fwrite($fd, chr ( $l & 255));
}// End of class


The link to the archive for the plugin manager is pointing to the archive for your ifauth plugin! — ChristopherArndt 2005-10-17 13:05
Fixed — Otto Vainio 2005-10-18 11:26
How is this plugin used? — M. O'Neill 2005-12-09 06:03
Good question ;-) I totally forgot this. I now added a section usageOtto Vainio 2005-12-09 10:20
Good Idea. Instead of using normal fortune files you also could use it to show a hint of the day for DokuWiki, like used in many software-applications. The only problem would be to collect some hints. Who would be interested? — Konrad Bauckmeier 2005-12-09 11:39
I'm using fortune for some time now and I'm wondering if there is a smart possibility of using different sets of data for several namespaces or by triggering it in the code like: {{fortune:[namespace]}}, so I could use quotes concerning health in a different namespace than quotes from some movie or those concerning sports or politics. The [namespace] trigger should not be mandatory but an option. Any idea, how this could be solved best? — eModul 2007-02-18 14:11
I added a style sheet to this. Wanted to set the FORTUNE off a bit form the rest of the page. Just make a 'style.css' file in the fortune directory.
.fortune {
    border: 1px black solid;

    margin-left: 40px;
    margin-right: 40px;
    margin-bottom: 40px;

    padding: 10px;
    font-style: italic;

Walter 2009-01-11 03:36

Walter, you're from the future (2009? wow!)! Great plugin! Could this be extended to read a quote from a different file, such as: {{fortune:[dat_filename]}}. This may complement/solve/be-the-same-as eModul's question from above… Juice 2008-06-03

Same fortune every time

How does it update?

Ditto. Is there a way to tell Dokuwiki not to cache this particular element?

⇒ one can deactivate cache with the directive