Tabla de Contenidos

mailto Plugin

Compatible con DokuWiki


plugin Mail the current page to several people

actualizado por última vez en
Syntax, Action

El hecho de que falte la URL de descarga, significa que esta extensión no se puede instalar mediante el Gestor de Extensiones. Consulta Publicar un plugin en Se recomienda el uso de hosts de repositorios públicos como GitHub, GitLab o Bitbucket.

La extensión no ha sido actualizada en al menos 2 años. Puede que ya no tenga soporte o no sea mantenida y tenga problemas de compatibilidad.

Similar a rtmchecklist

Etiquetado con command, email

Download and Installation

Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

Add the Button to the template

Add the button by adding the following lines to your template in main.php where you want it to appear.

<?php 	  if ($INFO['isadmin']) { ?>
<form class="button" method="get" action="<?php wl($ID)?>">
  <div class="no">
      <input type="submit" value="Send as mail" class="button" />
          <input type="hidden" name="do" value="mailto" />
              <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $ID?>" />
<?php } ?>

Feel free to adjust the test for your requirements.

Adjust setting

Some config options are avaible and need to be adjusted via Configuration Manager

Syntax and Usage

Simply put the following code into your page:

~~MAILTO:Real Name<>,Real CC1<>,Real CC2<>,~~

It help the plugin know the emails, TO first, then all others are CC.

It is replaced by an apprioriate sentence depending the mail have already been sent or not.


This plugin actually send the raw wiki and the title as mail subject.


There are still some TODOs in the code, and one of the most important is to make renderer plugin to output an email.