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Modifying the style of lists

The following description is based on LibreOffice. Search the internet for other descriptions, e.g. for OpenOffice.

The style for lists and list contents can be changed like this in LibreOffice:

  1. Choose “Styles and Formatting” from the “View” menu or press F11
  2. Right click on the desired headline style and choose “Modify…” from the context menu
  3. A dialog will open showing the available style settings
  4. Modify the settings as desired
  5. Click on “OK”
  6. Save and close the document
  7. Always remember to re-upload the changed ODT document/template to your wiki with the media manager

For lists there are two different style families used for styling a list: list styles and paragraph styles. The following list styles are used by the ODT plugin:

The paragraph styles used for lists are named accordingly:
For unordered lists:

For ordered lists:

The “…First” and “…Last” paragraph styles are children of the basic paragraph list style. So “Numbering 1 Content First” and “Numbering 1 Content Last” are children of “Numbering 1 Content”. And the same relation exists for the unordered lists paragraph styles.

All text in a list will use the paragraph style “List 1 Content” or “Numbering 1 Content” respectively. The only exception is the first and last paragraph of a list. The first paragraph uses the paragraph style “List 1 Content First” or “Numbering 1 Content First” respectively. The last paragraph uses the paragraph style “List 1 Content Last” or “Numbering 1 Content Last” respectively.

In this way the “…First” and “…Last” styles can be used to generate a different spacing between the list items themselves and the list and other content. Let's have a look at an example:

For this example the following spacing has been set in the different styles:

ODT style Above paragraph Below paragraph
Text Body None (for simplicity) None (for simplicity)
Numbering 1 Content First 2,00 cm 0,25 cm
Numbering 1 Content 0,25 cm 0,25 cm
Numbering 1 Content Last 0,25 cm 2,00 cm

Because the “…First” and “…Last” paragraph styles are children from the basic list styles, all changes made in the basic list styles will also affect the first and last paragraph of a list. E.g. if you change the font style in style “Numbering 1 Content” then it will also change the font style for the first and last paragraph. Only if you would modify the same setting in the styles “Numbering 1 Content First” or “Numbering 1 Content Last” then the first and last paragraph would use a different setting. That means you should follow these rules for list style modification: