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tplinc Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki


plugin Provide a flexible page include mechanism to DokuWiki templates

Last updated on
Helper, Admin

Similar to include

Tagged with include

A CosmoCode Plugin

This plugin allows template authors to define areas in the template where additional content can be included. Users of that template can then use this plugin to define which logic should be used to determine the content (pages) that should be included depending on the current page.

This is similar to how the sidebar works in the default template, only much more flexible. It is also possible to include multiple pages in the same area (one after another).


Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

:!: The plugin needs a suitable template to provide hooks to which it can include the pages! So far, the following templates include such hooks:

You can use this plugin with templates that use traditional include hooks, by calling the plugin from within those hook files. For the DokuWiki Template you can simply use the hookfiles distributed with this plugin. To do so copy all the files within the dokuwiki directory of this plugin to your wiki's conf directory. This will make all the supported Include Hooks available as hooks within this plugin.

cp lib/plugins/tplinc/dokuwiki/* conf/

Configuration and Settings

To configure, select “Template Includes” in the admin menu. Each include rule consists of four configs:

As pattern you can use the following:

Pages can optionally be given as relative IDs and will be resolved against the current page's namespace. When matching regular expressions, matched groups can be reused in the inserted page name by referencing them as $0, $1, …, $n.

Rules can be reordered by drag'n'drop.


If you're a template author and want to integrate this plugin in your template, here is how you do it:

Announcing available Include Locations

You need to announce which locations are available in your template by registering a BEFORE handler for the PLUGIN_TPLINC_LOCATIONS_SET. The $event->data is an associative array with location identifiers and their user readable descriptions.

Please refer to Action Plugins to learn more.

Here's an example handler:

namespace dokuwiki\template\example;
class TplIncludeHandler {
    public function __construct() {
        /** @var \Doku_Event_Handler */
        global $EVENT_HANDLER;
        $EVENT_HANDLER->register_hook('PLUGIN_TPLINC_LOCATIONS_SET', 'BEFORE', $this, 'registerIncludes');
    public function registerIncludes(\Doku_Event $event) {
        $event->data['footer'] = 'Footer below the page content';
        $event->data['sidebarfooter'] = 'Footer below the sidebar';
        $event->data['sidebarheader'] = 'Header above the sidebar';

You'd call this handler at the beginning of your main.php:

new dokuwiki\template\example\TplIncludeHandler();
... main code follows

Be sure the PHP namespaces match your template name.

Using Includes

At the places where you want to allow users to include pages, use the following code:

$tplinc = plugin_load('helper', 'tplinc');
if($tplinc) echo $tplinc->renderIncludes('footer');

The footer string in the example above refers to one of the location identifiers announced earlier.

