
Typography Plugin

Compatibile con DokuWiki

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plugin Enable typesetting capabilities with CSS font properties such as font face, size, weight, and color of text

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Download and Installation

Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


Typography plugin extends DokuWiki markup by typesetting abilities. The <typo> markup tag specifies CSS font properties such as font face, size, weight, and color of text. The parameter consists of CSS property-value pairs (property: value;), each pair must be separated by semicolon (;) however last one may be omitted. You can use abbreviated short name instead of full property name.

Some specific short name are also available as markup tag; <ff> (font familiy/name), <fs> (size), <fc> (color), <bg> (background-color), <fw> (weight). Typography plugin fully replaces: fontfamily, fontsize2, and fontcolor.

short name css property name description
fc color color of text
bg background-color background color of text
fs font-size font size of text (large or small)
fw font-weight weight of a font (thick or thin characters in text)
fv font-variant display text in a small-caps font
ff font-family font family for text, must be single quoted if a font name contains white-space and non-ASCII characters
lh line-height space between the lines
ls letter-spacing an extra space between characters (in px, em, etc)
ws word-spacing an additional space between words (in px, em, etc)
sp white-space specifies how white-space is handled (preserve or collapse)
va vertical-align sets the vertical alignment
- text-transform controls the capitalization of text (capitalize, uppercase or lowercase)
- text-shadow adds shadow to text
wf (web-font) specify a web font class which prefixed “wf-”

Sometimes, inline styles are necessary when you are building a page by hand. You should however avoid them whenever possible for “semantic markup”, better maintainability, and reusability. The wrap plugin will provide most powerful and flexible method for specifying a class attribute.

Using short syntax with Toolbar menu

Typography plugin provides short name (or single property) syntax those are compatible with fontfamily, fontcolor, and fontsize2. If you have enabled these three plugin, the short syntax are treated by relevant plugins instead of this plugin. These short syntax are available through toolbar icons: .


Single parameter example:

<typo font-size:large;>Large</typo>, 
<typo fs:x-large>Very large</typo>, 
<fs:xx-large>Huge</fs>, and 
<fs smaller>smaller</fs> size text

Example 1

Multiple parameter example:

<typo fs:larger; fw:bold; ff:serif>Bold serif</typo>, 
<fs:large; fv:small-caps>Small-caps</fs> text

Example 2

Nesting syntax:

<ff:'Georgia', 'MS Serif', serif><fs:36px; lh:1.1>
There is nothing either good or bad, \\ but thinking makes it so.
<fs:smaller;>//-- William Shakespeare, “Hamlet”, Act 2 scene 2//</fs></ff>

Example 3

Using Web font

For getting started with the Google Fonts API, you may add a stylesheet link to request the desired web font(s) in conf/meta.html file, for example:

<link rel="stylesheet"
.wf-tangerine { font-family: Tangerine, serif; }

Then you can use the font name (eg. Tangerine) in the font-family value:

<ff Tangerine; fs:48px>Making the Web Beautiful!</ff>
<wf:tangerine; fs:48px>Making the Web Beautiful!</wf>

Example 4

Renderer support

Starting with release 2014-10-13 this plugin also supports ODT export (Open Document Text format). On the left side you see a screenshot taken from a typography test page opened in a browser, on the right side you see the page exported to ODT:

XHTML rendering ODT rendering

As you might see there are currently some limitations regarding the ODT export:

Note: The ODT export feature of typography plugin requires PHP 5 >= 5.3.0


Typography plugin for DokuWiki was initially developed by Paweł Piekarski, original version (v0.1101 / 2011-01-18) is still available from .

Since 2014-07-28, the plugin code has moved to github repository to provide better accessibility for install and further development opportunity. Thanks Paweł for your early work and encouraging me to move the code to github. — s.sahara 2014-07-28 14:57

The ODT renderer feature is contribution from Lars (LarsDW223).

Change Log from github repository

ToDo/Wish List

Known Bugs and Issues

see also:

Not working

The font color icon doesn't show up correctly