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congrid Template

Compatible with DokuWiki


template A configurable grid layout

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Tagged with experimental


The congrid template is a configurable grid based template.

The idea behind the template is to be able to quickly change the overall layout of the page and to be able to use different layouts in different situations. The template enables the administrator to configure different layouts per selector. A selector decides when to use a certain layout. The most simple is * which just means “use this layout if there is no better match”. Other selectors match the current action or parts of the current request (e.g. id or page).

So this template is more a construction kit for templates. Because of this and because development of the template is not finished, I only recommend it to people who love experimenting and who are not planning to use it an an productional environment.


This is a short overview of the features of this template:


For now I consider this template as :!: experimental :!: for the following reasons:

:!: The bottom line is: this template is under construction and subject to changes which might not be backwards compatible to earlier versions. :!:


Refer to template on how to install and use templates in DokuWiki.


The template can be customized using the “Template Style Settings” and by the template's configuration.

Template Style Settings

The Template Style Settings are mostly self explanatory. See a short overview below:

Option name Function
Main text color Sets the main text color
Main background color Sets the background color
Alternative text color Sets the alternative text color
Alternative background color Sets the alternative background color
Neutral text color Sets the neutral text color
Neutral background color Sets the neutral background color
Border color Sets the border color
Highlight color (for search results mainly) Sets the highlight color
The general link color Sets the link color
Text color for template error messages Sets the color of template error messages (actually only used in case of unknown cell type names)
Color for the very background (behind the content box) Sets the color of the background (HTML body)
The color for links to existing pages Sets the color of links to existing wiki pages
The color for links to non-existing pages Sets the color of links to non-existing wiki pages
The width of the full site (can be any length unit: %, px, em, …) Sets the site's width
The width of the sidebar, if any (can be any length unit: %, px, em, …) deprecated (will soon be removed)
Below screensizes of this width, the site switches to tablet mode untested
Below screensizes of this width, the site switches to phone mode untested
Theme color of the web app untested
Height of the logo Sets the height of the logo
Width of the logo Sets the width of the logo
Font size of the title Sets the font size of the title
Text color of the title Sets the text color of the title
Background color of the title Sets the background color of the title
Font for the title Sets the font of the title
Text color of the trace section Sets the text color of the trace section
Background color of the trace section Sets the background color of the trace section
Text color of the you-are-here section Sets the text color of the you-are-here section
Background color of the you-are-here section Sets the background color of the you-are-here section
Left and right margin for code sections Sets a margin on the left and right side of code sections
Definition of “user” border Defines the user border


This are the available configuration options:

Option name Function
Theme The theme the template is using. Actually there is only one: White.
Layouts JSON encoded description of the grid parameters.
BreadcrumbsSep Separator for breadcrumbs.
YouAreHereSep Separator for you-are-here.

The Layouts settings describes the grid layout and is JSON encoded. If the JSON parsing of Layouts fails, then the templates falls back to a default layout. This is stored in the file tpl_default.php. As the JSON encoding can easily be broken e.g. by a missing comma I suggest to use one of the several online JSON decoders to validate the Layouts settings.

As a start let's have a look at a shortend Layouts object which is showing the global parameters:

        /* Start of a single layout definition... */
            "select": [ "*" ],
                /* ... encoding of grid array ... */
                /* ... encoding of cells array ... */
        /* ...end of the definition. */

The outer part of the JSON object consists of the array Layouts which can contain multiple layout definitions. One array element represents one layout. The comments show the start and end of the layout. Each layout array element is an object who's items control the layout content.

The "select" item

The select item specifies in which situation a layout shall be used. It is an array of strings. Each string is a whitespace separated list of conditions. The conditions grouped together in one string must all be true to match (logical and). The strings grouped together in the select array represent a choice, so if at least one of them matches, the layout might get selected (logical or). In this case, with only one layout, it would be selected. In cases with more than one matching layout/select item, the template will select the layout with the most specific matching select item. That e.g. means that a select item with two conditions wins over an item with only one condition.

Each condition consists of a variable name, followed by an operator, followed by a value to compare with. One exception is the * used in the example above. It matches allways but is least specific. So a matching select item which consists of a condition using a variable comparison will always win over the match-all select item. This way the * can be used to specify the default layout.

The following table shows the variable names which can be used in the select item:

Variable name Function
do Comparison with the do parameter contained in the actual request URL.
ID Comparison with the actual page ID.
page Comparison with the page parameter contained in the actual request URL.
ACT Comparison with the actual action.

The following table shows the available operators:

Operator Meaning
== The value specified must match the actual value of the variable.
!= The value specified must not match the actual value of the variable.

Value is simply a freely chosen string. Let's have a look at some examples:

"select": [ "*" ]

This will always match.


This select matches if page is set to “config”. That means a layout with this select item would be used during configuration.

"select":["do==edit", "ACT==preview"]

This select matches if do is set to “edit” or if ACT is set to “preview”. That means a layout with this select item would be used in edit or preview mode.

The "background" item

The background item can be used to give the background behind the page content (the HTML body element) a predefined look. The following pre-defined backgrounds are available:

Unknown values will be ignored. This backgrounds can also be used for the different cells. But this will be described later. This item is optional.

The "top" item

The top item specifies the space between the grid cell at the top and the top of the body. This item is optional.

The "height" item

The height item specifies the height of the grid in total. This item is optional.

The "grid-vert-space" item

The grid-vert-space item specifies how much space shall be between the grid rows in total in percent. If e.g. grid-vert-space is set to 10 and the layout has 5 rows, then the space between the 5 rows will make up 10% of the space available for the grid. If grid-vert-space is omitted, then there will be no space between the grid rows. This item is optional.

The "toc" item

If the toc item is set to “on-page” then the table of contents will be rendered on/inside the content area. If the toc item is set to “off-page” (or any other value except “on-page”) then the table of contents will not be rendered. In this case the table of contents will be missing if not an extra cell is defined for it in the cells section. This will be described later. This item is optional.

The "grid" item

The grid item consists of a table. Each row in the table is represented by an array which includes strings. The strings represent cell names. This can be names which are well-known (hard-codec/implemented in the template) or user defined containers. If the template parses a cell name, it will then put/render the corresponding content into that cell at that position of the grid. Cells which have the same name as cells around them, will be joined into one big cell. This means they simply span multiple columns or rows. A cells size can not be explicitly specified. The cell size is determined by the ratio of the cell compared to the total columns or rows. E.g. if a cell spans two columns and the grid table has 10 columns in total, then the cells width will be 20% of the overall space of the grid (minus the space between the cells, if any).

Let's have a look at an example:

        /* Start of a single layout definition... */
            /* Other items... */
                [ "title",      "title",      "title",       "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "space"            ],
                [ "title",      "title",      "title",       "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "space"            ],
                [ "breadcrumbs","breadcrumbs","breadcrumbs", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "scroll-up-area"   ],
                [ "breadcrumbs","breadcrumbs","breadcrumbs", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "pagetools"        ],
                [ "cont-side",  "cont-side",  "cont-side",   "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "pagetools"        ],
                [ "cont-side",  "cont-side",  "cont-side",   "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "pagetools"        ],
                [ "cont-side",  "cont-side",  "cont-side",   "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "pagetools"        ],
                [ "cont-side",  "cont-side",  "cont-side",   "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "pagetools"        ],
                [ "cont-side",  "cont-side",  "cont-side",   "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "pagetools"        ],
                [ "cont-side",  "cont-side",  "cont-side",   "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "scroll-down-area" ],
                [ "cont-side",  "cont-side",  "cont-side",   "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "space"            ],
                [ "cont-tools", "cont-tools", "cont-tools",  "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "space"            ],
                [ "cont-tools", "cont-tools", "cont-tools",  "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "space"            ],
                [ "cont-tools", "cont-tools", "cont-tools",  "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "space"            ],
                [ "footer",     "footer",     "footer",      "footer",  "footer",  "footer",  "footer",  "footer",  "footer",  "space"            ]
                /* ... encoding of cells array ... */
        /* ...end of the definition. */

As described before, we have a table describing or grid's content by using well-known names or user defined container names. Well-known names have a fixed meaning. Actually, the following names are defined and implemented in the congrid template:

Name Meaning
content The cell will contain the content or the wiki page/the wiki article. This also incudes the page ID at the top and the document information at the bottom.
empty The cell will be empty. This means it will be hidden and the background is visible.
footer The cell will contain the footer.
pagetools The cell will contain the pagetools.
scroll-down-area The cell will contain an arrow pointing down. If the user hovers over the cell with the mouse pointer, then the wiki article will scroll downwards.
scroll-up-area The cell will contain an arrow pointing up. If the user hovers over the cell with the mouse pointer, then the wiki article will scroll upwards.
search The cell will contain the search bar.
sitetools The cell will contain the sitetools.
space The same as empty (FIXME: cleanup required)
tagline The cell will contain the tagline.
title The cell will contain the wiki title.
toc The cell will contain the table of contents. This is useful in conjunction with the option “toc”:“off-page”
trace The cell will contain the breadcrumbs trace.
usertools The cell will contain the usertools.
youarehere The cell will contain the you-are-here section.

If a cell name is not listed in the table above, then it is considered to be a container. A container can group multiple well-known items in one cell or it can be used to render one or more wiki pages into a cell. The later can be used to render the sidebar. The contents and look of a cell are defined in the cells section. If a cell contains a well-known item, then it is not required to define the content. If the cell contains a container, then the cells section must include a definition with the same name. Otherwise the reference in the grid is invalid and an error message will be displayed in that cell.

The "cells" item

The following code section again shows the grid example from above but this time with the corresponding cells section:

        /* Start of a single layout definition... */
            /* Other items... */
                [ "title",      "title",      "title",       "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "space"            ],
                [ "title",      "title",      "title",       "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "space"            ],
                [ "breadcrumbs","breadcrumbs","breadcrumbs", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "scroll-up-area"   ],
                [ "breadcrumbs","breadcrumbs","breadcrumbs", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "pagetools"        ],
                [ "cont-side",  "cont-side",  "cont-side",   "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "pagetools"        ],
                [ "cont-side",  "cont-side",  "cont-side",   "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "pagetools"        ],
                [ "cont-side",  "cont-side",  "cont-side",   "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "pagetools"        ],
                [ "cont-side",  "cont-side",  "cont-side",   "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "pagetools"        ],
                [ "cont-side",  "cont-side",  "cont-side",   "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "pagetools"        ],
                [ "cont-side",  "cont-side",  "cont-side",   "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "scroll-down-area" ],
                [ "cont-side",  "cont-side",  "cont-side",   "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "space"            ],
                [ "cont-tools", "cont-tools", "cont-tools",  "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "space"            ],
                [ "cont-tools", "cont-tools", "cont-tools",  "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "space"            ],
                [ "cont-tools", "cont-tools", "cont-tools",  "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "content", "space"            ],
                [ "footer",     "footer",     "footer",      "footer",  "footer",  "footer",  "footer",  "footer",  "footer",  "space"            ]
                        "border":"5px outset black"
                        "border":"5px outset black",
                    "pages": ["sidebar"],
                        "border":"5px outset black",
                    "items": ["usertools", "sitetools"],
                        "border":"5px outset black",
                        "border":"5px outset black",
                    "items": ["trace", "youarehere"]
                        "margin":"auto auto 10px auto",
                        "margin":"10px auto auto auto",
                        "border":"5px outset black",
                        "text-shadow":"-1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, 1px 1px 0 #000",
                        "border":"5px outset black",
                        "margin":"auto 0",
                        "padding":"0.5em 2em",
        /* ...end of the definition. */

The cells item is an array of objects. Each object describes one cell. A cell must have an id. The id is the name of the cell which can be referenced in the grid. The id/name can be of 3 different kinds:

container cells

As described before, container cells need to define which content shall be rendered. Therefore they need to include an item with the name items or pages. Let's have a look at two examples from above:

    "items": ["usertools", "sitetools"],

This means the cell shall contain the well-known items usertools and sitetools.

    "pages": ["sidebar"],

This means the cell shall contain the page/article sidebar.

cell items

Apart from the id, items and pages items there can be some more items included in a cell definition. This is the complete list describing their name and usage:


Latest changes

These are the latest changes:

For a complete change log, see the commits on Github.


This template is partly based on the work of others. I thank the following people for their work:

Sites using this Template

Feel free to add yours here: