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Doogie's Blue Template

Compatible with DokuWiki

Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons

template Clean and uncluttered blue look that nicely resizes. With configurable tab navigation.

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Tagged with blue, tabs

Clean blue look that nicely resizes. Works in all browsers (incl. Safari). I am really happy how active this theme got. It's download link became by far the most visited link of my homepage. My goal was to keep this design as clean an uncluttered as possible. There are only those links on every page, that are really necessary.

Download and Install

Install the template using the Extension Manager and/or the download link above for the latest DokuWiki version (Binky and Ponder Stibbons). Please refer to template on how to install and use templates in Dokuwiki.

Older DokuWiki versions

For older DokuWiki version (Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax) use the following URL:

For even older versions (Anteater and Rincewind), you should use this URL:


:!: The use of some style.ini variables has changed in the latest version! In case you overwrite __header_background__ or __tab_background__ in a local style.ini, the way those are used has changed. From now on those variables only need to contain a single hex value for a colour.

:!: The configuration has changed in 2012! I.e. when you are upgrading from an older version, you're tabs will be gone at first, but it's easy to get them back … just read on.

Although the tabs have been improved a lot, there is one thing which has been removed, i.e. that tabs were only visible to users with permission to those pages. This functionality is not supported anymore!

The way to add tabs now is by simply adding a normal wiki page called “tabs” (but that pagename is also configurable, so you can change it, see below). You only need to add a simple list of links into that page, e.g.

  * [[:start|Wiki]]
  * [[:blog:start|Blog]]
  * [[:wikipage|Some title]]
  * [[:otherpage|Other title]]
  * [[this>?do=recent|Recent Changes]]


That has several advantages: You can use any amount of tabs (only the design restricts the amount), you can use several different tabs per namespace (just create a “namespace:tabs” page), you can now add external links as well and it's easier to change.

Note: The highlighting of the current tab and tabs in namespaces only works in the latest DokuWiki version “Adora Belle”.

config option description default value
tabsPage Name of page for tab navigation (leave empty to disable tabs)tabs
actionsToTop Where to put the action bar? 0
hasLongTitles Fix design issues for wikis with long page names 0

The “actionsToTop” config option makes it possible to move the actions in the footer (search box, login, edit and “more actions” dropdown) to the top above the header or both.

Version history

Sites using this Template



You can report any issues either on the issue tracker or here.

export to Pdf

With a Nas Synology, Dokuwiki (hrun) is ready to run. I chose the nice template doogies witch works fine with Hrun and install dw2pdf plugin. As in this template, there is no buttons, is it an other way to use pdf export with the doogie template ? Thanks for your job, I like this template and his way to manage menu bar. I don't know about the future features of Dokuwiki but it would be great to make it simple and easier to manage templates without having a php and css habilities (like yeswiki for instance) - Digitalin (October 2014)

Hello, how can I add an external link in the navbar ? ~ktr (my wiki)

Short answer: At the moment you can't, sorry. The plugin assumes, that the tabs link to internal pagenames. –Robert (template author)
With the latest changes you can add any kind of link to the tabs, including external ones. — Anika Henke 2012/10/23 01:44

Some CSS Breakage

this theme breaks some parts:

Hello, Is there a way to include dropdown menus on the navigation bar?

Yes, there is: Chose any of the myriad JS or CSS dropdown menu scripts available on the web, and add them to your template dir plus some implementation :-) But to answer the question how you most likely meant it: No, there is no built in way to have a drop down menu. (An most likely there also won't be any in the future, cause I want my template to be easy and clean. It actually works quite well in the text mode browser “w3m” on the linux command line.) – Robert (Nov.2011)

Is there a way to change the links of the navigations bars accordingly the selected language? For example, I have buttons pointing to start, page1, page2, etc. When someone choose the English version and go to en:start, the navigations bar still point to the original pages (instead of en:start, en:page1, en:page2). Is there something I can do to solve this? Thanks in advance. P.S. the wiki I'm putting together is

Oh, this is actually a quite reasonable feature request. Thanks for the hint. Ok, I'll try to implement this in the next version. (Sorry, can't give any timeframe.) – Robert (Nov. 2011)
done! (version 9.0)
The way the tabs are done has been changed now, but the new version supports different languages as well, although in a different way. In the new version you only need to add a “tabs” page into your language sub namespaces, e.g. “en:tabs”. Then you can simply localise the link names in there. — Anika Henke 2012/10/23 01:44

Make tabs visible to only those who have permission

I'm creating a page with one tab that needs to be used by an internal group of people. When I changes the permissions to “none” for everyone else, they can still see the tab and a message saying they do not have permissions to the page when they click on it. I would rather not have everyone else see the tab at all (so people don't start complaining that they don't have permissions). Is that possible? I'm new to php, so I'm not sure if this is a trivial question or not.

Ok, I'll try to implement this. Shouldn't be too hard. – Robert (Nov. 2011)
done! (version 9.0)
Sorry, this has been undone again in the latest version. If you absolutely need that functionality, using something like the ifauth plugin might work. — Anika Henke 2012/10/23 01:44

How to use a Background Image for the Header?