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masa Template

Compatible with DokuWiki

2014-09-29d "Hrun", 2007-06-26b

template Template with sidebar (taken from arctic template) and action menu like in MoinMoin

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Tagged with !discontinued, moinmoin, navigation, sidebar

:!: orphans (contact mail bounced) :!:

Download and Install

Use the following URL to download this template:

Refer to template on how to install and use templates in DokuWiki.

You can modify the template options from the configuration manager.



These are the different sidebar types.

Type Description
main see main sidebar
user see user sidebar
group see group sidebar
namespace see namespace sidebar
index shows the DokuWiki index
custom see custom sidebar
This comes in handy for example if you like to include Google ads.

ACL Setup

If you like to use the user- or group-sidebars you have to set up your <dokuwiki>/conf/acl.auth.php the right way.

This is an example setup for a user “tom” (User-Name: tom) who is a member of group “@user”. The “user sidebar namespace” is set to “user” and “group sidebar namespace” is set to “group”. We will grant him write/page-creation/upload permissions for his own namespace and read/edit permissions for the group:users namespace to everyone who's part of the group “@users”.

---- snip ----
user:*           @ALL   0
group:*          @ALL   0
user:tom:*       tom    8
group:users:*    @user  2
---- snap ----

First Steps

Adding the Main Sidebar

First of all you probably like to create the main sidebar. If you didn't change the “Pagename” setting you simply have to create a wikipage called sidebar1) and add some links.

====== Navigation  ======

Adding a User Sidebar

If you've enabled user sidebars you can add a sidebar for each registered user. All you have to do is create a wikipage user:username:sidebar. Note, this feature depends on a proper acl-setup.

Adding a Group Sidebar

Group sidebars are set up just like user sidebars.

Adding a Namespace Sidebar

If you've enable namespace sidebars you can add a sidebar for every namespace you like. Thus the naming scheme is the same for all sidebars, the only thing you've to do is creating a page called, you guessed right ;-), “sidebar” inside the desired namespace. This sidebar, then, will only show if you browse pages within this namespace.

Action management

This template supports action menu management from the administration tools which are shipped with DokuWiki.

Sites using this Template

Add your own in this list if you use this template!



This template has been tested with the following browsers :

If you verify this template against a browser which is not in the above list, add it !

Known bugs and issues

no URL rewrite

For me the action-thing only works, if I change lines 78 to 109 in tpl_function.php to

    switch($am) {
       case 'export_raw':
            print '   <option value="doku.php?id='.$ID.'&do=export_raw">'.$lang['export_raw'].'</option>';
       case 'export_html':
            print '   <option value="doku.php?id='.$ID.'&do=export_html">'.$lang['export_html'].'</option>';
       case 'export_htmlbody':
            print '   <option value="doku.php?id='.$ID.'&do=export_htmlbody">'.$lang['export_htmlbody'].'</option>';
       case 'export_odt':
            print '   <option value="doku.php?id='.$ID.'&do=export_odt">'.$lang['export_odt'].'</option>';
       case 'backlink':
            print '   <option value="doku.php?id='.$ID.'&do=backlink">'.$lang['backlink'].'</option>';
       case 'pagemove':
            print '   <option value="doku.php?id='.$ID.'&do=admin&page=pagemove">'.$lang['pagemove'].'</option>';
       case 'config':
            print '   <option value="doku.php?id='.$ID.'&do=admin&page=config">'.$lang['config'].'</option>';
       case 'purge':
            print '   <option value="doku.php?id='.$ID.'&do=true">'.$lang['purge'].'</option>';
       case '---':
            print '   <option value="show" disabled="disabled" class="disabled">------------------------</option>';
            print '   <option value="doku.php?id='.$ID.'&do='.$am.'">'.$am.'</option>';

What now happens is, that the current site-ID is added to the function-call you generally add with &do=…

It´s just a hack, so actually you should code the lines somehow like “ if($urlrewrite==no){…} else …

Feel free to improve the code.

details page: date formatted wrong

In detail.php, the function call date should be replaced by strftime.
hgi [at] gmx [dot] at 2009-07-24



or whatever you set pagename to