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Panorama Cake Template

Compatible with DokuWiki

  • 2024-02-06 "Kaos" unknown
  • 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum" yes
  • 2022-07-31 "Igor" yes
  • 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" yes

template A modern design designed for conversions

Last updated on

Tagged with modern, responsive, sidebar

This template is designed by me.

Download and Install

Use the following URL to download this template:

Refer to template on how to install and use templates in Dokuwiki.


There is also a dark version of the theme.

A dark version of the Panorama Cake Template

Change the relevant section of style.ini to this, to get the dark theme.

;------ guaranteed dokuwiki color placeholders that every plugin can use

; main text and background colors
__text__           = "#dcdcdc"                 ; @ini_text
__background__     = "#b8b8b8"                 ; @ini_background

; alternative text and background colors (for content blocks)
__text_alt__       = "#999"                 ; @ini_text_alt
__background_alt__ = "#b8b8b8"                 ; @ini_background_alt

; menu backgrounds
__menuback1__ = "#0066cc"; @ini_menuback1
__menuback2__ = "#333232"; @ini_menuback2

; sidebar gradient colours
__sidebargradientcolour_left__ = "#585858"; @ini_sidebargradientcolour_left
__sidebargradientcolour_right__ = "#4c4c4c"; @ini_sidebargradientcolour_right

; neutral text and background colors
__text_neu__       = "#666"                 ; @ini_text_neu
__background_neu__ = "#ddd"                 ; @ini_background_neu
; border color
__border__         = "#000000"                 ; @ini_border

; highlighted text (e.g. search snippets)
__highlight__      = "#ff9"                 ; @ini_highlight

; link color
__link__            = "#99ccff"                ; @ini_link

; header colour
__header_footer_background_light_or_dark__ = "light"; @ini_header_footer_background_light_or_dark
__header_footer_background_white_or_black__ = "white"; @ini_header_footer_background_white_or_black 

;breadcrumbs colour
__breadcrumbs_steps_darken_or_lighten__ = 'darken'; @ini_breadcrumbs_steps_darken_or_lighten
__breadcrumbs_background__ = "#333333"; @ini___breadcrumbs_background


; these are used for links
__existing__       = "#090"                 ; @ini_existing
__missing__        = "#f30"                 ; @ini_missing

; widths
__site_width__     = "100%"                 ; @ini_site_width
__sidebar_width__  = "218px"                 ; @ini_sidebar_width

Sites using this Template


Empty discussion