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typowiki Template

Compatible with DokuWiki

  • 2024-02-06 "Kaos" unknown
  • 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum" yes
  • 2022-07-31 "Igor" yes
  • 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" yes

template Simple, responsive template for reading

Last updated on

Tagged with modern, responsive, simple

By axlevxa

This is a simple template in the modernist vein, which I have mixed feelings about. It is designed to match the look and feel people are familiar with and be comfy to read on a desktop or phone. It also is simpler to understand at-a-glance than some other templates.

(See GitHub page for screenshots)

Download and Install

Visit GitHub to download this template and its extras, or use the button above.

Refer to template on how to install and use templates in Dokuwiki.

If you download the source from GitHub (i.e. not using the download link above), be sure to upload only the folder called “typowiki” to your tpl folder.

Suggested DokuWiki customizations


IMPORTANT: This template has a unique contextual button in the nav bar. To make it as straightforward as possible, I use custom localizations in DokuWiki. If you don't use these, the template may not display properly on small screens.

For english, I suggest adding the following in your conf/lang/en/lang.php file. (See changing_some_localized_texts_and_strings_in_your_installation for details.)

$lang['btn_edit']        = 'Edit';
$lang['btn_show']        = 'Cancel';
$lang['btn_create']      = 'Create';
$lang['btn_create']      = 'Create';
$lang['btn_source']      = 'Source';
$lang['loggedinas']      = '';
$lang['lastmod']         = 'Last edit was';

Español (conf/lang/es/lang.php):

$lang['btn_edit']        = 'Editar';
$lang['btn_show']        = 'Cancelar';
$lang['btn_create']      = 'Crear';
$lang['btn_source']      = 'Ver fuente';
$lang['loggedinas']      = '';

Create a page called 'sidebar' in the root, and add your content there. It will appear in the right-hand sidebar.

Upload a square file called 'logo.png', around 70×70, in your media manager root.

Section Editing

If you don't like section editing (I don't), you can disable it by setting maxseclevel to 0 in your Admin panel. (v1.4+)

Custom Editor Icons

I made some custom retina icons for the edit bar (based on Microns). They're not the greatest, but they do go with the theme's colors a bit better. You can find them in the “extras” folder over at Github. To use, just move the png files to lib/images/toolbar/. Keep a backup of the standard ones to be safe.

Known issues

Plugin Compatibility

Looks pretty with nspages and discussion.


That's it...

Do something cool, take back control of information from the corporate overlords <3