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DokuWiki Setup

This PHP script enables you to install DokuWiki:

You can also install DokuWiki templates with this script.

In addition upgrading (and uninstall) is supported by the script.


Download the script from my homepage, unpack, open file in an editor and set password, upload to the server and finally open the script in a browser. DokuWiki will be installed in the same folder as the script is located.


The script has it's own discussion thread in the DokuWiki Forum. Please read the script's help page before asking any question. It's probably also very useful to read the Pivot Setup documentation since the scripts are *very* similar (in code and idea).


I wrote the script as service for some people attending a small talk about Wikis, and it's based on my script Pivot Setup - for the blogging engine Pivot / PivotX. The code is really ugly and not tested enough, but the script did the job for a lot of Pivot users… If people find the script useful, we could together hunt down some bugs so

The current version 0.3, as of 16th of Mars 2008, can be considered to be in beta stage because of lack of testing.