Yet another way to make rowspan possible

I tried to emprove syntax for tables in such a way. Besides the common syntax you may use cells with colspan and rowspan parameters implictly set. You can see it in work at the page FIXME To make this possible you must open table cell. Then without any spaces you must put colspan and rowspan parameters, separated by comma and a closing tag (like the opening cell). For example:

|2,2| A 2x2 cell A11,A12,A21,A22|  A13  |
|                                  A23  |
|      A31      |      A32      |  A33  |

The same syntax I made for header cells. The closing tag must repeat the opening tag. The example, where spanned cell is a header style cell is shown below

^2,2^ A 2x2 cell A11,A12,A21,A22|  A13  |
|                                  A23  |
|      A31      |      A32      |  A33  |

The same way you can force cells to have any rowspan and colspan values. For this I had to emprove parser, handler and renderer I show only differencies between current version (2006.11.06). The same thing I made on version 2006.03.09

So here are parser changes in inc/parser/

class Doku_Parser_Mode_table extends Doku_Parser_Mode {
  function Doku_Parser_Mode_table() {
      global $PARSER_MODES;
      $this->allowedModes = array_merge (
  function connectTo($mode) {
 +    $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern('\n\^[0-9]{1,},[0-9]{1,}\^',$mode,'table');
 +    $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern('\n\|[0-9]{1,},[0-9]{1,}\|',$mode,'table');
  function postConnect() {
 +    $this->Lexer->addPattern('\n\^[0-9]{1,},[0-9]{1,}\^','table');
 +    $this->Lexer->addPattern('\n\|[0-9]{1,},[0-9]{1,}\|','table');
      #$this->Lexer->addPattern(' {2,}','table');
      $this->Lexer->addPattern('[\t ]+','table');
 +    $this->Lexer->addPattern('\^[0-9]{1,},[0-9]{1,}\^','table');
 +    $this->Lexer->addPattern('\|[0-9]{1,},[0-9]{1,}\|','table');
  function getSort() {
      return 60;

Handler changes in inc/parser/

function table($match, $state, $pos) {
    switch ( $state ) {
        case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER:
            $ReWriter = & new Doku_Handler_Table($this->CallWriter);
            $this->CallWriter = & $ReWriter;
            $this->_addCall('table_start', array(), $pos);
            //$this->_addCall('table_row', array(), $pos);
+	if ( preg_match('/\n\^[0-9]{1,},[0-9]{1,}\^/',$match) ) {
+		list($colspan,$rowspan) = preg_split("/\,/u", substr($match, 2, -1), 2);
+		$this->_addCall('tableheader',array($colspan, $rowspan), $pos);	//DEBUG
+	}else if ( preg_match('/\n\|[0-9]{1,},[0-9]{1,}\|/',$match) ) {
+		list($colspan,$rowspan) = preg_split("/\,/u", substr($match, 2, -1), 2);
+		$this->_addCall('tablecell',array($colspan, $rowspan), $pos);	//DEBUG
*	}else if ( trim($match) == '^' ) {
		$this->_addCall('tableheader', array(), $pos);
		$this->_addCall('tablecell', array(), $pos);
        case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT:
            $this->_addCall('table_end', array(), $pos);
            $ReWriter = & $this->CallWriter;
            $this->CallWriter = & $ReWriter->CallWriter;
            if ( trim($match) != '' ) {
                $this->_addCall('cdata',array($match), $pos);
        case DOKU_LEXER_MATCHED:
            if ( $match == ' ' ){
                $this->_addCall('cdata', array($match), $pos);
            } else if ( preg_match('/\t+/',$match) ) {
                $this->_addCall('table_align', array($match), $pos);
            } else if ( preg_match('/ {2,}/',$match) ) {
                $this->_addCall('table_align', array($match), $pos);
+           } else if ( preg_match('/\n\|[0-9]{1,},[0-9]{1,}\|/',$match) ) {
+               $this->_addCall('table_row', array(), $pos);
+			list($colspan,$rowspan) = preg_split("/\,/u", substr($match, 2, -1), 2);
+			$this->_addCall('tablecell',array($colspan, $rowspan), $pos);	//DEBUG
            } else if ( $match == "\n|" ) {
                $this->_addCall('table_row', array(), $pos);
                $this->_addCall('tablecell', array(), $pos);
+           } else if ( preg_match('/\n\^[0-9]{1,},[0-9]{1,}\^/',$match) ) {
+               $this->_addCall('table_row', array(), $pos);
+			list($colspan,$rowspan) = preg_split("/\,/u", substr($match, 2, -1), 2);
+			$this->_addCall('tableheader',array($colspan, $rowspan), $pos);	//DEBUG
            } else if ( $match == "\n^" ) {
                $this->_addCall('table_row', array(), $pos);
                $this->_addCall('tableheader', array(), $pos);
+           } else if ( preg_match('/\|[0-9]{1,},[0-9]{1,}\|/',$match) ) {
+			list($colspan,$rowspan) = preg_split("/\,/u", substr($match, 1, -1), 2);
+			$this->_addCall('tablecell',array($colspan, $rowspan), $pos);	//DEBUG
            } else if ( $match == '|' ) {
                $this->_addCall('tablecell', array(), $pos);
    +       } else if ( preg_match('/\^[0-9]{1,},[0-9]{1,}\^/',$match) ) {
+			list($colspan,$rowspan) = preg_split("/\,/u", substr($match, 1, -1), 2);
+			$this->_addCall('tableheader',array($colspan, $rowspan), $pos);	//DEBUG
            } else if ( $match == '^' ) {
                $this->_addCall('tableheader', array(), $pos);
    return TRUE;


function tableCell($call) {
    if ( !$this->firstCell ) {
        // Increase the span
        $lastCall = end($this->tableCalls);
        // A cell call which follows an open cell means an empty cell so span
        if ( $lastCall[0] == 'tablecell_open' || $lastCall[0] == 'tableheader_open' ) {
             $this->tableCalls[] = array('colspan',array(),$call[2]);
        $this->tableCalls[] = array($this->lastCellType.'_close',array(),$call[2]);
 *      $this->tableCalls[] = array($call[0].'_open',array($call[1][0],$call[1][1],NULL),$call[2]);
        $this->lastCellType = $call[0];
    } else {
 *      $this->tableCalls[] = array($call[0].'_open',array($call[1][0],$call[1][1],NULL),$call[2]);
        $this->lastCellType = $call[0];
        $this->firstCell = FALSE;
function tableDefault($call) {
    $this->tableCalls[] = $call;
function finalizeTable() {
    // Add the max cols and rows to the table opening
    if ( $this->tableCalls[0][0] == 'table_open' ) {
        // Adjust to num cols not num col delimeters
        $this->tableCalls[0][1][] = $this->maxCols - 1;
        $this->tableCalls[0][1][] = $this->maxRows;
    } else {
        trigger_error('First element in table call list is not table_open');
    $lastRow = 0;
    $lastCell = 0;
    $toDelete = array();
    // Look for the colspan elements and increment the colspan on the
    // previous non-empty opening cell. Once done, delete all the cells
    // that contain colspans
    foreach ( $this->tableCalls as $key => $call ) {
        if ( $call[0] == 'tablerow_open' ) {
            $lastRow = $key;
        } else if ( $call[0] == 'tablecell_open' || $call[0] == 'tableheader_open' ) {
            $lastCell = $key;
        } else if ( $call[0] == 'table_align' ) {
            // If the previous element was a cell open, align right
            if ( $this->tableCalls[$key-1][0] == 'tablecell_open' || $this->tableCalls[$key-1][0] == 'tableheader_open' ) {
*               $this->tableCalls[$key-1][1][2] = 'right';
            // If the next element if the close of an element, align either center or left
            } else if ( $this->tableCalls[$key+1][0] == 'tablecell_close' || $this->tableCalls[$key+1][0] == 'tableheader_close' ) {
*               if ( $this->tableCalls[$lastCell][1][2] == 'right' ) {
*                   $this->tableCalls[$lastCell][1][2] = 'center';
                } else {
*                   $this->tableCalls[$lastCell][1][2] = 'left';
            // Now convert the whitespace back to cdata
            $this->tableCalls[$key][0] = 'cdata';
        } else if ( $call[0] == 'colspan' ) {
            $this->tableCalls[$key-1][1][0] = FALSE;
            for($i = $key-2; $i > $lastRow; $i--) {
                if ( $this->tableCalls[$i][0] == 'tablecell_open' || $this->tableCalls[$i][0] == 'tableheader_open' ) {
                    if ( FALSE !== $this->tableCalls[$i][1][0] ) {
            $toDelete[] = $key-1;
            $toDelete[] = $key;
            $toDelete[] = $key+1;

renderer changes in inc/parser/ and renderer changes in inc/parser/

  function table_open($maxcols = NULL, $numrows = NULL){}
  function table_close(){}
  function tablerow_open(){}
  function tablerow_close(){}
* function tableheader_open($colspan = 1, $rowspan = 1, $align = NULL){}
  function tableheader_close(){}
* function tablecell_open($colspan = 1, $rowspan = 1, $align = NULL){}
  function tablecell_close(){}

and renderer changes in inc/parser/

function tableheader_open($colspan = 1, $rowspan = 1, $align = NULL){
     $this->doc .= '<th';
     if ( !is_null($align) ) {
         $this->doc .= ' class="'.$align.'align"';
*    if ( $rowspan > 1 ) {
*        $this->doc .= ' rowspan="'.$rowspan.'"';
*    }
     if ( $colspan > 1 ) {
         $this->doc .= ' colspan="'.$colspan.'"';
     $this->doc .= '>';
 function tableheader_close(){
     $this->doc .= '</th>';
*function tablecell_open($colspan = 1, $rowspan = 1, $align = NULL){
     $this->doc .= '<td';
     if ( !is_null($align) ) {
         $this->doc .= ' class="'.$align.'align"';
*    if ( $rowspan > 1 ) {
*        $this->doc .= ' rowspan="'.$rowspan.'"';
*    }
     if ( $colspan > 1 ) {
         $this->doc .= ' colspan="'.$colspan.'"';
     $this->doc .= '>';

and renderer changes in inc/parser/

  function table_open($maxcols = NULL, $numrows = NULL){}
  function table_close(){}
  function tablerow_open(){}
  function tablerow_close(){}
* function tableheader_open($colspan = 1, $rowspan = 1, $align = NULL){}
  function tableheader_close(){}
* function tablecell_open($colspan = 1, $rowspan = 1, $align = NULL){}
  function tablecell_close(){}
2,2 A 2×2 cell A11,A12,A21,A22 A13
A31 A32 A33
2,2 A 2×2 cell A11,A12,A21,A22 A13
A31 A32 A33

Sergiy Stetsuk 2007-10-25 00:04