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DokuWiki on FreeBSD

To install DokuWiki using the FreeBSD ports tree, do the following:

#> cd /usr/ports/www/dokuwiki
#> make install clean

The default DokuWiki directory is /usr/local/www/dokuwiki – Of course the directory can be changed or symbolic linked to anywhere :-)

To configure dokuwiki copy the options from the /usr/local/www/dokuwiki/conf/dokuwiki.php file you want to edit to /usr/local/www/dokuwiki/conf/local.php.

This should be done because a portupgrade will overwrite dokuwiki.php.

To upgrade using the ports tree, do:

#> portupgrade dokuwiki

Make sure that the ports tree has been updated, or this will have no effect.

install/freebsd.1448752650.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015-11-29 00:17 by

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