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Malware Analysis Methodologies


Malware analysis methodologies involve systematic approaches to understanding the behavior, purpose, and impact of malicious software (malware), like viruses, worms, Trojans, and ransomware. It is like dissecting malware samples to reveal their inner workings and uncovering their intended targets and actions. Here’s an outline of a typical methodology, which is often refined and adapted based on the specific goals of the analysis and the type of malware being examined;

1. Preparation;

  1. Define Objectives: We need to determine the goals of the analysis, such as identifying the malware's functionality, origins, propagation methods, or potential countermeasures.
  2. Establish Environment: We need to set up a controlled and isolated environment for analysis, such as a virtual machine or a dedicated sandbox, to prevent the malware from affecting our production systems.

2. Static Analysis:

  1. File Identification: We have to identify the malware file(s) under investigation, which could be an executable, document, script, or other forms of malicious code.
  2. File Metadata: We then need to extract metadata such as file size, creation/modification timestamps, digital signatures, and embedded resources to gather initial insights.
  3. Hashing and Signature Matching: We generate file hashes next and compare them against known malware signatures to determine if the file is already documented as malicious.
  4. File Structure Analysis: After that, we examine the structure of the file, including headers, sections, and embedded components, to understand its internal organization.
  5. String Analysis: We then extract and analyze strings within the file, including plaintext strings, encoded/encrypted data, URLs, and API function calls, for potential indicators of malicious behavior.
  6. Code Disassembly/Decompilation: Lastly, we disassemble or decompile the executable code to analyze the assembly language or high-level code, respectively, for suspicious or malicious instructions.
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