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aclauditor plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki


plugin Gives info about users/groups/pages permissions, like how they are constructed, and allow to test ACL against scenarios

Last updated on
Syntax, Admin

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to aclinfo

Tagged with acl, audit

Download and Installation

FIXME The download link ( is down (2010/12/17).

Download and install the plugin using the Plugin Manager using the URL given above. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

Syntax and Usage

Goal of this plugin

This plugin intends to help wiki admins to answer questions like “How is it possible that this user can edit this page, I must have messed up permissions, but which line is causing that ?” or “How can I ensure that my permissions are set properly ?”.

It proposes several features :

  1. A way to list permissions for a user or group
  2. A way to list which permissions apply to a page
  3. A way to view how a permission for somebody to do something on a page is constructed
  4. A way to test permissions against a set of rules that must be respected to ensure integrity, such set will be called scenario

It was created at the Dokuwiki hackfest during FrOSCamp 2010, special thanks to Guy Brand for ideas regarding the scenario mode.

From Admin menu

"Simple" mode

In this mode you can list permissions of a specific user or group (if none given then current user is used), list permissions applied on a specific resource (page or media) (similar to the default permission management, except that you cannot set permissions) or view how a user/group get its permission on a resource through permission inheritance pattern (and then track which permission record is messing the whole thing).

If you want to enter a group you must prepend it with the @ symbol.

User/group test

The results will show, for each resource there is an ACL record for, the list of permissions that the user/group owns and the final permission on the resource according to inheritance rules.

Resource test

The results will show all ACL applied on the resource.

Permission detailed construction

This mode tells you in which way a permission for a user/group on a resource is constructed through inheritance patterns and specific matching rules.

"Scenario" mode

In this mode you can test your ACL config against a list of rules (or scenario). The scenario is a simple csv file which lines look like :

  1. resource_id is a dokuwiki id like foo:bar, it accepts pages and namespaces (foo:bar:*)
  2. user (optionnal) user identifier
  3. groups (optionnal) is a pipe (“|”) separated list of groups (without the @ header), or empty if groups musn't be tested, or wild-card if all groups the user is in must be taken into consideration
  4. value is the awaited permission, it consists in an optional comparator and a integer

Examples :

foo:bar,joe,*,1  => checks if user joe or any of his groups gives him a "read" permission on page foo:bar
foo:bar,joe,dev|prod,>=4  => checks if user joe, the dev group or the prod group get at least a "create" permission on page foo:bar
foo:bar,joe,dev,!8  => checks if user joe or the dev group do not get a "upload" permission on page foo:bar
foo:*,joe,,<2  => checks if user joe, without taking consideration of his groups, gets less than a "edit" permission on namespace foo

The scenario can be server side stored in order to use it later. The plugin accepts comma separated and semicolon separated CSV as well as quoted fields. Note that lines whose first field starts with the # symbol is considered as a comment line, if the first line is a comment line and if only its first field is filled it will be considered as the file description.

Server side stored scenarios are saved as csv files under the DOKUWIKI_ROOT/conf/aclauditor_scenarios directory.

Value comparators
comparator meaning
= or == is equal to
! or != is not equal to
< is less than
is less than or equal to
> is greater than
>= is greater than or equal to
Scenario example
# Scenario to test that the dev group have the good permissions,,,
# id,user,groups,value
# only joe can update news,,,
# dev group musn't get access to foo:hidden_to_dev page

Inside a page

You can use the following syntax inside pages :

<ACLAUDITOR [options] />

It will display a “test acl” button to wiki admins that will allow them to do quick testing. The available options are :

name meaning example
who view permissions for user or group <ACLAUDITOR who=joe /> <ACLAUDITOR who=@dev />
what view permissions applied on resource
who and what describe permission for user or group on resource <ACLAUDITOR who=joe what=foo:bar /> (this is just a combination of the previous ones)
scenario run a set of test rules from a scenario file <ACLAUDITOR scenario=scenario_for_dev.csv /> (the value can be omitted to just create a shortcut to the scenario test mode page)
plugin/aclauditor.1292578590.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010-12-17 10:36 by

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