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annotate Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

Detritus,"Elenor of Tsort",Frusterick Manners,Greebo

plugin Creates annotation boxes that function like tooltips. The boxes, initially hidden, open in place, on mouseover, immediately beneath the text being annotated and close out-of-sight on the click of a button.

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Tagged with annotate, annotations, tooltip


Install the plugin using the Extension Manager or the download URL above, which points to latest version of the plugin. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


This plugin creates scrollable information boxes that open when the mouse cursor moves over the text that requires explanation, which is marked like a DokuWiki tooltip, with double dotted underlining, as in “HTML”. The box stays open until the close button is clicked or until the user double clicks inside the box itself, or until another box is opened.

The text for the annotation can be entered directly into the current page or imported from a DokuWiki page. The syntax for these techniques is described below.


The basic syntax


num is a unique two digit number that identifies this annotation pair. The text is what is explained by annotation. In the browser this text will be identified by a double dotted underline. Please note that the mark-up for the text and the markup for the annotation are side-by-side. class_name is the name of a class defined in the css file that can alter the characteristics of the annotation box. See below.

Complete Syntax

1. <anno:10>text</anno><@anno:10>wiki text</@anno>
2. <anno:15>text</anno><@anno:15>{{ns:page}}</@anno>
3. <anno:20>text</anno><@anno:20><top>ns:page</top>wiki text<bottom>ns:page</bottom></@anno>
4. <anno:25>text</anno><@anno:25>wiki text<bottom>ns:page</bottom></@anno>
5. <anno:30>text</anno><@anno:35><top>ns:page</top>wiki text</@anno>
6. <anno:30>text</anno><@anno:[40;;classname]><top>ns:page</top>wiki text</@anno>

  • text: text to be annotated
  • wiki text: the annotation entered directly into the current page
  • ns:page: wiki page (namespace:page) to be loaded into the annotation from a file in the wiki
  • top: marks off a header which will be loaded into the annotation from the specified wiki page
  • bottom marks off a footer which will be loaded into the annotation from the specified wiki page
  1. In this form, the entire annotation will consist of the wiki text
  2. In this form the entire annotation will consist of the page loaded into the annotation field from ns:page
  3. In this form the wiki text will be preceded by a header and followed by a footer
  4. In this form the annotation will consist of the wiki text followed by a footer
  5. In this form the annotation will consist of a header and the wiki text
  6. In this form,there is the opportunity to use a predefined class or to create user-defined annotation classes for your containers. There are six pre-defined classes:
    1. annotation: the default container, 120px deep; this is the class used when no other class is specified (i.e. when not using format number 6
    2. anno_deep : 160px deep
    3. anno_narrow 120px deep
    4. annotation_r
    5. anno_narrow_r
    6. anno_deep_r

All of the predefined classes are 620px wide. The _r classes have the same dimensions as their namesakes but have rounded corners. These classes can be changed or your own classes can be defined.

What can and cannot be included in the annotations

Most DokuWiki syntax can be included in the annotations with the exception of block level elements. The latter includes code blocks, file blocks, geshi code blocks, and code snippets. When these are included, they end up outside the annotation block.

The annotations can include images, links, tables, ordered and unordered lists, headlines, and typographic markup, such as bold, italic, superscript, etc.

While tables, lists and headlines are block level elements, the plugin re-configures them for inclusion in the annotation field. This means that for these forms, there might be some differences from the styles of your template.


Change Log


Bugs and Issues

Use the DokuWiki forum or annotate's issues on github (see the Report Bugs link above).

plugin/annotate.1553648732.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019-03-27 02:05 by turnermm

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