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autlogin Plugin

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plugin Automatic login for host, who meets some criterion for login

Last updated on
Admin, Action

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to acl

Tagged with acl, management, moderation, users


Install the plugin using the Plugin Manager and the download URL above, which points to latest version of the plugin. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually. If you will be install manually, extract folder to /lib/plugins. After installing the plugin you must define manager group. Go to Andmin→Configuration Settings and set the row “Manager - group, user or comma separated list….” to @moderator . After this everything will be ready.


The main task of this plugin is extend acl. If some host visit your web page, information about him are saved to file visit.php. Then you can set some criterions for login of this user. When you set some criterion and the user load again the page and meets the criterion, the user is automatically logged.

This plugin have two parts. If you are an admin, you can see both part in one page. First part is “Access Control List Management for hosts” and second is “Moderator page”. In first part can admin set rights for hosts A) from file visit.php (here are stored all hosts who visited the web - their ip address, web browsers, operating systems…) B)Set rights manually C)Set moderators

In Moderator page can login user set the rules for the pages or namespaces to which have user the moderator rights.

If admin set some host like moderator, this host discover the new button, and after he click to this button, this host can moderate the page

Here is example of a moderators page.

New versions

19.4.2011 - repair detection Opera

17.4.2011 - First version

Known Bugs and Issues

ToDo/Wish List



plugin/autlogin.1303223002.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011-04-19 16:23 by

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