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codeprism Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

  • 2024-02-06 "Kaos" unknown
  • 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum" yes
  • 2022-07-31 "Igor" unknown
  • 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" unknown

plugin Provide nice syntax highlighting using Prism.js.

Last updated on
Syntax, Action

Similar to codify, dokuprism

Tagged with code, prismjs, syntaxhighlight


Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


Feature Demo
Syntax highlight
Command line
CSS preview

You can also watch demos at here.


Codeprismsupports two syntax:

  • <codeprism attributes>Your code…</codeprism>
  • <fileprism attributes />

Table 1 and Table 2 list the attributes supported by the above syntax.

Table 1. Attributes supported by <codeprism>
Key Description Value Example
title Specify code title A string without spaces. title=codeprism.css
el Enable line numbers true, false. el=true
sl Start line number One number. sl=10
hl Highlight line numbers One number or multiple numbers with , or - (- indicates range). hl=1,3,4-9
lang Language See this page. lang=php
cmd Command line style true. (If cmdout is set, cmd is set to true by default.) cmd=true
cmdout Command output line numbers One number or multiple numbers with , or - (- indicates range). cmdout=2,4,6-9
css Assign a custom CSS to the code block Default is dft. You can create a CSS named pre.dokuwiki-plugin-codeprism-custom 1) in conf/userstyle.css and use it by css=custom. css=custom
user Specify the user name at the command shell prompt A string without spaces. (If the user is not specified, the default user name configured in the Configuration Settings is used. You can also use user to re-specify a new user name.) user=Source
host Specify the host name at the command shell prompt A string without spaces. (If the host is not specified, the default host name configured in the Configuration Settings is used. You can also use host to re-specify a new host name.) host=Debian
Table 2. Attributes supported by <fileprism>
Key Description Value Example
src Specifies file path File path.
range Specifies the lines to be displayed in the file n for display line n.
n, for display all lines start at n.
m,n for display line m to line n.
hl See hl in codeprism
el See el in codeprism
css See css in codeprism
title See title in codeprism

Configuration and Settings

Setting Description
theme Specify Codeprism theme.
cdn Specify a CDN which provide PrismJS.
custom-cdn Specify the CDN yourself if the CDNs listed in the <wrap menu>cdn</wrap> does not meet your needs.
override-code True to override code syntax.
show-invis True to show hidden characters such as tabs and line breaks.
hl-brace True to highlight brace pairs when the cursor hovers over one of the braces.
previewer True to enable preview angle, color, gradient, easing, and time.
user Specify the default user name at the command shell prompt when using command line style2).
host Specify the default host name at the command shell prompt when using command line style3).


The source code of the plugin is available at GitHub:


Known Bugs and Issues


ToDo/Wish List




custom is any word you like to use
2) , 3)
Using cmd or cmdout attribute.
plugin/codeprism.1701673934.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023-12-04 08:12 by siyuanliu

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