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description plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

2009-12-25, 2010-11-07, rincewind

plugin Copies a page's abstract, a global description or individual text to a meta header line that is visible in the page source.

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to combo, keywords, meta, metaheaders

Tagged with meta

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This DokuWiki plugin appends an abstract of a page, a global description or individual descriptions of each page for the meta headers.




<meta name="description" content="This DokuWiki plugin append an abstract of a page for a meta header. This functionality is applied to all pages by installing the plugin. 
The appended meta headers of this page is like this.    ... &lt;meta name=&quot;description&quot; content=&quot;This DokuWiki plugin append an abstract of a page for a meta header. 
This functionality is applied to all pages by installing the plugin. ExampleA meta headers of this page is like this.&quot; /&gt; ..." />


This plugin only copies abstract created by DokuWiki (e.g. for RSS feed) to meta headers. The abstract is created from the beginning of the page. To alter it, you can use meta plugin, see description→abstract element. But changing it probably will change RSS feed output if you use abstract mode of RSS. — Martin Plicka 2008/09/08 09:46

I modified the description function to make it more search engine friendly (max. 150 chars / max 30 words). New: Checks if DOKU_MEDIADETAIL is set so no duplicate description tags will be generated for media detail view.

  function description(&$event, $param) {
      if(empty($event->data)||empty($event->data['meta'])) return;
      global $ID;
      $d = p_get_metadata($ID,'description');
      if(empty($d)) return;
      $a = str_replace("\n"," ",$d['abstract']);
      if(empty($a)) return;
		// Begin SEO Changes	
		// Set the max words and the max lenght for description Tag
		$words = 30; //Max 30 words
		$lenght = 150; //Max 150 characters 	
		$array = explode(' ',$a);	
		$a = "";		
		$i = 0;
		foreach($array as $value){
			if($value != ""){			
				if( $i <= $words){
					$temp .= $value." ";					
					if(strlen($temp) <= $lenght){			
						 $a .= $value." ";
		// END SEO Changes
      $m = array("name"=>"description","content"=>$a);
      $event->data['meta'][] = $m;

If you like it, you can use it :) — flam 2010/12/28 19:00

I'm using this plugin also with Keywords plugin. The abstract is actually not created from the beginning of the page but it takes all words marked with BOLD at my page Why? Any chances to fix it? — V-12 2011/08/18 10:54
Edit: The abstract ignores Styled text except Bold text. Any chances to have this plugin working like Keywords plugin where I can manually write description for single page? — V-12 2011/08/25 18:41
plugin/description.1314516722.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011-08-28 09:32 by lupo49

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