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langdelete Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

rincewind, angua

plugin provides admin delete function for unneccessary language files and folders

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Tagged with delete, language, maintenance


Install the plugin using the Plugin Manager and the download URL above, which points to latest version of the plugin. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


This plugin provides an admin function to delete all language files and directories of your DW installation, which are unneccessarily there (so not used by you and your user). Therfore open the Admin area and look to the section of further plugins. There you will find the “Delete languages” plugin.

With a click on that, a page will be opened where you can delete all language files and folders of your DokuWiki to reduce the space consumption on your web host. Simply define the language you want to keep. English as fundamental requirement will be kept also. All other language files and folders of inc and lib directory will be deleted.

An input control provides you the possibility to specify the languages which should be kept on your system. Therefore you should insert the related ISO-Code like “en” for English and “de” for German. English will be kept in any case due to it is basic requirement and fall back if no language file for a specific language is available. Please separate the ISO-codes by comma if you want to keep multiple languages.

If you select the option “simulate only” nothing else than the language folders will be listed. This control is checked by default. If you de-select it the files within these folders and the folders themselves will be deleted.

Please be aware that there is no undo feature and the languages, which you have deleted once, cannot be brought back by a single click (you have to reinstall the language packages for each plugin, template, etc.).

Configuration and Settings

A small css-file is provided to layout the input control div.




Change Log

Known Bugs and Issues

[this section might not be needed in case of external bug manager, or use RSS feed]

ToDo/Wish List

[developers roadmap]


How to delete all languages except English ?

Insert en into the input box and press start.

Does it consider also folders outside of DokuWiki ?

No. The plugin is looping recursively “inc” and “lib” folder of DokuWiki. That considers plugins and templates, etc. If you want to have a script for other folders then please visit following forum post, which was the initial trigger to develop this Plugin:
Alternative Sprachdateien löschen (German article)


Please use only the DokuWiki Forum for discussion and Lang Delete issues to raise issues.

plugin/langdelete.1398500857.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014-04-26 10:27 by

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