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mindmap Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki


plugin This plugin turns your namespaces into a mindmap.

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to graphviz

Tagged with dot, gexf, graphviz, media, mindmap, namespace, sitemap

This plugin allows you to turn your DokuWiki namespaces into mindmaps.

The output of the mindmap can be:


Google Chart Tools

Per default, the Graphviz dot output is sent to the Google Chart Tool Graphviz Charts, which turns the dot format into a PNG picture. It is possible to use your own Graphviz dot binary by setting the configuration parameter 'path'.

If you do not use your own binary, the plugin will only be able to render the PNG image with a connection to This is the default setting.


Install the plugin using the Plugin Manager and the download URL above, which points to latest version of the plugin. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

How it works

Using the syntax parameters, a list (including in-between linkage) of pages and (optionally) media is gathered. Depending on the configured format, this data list is turned into a PNG image or an XML file.

Per default, the output is a dot graph, which will be turned into a PNG image using the Google Chart Tools API or, optionally, via your own Graphviz binary.

If you selected Graph Exchange XML Format, the page/media list will be turned into an XML file, which can be interpreted by tools such as Gephi.



This will get all pages within the dokuwiki namespace up to 3 levels deep and turn it into a dot graph.


This will get all pages within the dokuwiki namespace up to 3 levels deep and turn it into Graph Exchange XML Format file.


This will get all pages within the dokuwiki and plugin namespaces up to 3 levels deep and turn it into a dot graph.



namespaces Namespaces for which to create the Mindmap. required
key the parameter key to set optional
value the parameter value to set optional

You can set more than one element at once by using an & delimiter.

Available parameters:

Key Type Comments
depth number Determines how deep the plugin should look for links between pages. optional
format string Determined the ouput format of the mindmap. Available values: dot, gexf'. Default: dot. optional
include_media string This allows you to include media files in your mindmap. Available values: ns for namespace, all* for all, none* for none (Default). It is recommended this is not used when depth > 0. optional
height number Allows you to set the output height. Default: 0 (ignore). optional
width number Allows you to set the output width. Default: 0 (ignore). optional
use_cached_pages onoff Allows you to determine if only cached pages are regarded or if the cache should be rebuilt. :!: Important :!: Depending on the number of pages that are available in your namespaces, and the depth that you have selected, it can be very costly to turn this parameter off. Available values: 1 for on (Default), 0 for off. optional

Configuration and Settings

Key Type Comments
path string The path to your local graphviz dot binary (eg. /usr/bin/dot). Leave empty to use remote rendering at optional



Change Log

Known Bugs and Issues

ToDo/Wish List



This plugin produces broken images when you're set up to use .htaccess “Nice URLs.” This might be fixable by generating your maps into the media directory, or into some other static location, but you'd have to intercept page save events, so you could delete media files that are no longer referenced. –zioth

Thank for your comment! It's not the location of the image that is the actual problem, since the generated image is stored in the cache. However, in order to display the image, the plugin renders an image tag, which points to the img.php script of the plugin. I could think of several ways to fix this, e.g. by adding a configuration parameter with the location of the plugin's img.php file. Maybe there's a cleaner way, I'll think it over.. Definately fixable, I think. –jdt
plugin/mindmap.1318007743.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011-10-07 19:15 by jdt

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